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Ankle Weight Total Body 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R
Ankle Weight Total Body 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R
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Product Code: Z1248

Description Video Clip

Instructor's name: Linda Wooldridge

Type of Workout: Total Body

Fitness Level: Advanced

Equipment Needed: light hand weights, ankle weights (can be done without), chair and mat

Total Running Time: 247 Minutes

Manufacture Year: 2023

Region: 0 - This is a DVD-R

Welcome to the Ankle Weight Total Body series. These 4 workouts are designed to challenge your strength, balance and mobility by adding ankle weights to standing and mat exercises. You will see a lot of compound exercises and will work at all different angles to maximize muscle engagement. There are lots of faster paced segments to really get the heart rate up too. Get ready to burn!

The 4 Workouts are:

Barre (63 mins) you will start with lunges with arms in various directions to heat up the entire body. Next a wide plie squat segment and triceps kick-backs with curtsey lunges. Then use the chair for balance for side and angled leg raises and a parallel glute raise series. Next move to the mat for side lying outer thighs with varying rep patterns to keep your mind and muscles engaged. The last segment is for the abs starting with an oblique series and a windshield wiper series.

Accelerate (60 mins) you will start at a slower pace and then accelerate the pace to increase the intensity. You will see these accelerations throughout the workout in most segments. You will start with side taps and overhead reaches, front taps with front pushes and knee pulls with arm pulls as an extended warm up. Next move to an arm segment with lower body engagement. Then a standing barre segment with wide to narrow squats. Next a fold over leg extension series. Then a tough all fours segment with upper and lower engagement. Finally an abs and inner thighs series before a stretch.

Core Focus (60 mins) you will start with a wide squat to hamstring stretch with knee drops. Add an out and in jump and side step outs with knee drops. Move to a standing arms segment with core rotations and arm extensions as well as side pulls with oblique engagement. Then a forward leaning glute segment with bent and straight leg circles. Next an all 4s series with side leg slides and raises. Then a side leg sweep to side plank leg circle series. Finally windshield wiper variations and an inner thigh and lower ab combo.

Burn (64 mins) you will start with wide plies to lunges with arm engagement. Then move to a side lunge, front leg raise series adding a butt kick and various arms. Then a kneeling, angled arms series for upper back and triceps. Next a standing angled knee raise to back extension flow with added layers of intensity. Then an all 4s series with side to parallel leg lifts and arm engagement. Next a side leg raise to side down dog leg raise combo. Then a long oblique focused segment and finally a lower back extension series.

What is Barlates Body Blitz: Barlates is a fusion style workout that borrows from pilates, barre, ballet, yoga and more traditional cardio and toning. The idea was to create a workout, which flows seamlessly from one move into the next using the principles of isotension and high repetitions to build long, lean muscles. By using a lighter weight with high repetitions the exercises are designed to target all of those underused smaller muscle groups resulting in a defined, lengthened dancer's physique. This is a real girls workout in the sense that it is fun and feminine, but don't get me wrong it is still super intense with a big burn factor! The workouts are designed to be mixed and matched with an array of 20-30 minute upper body, lower body, abdominal and total body workouts that can be strung together for a longer session or done individually if you are short on time. These workouts will hit all those trouble spots and best of all you don't even need to wear shoes to do them! Get ready to sweat, puff and burn - hopefully you'll love every minute of it!

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