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30 Minutes to Fitness Step Boxing DVD - Kelly Coffey-Meyer
30 Minutes to Fitness Step Boxing DVD
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Product Code: 498ZZ

Description Video Clip

Instructor's name: Kelly Coffey-Meyer

Type of Workout: Aerobics-Toning (Low Impact Modifier, Total Body Toning)

Fitness Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Equipment Needed: Step

Total Running Time: 60 Minutes
Workout One
Warm-up: 4 minutes (cardio)
Workout: 23 minutes (cardio)
Workout Two
Warm-up: 4 minutes (cardio)
Workout: 24 minutes (cardio)
Cool-down: 5 minutes (stretch)

Release Date: 2011

Region: 0 (Worldwide)

Workout One
Workout Two
Workout One Plus Extra Drills (40:38)
Workout Two Plus Extra Drills (40:10)
Workout One Plus Extra Dumbbell Drills (40:53)
Workout Two Plus Extra Dumbbell Drills (39:11)
Kickboxing Drills Only (No Step) (26:30)
Dumbbell Drills Only (No Step) (23:11)
Kickboxing and Dumbbell Drills (41:57)
Kelly's Favorite Compilation (54:30)
Workout One & Two (56:29)
Combo 1
Combo 2
Combo 3
Combo 4
Combo 5
Combo 6
Quick Fix Tutorial

30-Minutes to Fitness “Stepboxing” has two, 30-minute stepboxing workouts and more.

Kelly brings you her unique “Stepboxing” in an upbeat, effective and time efficient format. There are no dancey steps, no complicated choreography and no frilly filler moves. These “Stepboxing” workouts are easy to follow, truly fun, and down-right empowering!

The proven benefits of “Stepboxing” far exceeds those of traditional step or aerobic workouts. Boxing sculpts all the muscles of the upper body, stepping firms up the lower body, and the two combined burn maximum calories.

The extra workout options include weighted interval premixes, boxing extended combos, straight up drills, and more! This means more workouts, more options, more variety and more results from 30-Minutes to Fitness “Stepboxing”.

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 4.5 of 5 4.5 of 5 Total Reviews: 4 Write a review.

  1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
3 of 5 Complicated March 13, 2017
Reviewer: Anonymous Person from Powder Springs, GA United States  
I bought this DVD based on the description stating uncomplicated moves.  However, I found this DVD hard to follow. I literally could not even finish the workout.  Maybe because it is a new concept to grasp anyway- stepping and boxing at the same time- and the moves just didn't flow rhythmically to me.  I will try it again when I feel over zealous and motivated.  But I would say this DVD is somewhat advanced or just takes a lot to adjust to as far as the routine is concerned. The girls looked like they were having a good workout; I just wish I could have joined them.:-)

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 One of my favorites! July 13, 2014
Reviewer: Someone from Somewhere in the Nord!  
Step Boxing is a great, fun, intense and challenging workout, it is non stop, but the combos and steps are easy to learn; I got them down from the first try (except for one combo) and inmediately felt in love with both workouts!  There is an instruction section, so I was able to learn the combo I was missing.  Since then, I can keep it up without modification, and I feel great since, I usually have a hard time to pick up step choreography and feel frustated, well... Not with this one!  

Step Boxing is one of my favorites cardio workouts, I love the two main workouts equally, and the premixes and bonuses are great.  I've tried the "Kickboxing Drills" and "Dumbbell Drills" premixes, and the last one got me sore like for three days! I also like that there is a premix which mix them both!  Great value for the money for sure!

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Step Boxing for the rest of us July 10, 2014
Reviewer: RedPanda from Australia  
Kelly has finally released a step boxing DVD for the choreographically challenged; I was so disappointed that I couldn't get the hang of her earlier, far more complex step boxing videos.

This DVD provides the best of boxing and athletic step aerobics. Like the rest of her "30 Minutes to Fitness" series, “Step Boxing” offers a wealth of premixes, including some dumbbell options, so you can use it for cardio/strength circuits, or strength workouts, in addition to cardio. This makes it great value for money!

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
4 of 5 Great challenging workout July 2, 2014
Reviewer: Anonymous Person from Canada  
Love the use of a step and kickboxing to create  new physical and mental challenge. Kelly is clear and calm in her instruction. I love that you can combine them for a longer workout or do them separately fro a shorter one. She also has great premixes which makes this a great workout to have.

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