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List of all the Sale Items
List of all the Sale Items

Quantity in Stock:(Out of Stock)

Product Code: SALEITEMS
For Reference Only

Code Title Price Retail Sale Price
1099-P **USED** Hip Hop Abs Last Minute Abs DVD - Shaun T **USED** 0.99 14.98 0.49
1023-L **USED** Kettleworx Introduction DVD **USED** 0.99 14.99 0.49
2218-F **USED** Body By Jake Cardio Cruiser Rev Up the Results Fat Burning Program DVD **USED** 0.99 14.99 0.49
2263-U **USED** Billy's Bootcamp Elite 8 Minute Supercharged Cardio - Billy Blanks **USED** 0.99 14.98 0.49
891-W **USED** Lifeline USA Exchange Handle System DVD **USED** 0.99 14.99 0.49
2208-L **USED** Tony Horton Power 90 Ab Ripper 200 **USED** 1.95 14.95 0.99
547-L **USED** Dino-Mite Adventure Yoga for Kids DVD **USED** 1.95 14.95 0.99
1089-T **USED** Prenatal Pilates with Sarah Picot DVD **USED** 1.98 14.98 0.99
1086-S **USED** Postnatal Pilates with Sarah Picot DVD **USED** 1.98 14.98 0.99
643-N **USED** Prenatal Yoga with Shiva Rea **USED** 1.99 14.99 0.99
1081-G **USED** Billy's Bootcamp Elite Mission One Get Started - Billy Blanks **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
1023-Q **USED** Billy's Bootcamp Elite Mission Three - Rock Solid Abs - Billy Blanks **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
1099-T **USED** Core Secrets Fun-Damentals - Brooke Burke **USED** 1.99 9.99 0.99
198-X Hip Hop Abs Last Minute Abs DVD - Shaun T 1.99 14.98 0.99
2268-S **USED** Kettleworx Fast Fat Burn Level 1 DVD **USED** 1.99 14.99 0.99
964-G Kettleworx Introduction DVD 1.99 14.99 0.99
1089-W **USED** Hip Hop Abs Hips, Buns and Thighs DVD - Shaun T **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
1090-o Six Day Mini Makeover Audio CD & Fat Loss Program 1.99 19.99 0.99
2269-A **USED** Tae Bo Capture the Power - Power DVD **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
1086-X **USED** Tae Bo Capture the Power Strength DVD **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
2199-L **USED** Core Secrets Give Me 20 DVD **USED** 1.99 14.99 0.99
2213-D ** USED** Fit Mommy To Be Prenatal Yoga DVD **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
2258-U **USED** Tae Bo Capture the Power Energy DVD **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
596-E **USED** Tae Bo Capture the Power Foundation DVD **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
1089-B **USED** Simply Pilates - Jennifer Pohlman **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
1081-o **USED** The Workout Less Precision Body Sculpting DVD {From the 6 Week Body Makeover} Makeover Your Entire Body in Just 18 Minutes **USED** 1.99 14.99 0.99
1155-E **USED** Kettleworx Chest & Back Level 1 DVD **USED** 1.99 14.99 0.99
2122-D **USED** Kettleworx Resistance DVD **USED** 1.99 14.99 0.99
2194-R **USED** Pilates for Life 20 Minute Pilates on the Ball with Amy Brown **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
2212-o **USED** Kettleworx Cardio DVD **USED** 1.99 14.99 0.99
2213-T **USED** Beachbody Slim in 6 Burn it Up DVD **USED** 1.99 7.99 0.99
2222-X **USED** Quickfix Prenatal DVD **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
2268-W **USED** Simple Steps to a Balanced, Natural Pregnancy **USED** 1.99 14.99 0.99
2289-N **USED** The New Method Baby & Mom Pre Natal Yoga DVD **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
2291-B **USED** Yoga Basics Version 2.0 DVD **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
2294-N **USED** Aromatherapy Massage Essential oils for Health and Pleasure Margie Hare DVD **USED** 1.99 9.99 0.99
552-A **USED** Yoga During Pregnancy without Prior Yoga Experience **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
552-H **USED** Sara Holliday's Prenatal Yoga Third Trimester **USED** 1.99 14.99 0.99
848-Z **USED** The New Method Post Natal Yoga DVD **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
891-Q **USED** Get Your Groove on Mama DVD **USED** 1.99 14.98 0.99
911-U **USED** Prenatal Yoga Complete with 20 routines by Bodywisdom **USED** 1.99 14.99 0.99
954-L Bodycraft PFT Workout Video 1.99 14.99 0.99
disconly-0006 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - Dance It Out All In 2 2 0.99
disconly-0007 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - Dance It Out Get Up and Sweat 2 2 0.99
disconly-0008 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - Dance It Out Latin Dance 2 2 0.99
disconly-0009 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - Dance It Out Sing It Out 2 2 0.99
disconly-0013 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - The Firm Cardio Overdrive 2 2 0.99
disconly-0002 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - FitPrime Just Right Cardio (DVD-R Disc ) 2 2 0.99
disconly-0011 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - Beachbody One on One Pay It Forward 2 2 0.99
disconly-0005 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - Shake Weight Upper Body Tone 2 2 0.99
disconly-0003 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - McDonalds 15 Minute workouts - Cardio 2 2 0.99
disconly-0010 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - Petra Kolber Bootcamp Boogie 2 2 0.99
disconly-0012 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - Simply Fit Board Workout DVD and User Guide 2 2 0.99
disconly-0015 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - McDonalds 15 Minute Yoga 2 2 0.99
disconly-0017 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - Bender Ball Core Training with Buns & Thighs 2 2 0.99
disconly-0018 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - Trudie Styler Get Balanced 2 2 0.99
disconly-0019 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - Shake Weight Rapid Results Upper Body Sculpting 2 2 0.99
disconly-0020 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - Beachbody One on One Plyo Legs 2 2 0.99
disconly-0021 $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only - P90X On One Leg 2 2 0.99
disconly $2.00 DVDs - Disc Only 2 2 0.99
2114 **USED** Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD **USED** 2.95 14.98 0.99
1030-C **USED** Denise Austin Fit & Firm Pregnancy DVD **USED** 2.95 14.95 0.99
2200-V **USED** Kathy Smith Pregnancy Prenatal Postnatal Workout **USED** 2.95 12.95 0.99
1033-N **USED** BYOU The Hot New Dance Workout DVD For Kids **USED** 2.95 14.95 0.99
1050-M **USED** Kideosyncrasy Dance Exercise and Fun for Kids DVD **USED** 2.95 19.95 0.99
1084-i **USED** Heartfelt for Life - Strengthening Your Heart **USED** 2.95 14.95 0.99
1137-W **USED** Body & Soul Fitness Ultimate Dance Aerobics DVD **USED** 2.95 12.95 0.99
2263-X **USED** Yogamazing: Yoga for the Kid in All of Us DVD **USED** 2.95 19.95 0.99
2268-Q **USED** Tony Horton P90X+ - Interval X Plus & Abs/Core Plus DVD **USED** 2.95 14.95 0.99
2296-H **USED** Basic Instruction Wavemaster - Skills, Drills, and Fitness Workouts **USED** 2.95 19.95 0.99
556-C X-Factor by Weider Explosion Workout DVD 2.95 14.95 0.99
762-T **USED** Pregnancy Fitness - Lindsay Brin 4 DVD Set **USED** 2.95 14.95 0.99
956-T **USED** Gaiam Family Yoga DVD - Rodney Yee **USED** 2.95 14.95 0.99
596-J **USED** Gaiam Pilates Conditioning For Weight Loss DVD **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
990-V **USED** Dancing with the Stars Latin Cardio Dance DVD **USED** 2.99 14.99 0.99
1019-S **USED** Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones DVD **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
596-D **USED** Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss With Suzanne Deason DVD **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
1023-V **USED** Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown DVD **USED** 2.99 14.95 0.99
957-R **USED** Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
1019-Q **USED** Core Secrets Fun-Damentals / Give Me 20 **USED** 2.99 14.99 0.99
1030-K **USED** Dancing with the Stars Cardio Dance DVD **USED** 2.99 14.99 0.99
183-T Kettleworx Fast Fat Burn Level 1 DVD 2.99 14.99 0.99
36-P Core Secrets Fun-Damentals - Brooke Burke 2.99 9.99 0.99
726 Hip Hop Abs Hips, Buns and Thighs DVD - Shaun T 2.99 14.98 0.99
1095-Y **USED** The Biggest Loser The Workout Boot Camp DVD **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
596-B **USED** Simply Yoga - Yolanda Pettinato **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
1030-L **USED** Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease Fit to Strip Disc 2 **USED** 2.99 12.99 0.99
489 The Workout Less Precision Body Sculpting DVD {From the 6 Week Body Makeover} Makeover Your Entire Body in Just 18 Minutes 2.99 14.99 0.99
1098-i **USED** Tae Bo Billy's Bootcamp Basic Training - Billy Blanks **USED** 2.99 14.95 0.99
2300-o **USED** Element Prenatal And Postnatal Yoga DVD **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
33-B Kettleworx Fast Abs DVD 2.99 14.99 0.99
1019-A **USED** Winsor Pilates Ab Sculpting DVD **USED** 2.99 9.95 0.99
1089-X **USED** Billy's Bootcamp Elite Mission Two Maximum Power - Billy Blanks **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
1098-H **USED** Tae Bo Billy's Bootcamp Ab Bootcamp - Billy Blanks **USED** 2.99 14.95 0.99
409-Y Billy's Bootcamp Elite 8 Minute Supercharged Cardio - Billy Blanks 2.99 14.98 0.99
1099-V **USED** Simply Ball with Pilates Principles - Jennifer Pohlman & Rodney Searle **USED** 2.99 9.99 0.99
15-L Kettleworx Cardio DVD 2.99 14.99 0.99
331-G Kettleworx Chest & Back Level 1 DVD 2.99 14.99 0.99
643-C **USED** Jillian Michaels Extreme Shed & Shred DVD **USED** 2.99 14.99 0.99
805-B Kettleworx Core Level 1 DVD 2.99 14.99 0.99
1075-H **USED** The Biggest Loser The Workout Cardio Max DVD **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
1086-Q **USED** Tae Bo Capture the Power Contact 1 DVD **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
1089-V **USED** Tae Bo Billy's Bootcamp Cardio Bootcamp Live DVD **USED** 2.99 14.95 0.99
136-V Kettleworx Resistance DVD 2.99 14.99 0.99
36-R Body By Jake 11 Minutes No Excuses DVD for the Tower 200 2.99 14.99 0.99
542-P Tae Bo Capture the Power Strength DVD 2.99 14.98 0.99
662-D **USED** Prevention Fitness Systems Belly Butt and Thighs DVD **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
1095-E **USED** Leisa Hart Fit Mom (also known as Fitmama) Pregnancy Workout **USED** 2.99 14.99 0.99
183-G Kettleworx Legs & Thighs Level 1 DVD 2.99 14.99 0.99
2198-A **USED** Pilates For Beginners DVD Jillian Hessel **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
2258-M **USED** Jillian Michaels The Biggest Winner Maximize Back In Action DVD **USED** 2.99 9.99 0.99
337-R Tae Bo Capture the Power Energy DVD 2.99 14.98 0.99
599-E Tae Bo Capture the Power - Power DVD 2.99 14.98 0.99
1019-W **USED** Core Secrets Full Body Challenge DVD **USED** 2.99 9.99 0.99
1030-Q **USED** Dance with Lisa Hip Hop Cardio Made Simple DVD **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
1105-P **USED** Tae Bo Capture the Power Contact 2 DVD **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
20-M Paleo Burn Fat Burner System DVD-ROM (Nutrition & Workouts) 2.99 19.99 0.99
2202-o **USED** Power Yoga for Flexibility DVD with Rodney Yee **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
2277-Z **USED** Leisa Hart Fitmama Postnatal DVD **USED** 2.99 14.99 0.99
2294-Q **USED** Body Target Abs Rodney Yee & Ana Caban **USED** 2.99 14.99 0.99
2294-V **USED** Jillian Michaels The Biggest Winner Maximize Full Frontal DVD **USED** 2.99 9.99 0.99
2296-D **USED** Total Mind Body Pilates For Beginners with Allan Menezes **USED** 2.99 9.95 0.99
313-P The 30 Day Heart Tune Up 3 DVD Set - Steven Masley 2.99 19.99 0.99
340-C Lifeline USA TNT Fitness Cables DVD 2.99 14.99 0.99
722-W Simple Steps to a Balanced, Natural Pregnancy 2.99 14.99 0.99
1033-U **USED** AeroPilates Box and Pole Workout DVD **USED** 2.99 19.95 0.99
1054-T **USED** Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program - Latin Cardio Jam **USED** 2.99 14.99 0.99
1089-N **USED** Total Body Bean Blaster & 7 Minute Power Abs DVD **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
190-P Lifeline USA Pullup Revolution DVD 2.99 14.99 0.99
2280-T **USED** Leisa Hart Fit Mama Prenatal And Postnatal 2 DVD Set **USED** 2.99 19.99 0.99
36-U Lifeline USA Exchange Handle System DVD 2.99 14.99 0.99
36-V Rock 'N Roll Stepper Rock Solid Bottom with Tony Little 2.99 14.99 0.99
466-X Stott Pilates Prenatal Pilates on the Mat DVD 2.99 14.95 0.99
576-T **USED** Yoga Journal And Lamaze Yoga For Your Pregnancy DVD **USED** 2.99 19.98 0.99
596-X **USED** Core Secrets Ab Assault DVD **USED** 2.99 14.99 0.99
694-G **USED** Yoga Journal Step By Step **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
841-E **USED** Shape Magazine Sculpt Your Abs Cardio And Toning DVD **USED** 2.99 19.98 0.99
891-U **USED** Core Rhythms Latin Dance Made Easy DVD **USED** 2.99 19.99 0.99
911-E **USED** Thai Yoga Massage for Couples DVD **USED** 2.99 14.99 0.99
926-F Food and Fitness Matter: Raising Healthy Active Kids from I Am Your Child Video Series 2.99 14.95 0.99
957-K **USED** Victoria Johnson Cardio Soul DVD **USED** 2.99 14.98 0.99
985-L **USED** Julie Tupler's Maternal Fitness DVD **USED** 2.99 14.99 0.99
990-i **USED** Jillian Michaels The Biggest Winner Shape Up Backside DVD **USED** 2.99 14.99 0.99
958-N **USED** Jillian Michaels Killer Abs DVD **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
2211-B **USED** YogaKids Silly to Calm for ages 3-6 DVD (Yoga for Kids) **USED** 3.95 19.95 1.95
1098-Z **USED** Bender Ball - Selective Core Training DVD **USED** 3.95 9.95 1.95
1023-M **USED** Bender Ball - The Bender Method for a Strong Healthy Back DVD **USED** 3.95 9.95 1.95
1030-V **USED** Bender Ball - The Bender Method of Core Training DVD **USED** 3.95 9.95 1.95
2148-K **USED** Tony Horton Power Half Hour Thigh Trimmer **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
2194-S **USED** The Biggest Loser 30 Day Jump Start Workout DVD **USED** 3.95 14.98 1.95
1081-S **USED** Jillian Michaels for Beginners - Frontside DVD **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
2193-N **USED** Denise Austin Power Zone - The Ultimate Metabolic Workout Volume 3 - Abs **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
2211-K **USED** Tony Horton Power 90 Sweat Cardio 3-4 with Ab Ripper 200 DVD **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
2211-Z **USED** Shiva Rea Mama & Baby Yoga DVD **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
987-A **USED** Once Upon a Mat - 9 Easy to Learn Yoga Adventures DVD **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
996-i **USED** The Perfect Pregnancy Workout Volume 1 Sculpting DVD - Karyne Steben **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
1003-R **USED** Baby and Toddler Yoga DVD **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
1009-C **USED** Jillian Michaels Killer Body **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
1116-J **USED** The Abs Diet Workout by Mens Health **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
2150-H **USED** Yoga Motion Namaste Kid DVD **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
2192-J **USED** Squeeze Complete Workout Tracy Effinger DVD **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
911-A **USED** Meditation & Yoga DVD - Rodney Yee **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
957-F **USED** Tony Horton Power 90 Sculpt Circuit 3-4 **USED** 3.95 14.95 1.95
986-W **USED** Shanti Generation Yoga Skills for Youth Peacemakers DVD **USED** 3.95 16.95 1.95
1019-D **USED** Jackie Warner Personal Training with Jackie Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD **USED** 3.98 14.98 1.95
2201-L **USED** Denise Austin Power Yoga Plus DVD **USED** 3.98 14.98 1.95
644-i **USED** Elle Workout Yoga starring Brooklyn Decker DVD **USED** 3.98 14.98 1.95
1089-J **USED** Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
957-G **USED** Yoga Booty Ballet Live Cardio Cabaret DVD **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
2269-E **USED** Dance Off The Inches Sizzling Salsa DVD **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
643-W **USED** Pilates Beginning Mat Workout DVD with Ana Caban **USED** 3.99 14.99 1.95
1075-F **USED** Rockin' Body 3 Workouts Shaun T DVD **USED** 3.99 9.99 1.95
1105-U **USED** Jillian Michaels The Biggest Winner Shape Up Front DVD **USED** 3.99 9.99 1.95
1037-A Basic Yoga DVD - Alan Harris 3.99 9.98 1.95
1095-V **USED** Power Yoga Total Body DVD - Rodney Yee **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
2156-X **USED** Quickfix Cardio Hip Hop Exercise Workout DVD **USED** 3.99 9.99 1.95
2269-G **USED** Crunch Fat Burning Dance Party DVD - Jennifer Galardi **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
2289-o **USED** Intermediate Yoga DVD - Rodney Yee **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
957-E **USED** Tae Bo Billy's Bootcamp Ultimate Bootcamp - Billy Blanks **USED** 3.99 14.95 1.95
2198-N **USED** Yoga Journal: Yoga For Beginners II - Patricia Walden **USED** 3.99 14.99 1.95
1132-E **USED** Core Rhythms Kick Start DVD **USED** 3.99 19.99 1.95
2269-F **USED** Core Rhythms Full Workout DVD **USED** 3.99 19.99 1.95
353-T Body By Jake Cardio Cruiser Rev Up the Results Fat Burning Program DVD 3.99 14.99 1.95
543-V **USED** Quickfix Total Cardio Kick DVD - Janis Saffell **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
570-T Tony Little Rock 'n Roll Stepper Total Body Fat Burning 3.99 14.98 1.95
958-i **USED** Balance Ball Beginners Workout - Suzanne Deason **USED** 3.99 9.99 1.95
996-S **USED** Balance Ball For Weight Loss DVD - Suzanne Deason **USED** 3.99 9.99 1.95
1099-M **USED** Denise Austin Hit the Spot Pilates DVD **USED** 3.99 14.99 1.95
1099-S **USED** Lower Body Pilates with Jillian Hessel **USED** 3.99 14.99 1.95
1116-K **USED** Yoga Zone Introduction to Power Yoga for Beginners DVD **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
1132-N **USED** 10 Minute Solution Hip Hop Dance Mix DVD **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
1149-S **USED** Yoga Journal Step By Step Session 1 DVD Foundation Poses for Strength & Stamina **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
2175-M **USED** Gaiam Yoga for Back Care - Rodney Yee **USED** 3.99 14.99 1.95
2211-S **USED** Yoga Zone Fat Burning DVD **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
2268-E **USED** Winsor Pilates Advanced Body Slimming DVD **USED** 3.99 19.95 1.95
2289-B **USED** Zumba Beginners Instruction DVD **USED** 3.99 14.99 1.95
2294-Z **USED** Yoga Zone Postures for Pregnancy DVD **USED** 3.99 14.99 1.95
596-U **USED** Billy Blanks Tae Bo Flex DVD **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
1019-i **USED** Crunch Pick Your Spot Pilates DVD - Ellen Barrett **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
1075-Q **USED** Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program - Latin Synergy **USED** 3.99 14.99 1.95
1156-N **USED** Turbo Jam 3 Workouts - Learn & Burn, 20 Minute & Turbo Sculpt **USED** 3.99 29.99 1.95
2194-K **USED** AM and PM Pilates Mat Workouts DVD Ana Caban & Jillian Hessel **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
2211-P **USED** Pilates Intermediate Mat Workout DVD with Ana Caban **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
260-W 6 Day Detox Drop CD 3.99 29.99 1.95
406-L Richard Simmons Straight from the Heart DVD 3.99 14.99 1.95
466-B Zumba Incredible Beats 2 CDs 3.99 14.99 1.95
547-B **USED** Daily Yoga DVD - Rodney Yee **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
762-N **USED** Trudie Styler's Cardio Dance Flow DVD **USED** 3.99 14.98 1.95
841-Y **USED** The Goddess Workout - Bellydance with Veils **USED** 3.99 14.99 1.95
891-V **USED** Zumba - Basic Steps Level 2 Review Choreography DVD & Music CD Instructor Release **USED** 3.99 29.99 1.95
996-C **USED** Gaiam Yoga for Back Care - Rodney Yee **USED** 3.99 14.99 1.95
60 Quickfix Pre And Post Natal DVD Set 6.99 14.98 2
222 Kenpo Advance Fighting System Karate Martial Arts DVD 6.99 14.98 2
67 Quickfix Hit The Spot Total Body Workout DVD 6.99 12.98 2
1185 Dance It Out Latin Heat DVD - Billy Blanks Jr. 9.95 14.95 2
1158 Dance It Out Sing it Out DVD - Billy Blanks Jr. 9.95 14.95 2
2089 Dance It Out All In DVD - Billy Blanks Jr. 9.95 14.95 2
2090 Dance It Out Get Up and Sweat DVD - Billy Blanks Jr. 9.95 14.95 2
1165 Dance It Out Kids DVD - Billy Blanks Jr. 9.95 14.95 2
784 Jillian Michaels Extreme Shed & Shred DVD 9.99 14.99 2
358 Tracie Long Focus Series - Break Through DVD - GLITCH IN 1 CHAPTER 4.95 16.95 2.99
215-J Bender Ball - The Bender Method of Core Training DVD 4.95 9.95 2.99
2294-i **USED** Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer 3 Workouts DVD - Total Body 2, Core Cardio & Upper Body **USED** 4.95 19.95 2.99
258-i Tony Horton P90X+ - Total Body Plus DVD 4.95 14.95 2.99
1105-M **USED** YogaKids ABC's for ages 3-6 DVD (Yoga for Kids) **USED** 4.95 19.95 2.99
1081-X **USED** Pregnancy Fitness - Lindsay Brin 4 DVD Set **USED** 4.95 14.95 2.99
128-o Crunchless Abs 4 - Linda LaRue 4.95 9.95 2.99
2201-D **USED** Jillian Michaels Kickbox FastFix DVD (Fast Fix) **USED** 4.95 14.95 2.99
1019-X **USED** Louise Solomon's Yoga & Pilates Total Body Toner DVD **USED** 4.95 14.95 2.99
1149-R **USED** :08 Min Pilates DVD **USED** 4.95 14.95 2.99
2269-L **USED** Barry's Bootcamp Hollywood Fat Blaster Workout Lower Body Emphasis **USED** 4.95 19.95 2.99
1030-J **USED** PM Yoga 3 Practices on 1 DVD - Colleen Saidman & Patricia Walden **USED** 4.95 14.95 2.99
136-L Tony Horton Power 90 Sculpt Circuit 3-4 4.95 14.95 2.99
2202-P **USED** Yoga for the Rest of Us Easy Yoga for Arthritis - Peggy Cappy DVD **USED** 4.95 19.95 2.99
2268-N **USED** YogaKids Basics for ages 3-6 DVD (Yoga for Kids) **USED** 4.95 19.95 2.99
73-L Tony Horton P90X+ - Interval X Plus & Abs/Core Plus DVD 4.95 14.95 2.99
745-Q Simply Fit Board Workout DVD and User Guide 4.95 14.99 2.99
979-H **USED** Body Groove Delicious Dance 2 DVD Set - Misty Tripoli **USED** 4.95 19.95 2.99
1156-V **USED** Gaiam Healing Yoga DVD - Rodney Yee **USED** 4.95 14.95 2.99
168-K Yoga Bonding - a Baby Integrated Postnatal Yoga Sequence 4.95 14.95 2.99
2150-N **USED** Denise Austin Fat Burning Dance Mix DVD **USED** 4.95 14.95 2.99
2156-N **USED** Yoga for the Rest of Us Back Care Basics - Peggy Cappy DVD **USED** 4.95 19.95 2.99
2158-V **USED** Kathy Smith Fat Burning Pilates DVD **USED** 4.95 12.95 2.99
2193-D **USED** Kids Fitness Parachute Games And Ball Games DVD **USED** 4.95 19.95 2.99
2200-L **USED** Kathy Smith Latin Rhythm Dance Workout **USED** 4.95 14.95 2.99
2208-G **USED** Karen Voight BLT on a Ball DVD **USED** 4.95 14.95 2.99
2211-F **USED** Jillian Michaels Beginner Shred **USED** 4.95 14.95 2.99
2247-T **USED** Yoga for Weight Loss DVD - Colleen Saidman **USED** 4.95 14.95 2.99
2263-V **USED** Yoga Pals Kids Yoga DVD **USED** 4.95 19.95 2.99
227-G Operation Family Fit DVD 4.95 14.95 2.99
2289-T **USED** Crunchless Abs 1, 2, & 3 - Linda LaRue & Tracey Mallett **USED** 4.95 9.95 2.99
2291-U **USED** Kathy Smith Classic Collection Great Buns and Thighs Step Aerobics Workout **USED** 4.95 12.95 2.99
2300-W **USED** :08 Min Buns and Legs DVD **USED** 4.95 14.95 2.99
258-W Tony Horton P90X+ - Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus DVD 4.95 14.95 2.99
417-V Basic Instruction Wavemaster - Skills, Drills, and Fitness Workouts 4.95 19.95 2.99
650-H Lindsay Brin Second Trimester DVD 4.95 14.95 2.99
655-o Yoga with your Baby Featuring Jackie Long - For ages 3 months to 4 years 4.95 14.95 2.99
694-L **USED** Discover Tai Chi For Balance and Mobility - Exercise for Seniors & Older Adults - Scott Cole **USED** 4.95 14.95 2.99
80 Tony Horton Power 90 Ab Ripper 200 4.95 14.95 2.99
954-D Lindsay Brin First Trimester DVD 4.95 14.95 2.99
977-Z Lindsay Brin Third Trimester DVD 4.95 14.95 2.99
1081-U **USED** Dance off the Inches Cardio Hip Hop DVD **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
1089-i **USED** Jillian Michaels Shred It with Weights DVD **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
662-J **USED** One on One Tai Chi Beginning Practice with David Dorian Ross **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
958-P **USED** Extreme Makeover Fitness - Weight Loss Workout for Beginners DVD **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
136-E Prenatal Pilates with Sarah Picot 4.98 14.98 2.99
995-U **USED** Jari Love Get Extremely Ripped DVD **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
1098-F **USED** Tae Bo Cardio - Billy Blanks **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
2150-C **USED** 10 Minute Solution Yoga DVD **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
1081-W **USED** 10 Minute Solution Pilates for Beginners DVD **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
2175-C **USED** Bodywisdom Yoga for Every Body DVD **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
2198-i **USED** Beginner's Bootcamp 4 DVD Set **USED** 4.98 29.98 2.99
2258-X **USED** Element Yoga For Weight Loss DVD **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
2280-K **USED** Dance Street Groove to the Moves - Madonna Grimes **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
2288-o **USED** Total Body Conditioning for Beginners - Yoga Zone **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
38-W Total Mind Body Pilates Prenatal Program 4.98 14.98 2.99
532-M Postnatal Pilates with Sarah Picot DVD 4.98 14.98 2.99
552-D **USED** Fat Burning Cardio 4 DVD Set **USED** 4.98 29.98 2.99
643-i **USED** Jackie Warner Personal Training with Jackie Crunch Free Xtreme Abs DVD **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
643-L **USED** Rodney Yee Yoga for Strength DVD **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
644-C **USED** Jari Love Get Ripped Exercise DVD **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
648-T Postnatal Pilates with Sarah Picot DVD 4.98 14.98 2.99
740-C Melinda Bryan Pilates for Pregnancy 4.98 14.98 2.99
758-A **USED** YogaFit Prenatal Yoga for Pregnancy DVD **USED** 4.98 19.98 2.99
758-C **USED**Stretching for Flexibility - Yoga Zone **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
762-o **USED** 10 Minute Solution Yoga DVD IN SPANISH **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
957-Q **USED** Denise Austin 3 Week Boot Camp DVD **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
987-B **USED** Rodney Yee Sports Conditioning Mini Yoga Workouts **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
987-M **USED** Jari Love Get Ripped And Chiseled DVD **USED** 4.98 14.98 2.99
1099-B **USED** Yoga Journal: Yoga For Beginners - Patricia Walden **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
1089-Z **USED** Core Secrets 25 Minute Full Body Workout & Accelerated Core Training 2 DVD Set **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
2060 Richard Simmons Love Yourself and Win DVD 4.99 14.99 2.99
1019-U **USED** The Biggest Loser The Workout Power Sculpt DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
189 Billy's Bootcamp Elite Mission Three - Rock Solid Abs - Billy Blanks 4.99 14.98 2.99
417-A Billy's Bootcamp Elite Mission Two Maximum Power - Billy Blanks 4.99 14.98 2.99
1099-A **USED** Yoga Booty Ballet Live Hip Hop Abs DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
106 Billy's Bootcamp Elite Mission One Get Started - Billy Blanks 4.99 14.98 2.99
957-S **USED** Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease Disc 1 **USED** 4.99 12.99 2.99
1023-P **USED** Abs Pilates Workout Ana Caban **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
1081-C **USED** Winsor Pilates Maximum Burn Basics & Fat Burning DVD **USED** 4.99 19.95 2.99
1105-Q **USED** Rodney Yee's Yoga For Beginners DVD With Colleen Saidman **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
737-D Real Rides Race Day with Robbie Ventura 4.99 14.99 2.99
98-A Core Secrets Full Body Challenge DVD 4.99 9.99 2.99
335-P Simply Yoga - Yolanda Pettinato 4.99 14.98 2.99
98-L Total Body Bean Blaster & 7 Minute Power Abs DVD 4.99 14.98 2.99
136-A Billy's Bootcamp Elite Mission Spot Training Lower Body - Billy Blanks 4.99 14.98 2.99
402-P Two Fit Moms Yoga Basics DVD 4.99 9.98 2.99
543-T **USED** Winsor Pilates Power Sculpting with Resistance DVD **USED** 4.99 19.95 2.99
643-P **USED** Element Yoga for Stress Relief & Flexibility DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
662-X **USED** AM and PM Yoga for Beginners - Patricia Walden & Rodney Yee **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
1077-H **USED** Winsor Pilates Basic 3 DVD Set - Step By Step, 20 Minute Workout, & Accelerated Body Sculpting **USED** 4.99 29.95 2.99
1098-B **USED** Jillian Michaels 6 Week Six Pack DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
31-A Pilates Pro Chair Pilates Basics - Jennifer Galardi 4.99 14.98 2.99
990-M **USED** Bosu Balance Trainer Total Body Workout DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
996-H **USED** Jane Fonda Prime Time Fit and Strong DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
1075-G **USED** Bosu 4 in 1 Workout DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
1086-A **USED** 10 Minute Solution Prenatal Pilates DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
2150-F **USED** Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga & Short Forms - Jennifer Wolfe **USED** 4.99 19.99 2.99
2289-J **USED** OM Yoga & Meditation Workshop DVD & CD **USED** 4.99 19.99 2.99
941-G Tae Bo Capture the Power Contact 2 DVD 4.99 14.98 2.99
1089-R **USED** Carmen Electra's Advanced Aerobic Striptease Disc 3 **USED** 4.99 12.99 2.99
283-Q Core Secrets Bun Battle - Brooke Burke 4.99 9.99 2.99
957-Z **USED** Carmen Electra's Disc 4 & 5 The Lap Dance & Hip Hop 2 DVD Set **USED** 4.99 12.99 2.99
1077-G **USED** Beachbody Slim in 6 2 DVD Set **USED** 4.99 19.99 2.99
1095-P **USED** Denise Austin: Mat Workout Based on the Work of J.H. Pilates **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
1098-D **USED** The Biggest Loser The Workout Weight Loss Yoga DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
236-N Pilates for Life Prenatal & Postnatal Workout with Amy Brown 4.99 14.98 2.99
283-E Core Secrets Ab Assault DVD 4.99 14.99 2.99
543-M **USED** Element Pilates Weight Loss For Beginners DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
662-L **USED** Denise Austin Pilates for Every Body DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
885-L Tae Bo Capture the Power Contact 1 DVD 4.99 14.98 2.99
958-D **USED** Budokon Beginning Practice - Cameron Shayne **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
1023-J **USED** Element AM And PM Yoga For Beginners DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
1105-K **USED** Denise Austin Fit Kids DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
2258-S **USED** Winsor Pilates Step By Step Guide & 20 Minute Workout DVD **USED** 4.99 14.95 2.99
2294-H **USED** Dancing with the Stars Fat Burning Cardio Dance DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
2296-L **USED** Ultimate Power Yoga DVD - Rodney Yee **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
2297-F **USED** Yoga Booty Ballet Live - Hip Hop Abs & Cardio Cabaret **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
596-Z **USED** 15 Minute Results Yoga DVD With Rodney Yee **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
985-M **USED** Beginning Pilates Mat Workouts DVD Ana Caban **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
1077-S **USED** Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program -Salsa Blast **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
1086-E **USED** Bodywisdom Yoga for Beginners DVD - 8 Easy To Follow Routines for Beginners. Includes Gentle Yoga Workouts to Increase Strength & Flexibility **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
1099-o **USED** Yoga Booty Ballet Live Light & Easy DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
1155-M **USED** Dance Off The Inches Country Line Dance DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
2148-N **USED** Tony Little's Gazelle Freestyle Advanced Total Body Buttkickin' Workout DVD **USED** 4.99 19.99 2.99
2263-H **USED** Power Music The Biggest Loser Workout Mix Top 40 Hits 3 CD Set **USED** 4.99 24.99 2.99
2269-P **USED** Power Yoga Strength DVD - Rodney Yee **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
2275-M **USED** Kettlenetics 2 DVD Set - Michelle Khai **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
258-C Beachbody Slim Series Mix It Up 4.99 9.99 2.99
542-J Buff Moms To Be Full Body Toning & Sculpting DVD 4.99 14.98 2.99
643-o **USED** 10 Minute Solution Rapid Results Pilates DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
650-G Dance Baby Dance Postnatal Workout from Infantastic - Cardio 4.99 14.98 2.99
911-V **USED** Hip Hop Abs Complete DVD Set (No Guides) - Shaun T **USED** 4.99 24.98 2.99
913-L Total Mind Body Pilates For Beginners with Allan Menezes 4.99 9.95 2.99
913-P Power Vinyasa Whole Body Workout DVD 4.99 14.99 2.99
1011-T Suzanne Somers' Toning System Workout Video (for the Thighmaster) 4.99 14.99 2.99
1023-N **USED** Quick Start Yoga for Weight Loss With Suzanne Deason DVD & CD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
1037-B Baby Reps Postnatal Workout from Infantastic - Strength & Toning 4.99 14.98 2.99
1081-L **USED** 10 Minute Solution Pilates DVD - Lara Hudson **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
1081-T **USED** Tru2Form Urban Heat Dance Workout DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
1095-F **USED** Winsor Pilates Bun & Thigh Sculpting DVD **USED** 4.99 14.95 2.99
1099-Y **USED** Dancing With The Stars Dance Off The Pounds DVD **USED** 4.99 16.98 2.99
1100-R Yoga During Pregnancy without Prior Yoga Experience 4.99 14.98 2.99
1105-S **USED** Beginners II Yoga - Patricia Walden **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
1105-V **USED** Crunch Fat Burning Pilates Ellen Barrett DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
130-i Dance with Lisa Hip Hop Cardio Made Simple DVD 4.99 14.98 2.99
15-F Simply Ball & Band Dina Matty & Mark Richardson 4.99 9.99 2.99
211-H Fusion Pilates - Exercise with Baby - Jennifer Gianni 4.99 14.98 2.99
2150-L **USED** Complete Guide to Home Yoga Practice DVD - Yoga Journal **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
2156-C **USED** Baron Baptiste Core Power Yoga DVD **USED 4.99 14.99 2.99
2201-B **USED** Cardio Boost 3 CD Set **USED** 4.99 19.99 2.99
2211-Y **USED** Zone Pilates Mat & Ball 3 Workout DVD - Liz Gillies **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
2249-L **USED** Slim and Toned Prenatal Barre Workout - Suzanne Bowen **USED** 4.99 19.99 2.99
2269-S **USED** Dancercise 4 DVD Set - Hip Hop, Belly Dance, Salsa & Jazz **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
2275-V **USED** The Firm Body Sculpting System Fat Blasting Cardio DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
2280-o **USED** Wai Lana Yoga Toning Workout **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
38-Y Total Mind Body Pilates Advanced Program with Allan Menezes 4.99 9.95 2.99
417-i Street Heat Body Jam Hip Hop Cardio Workout 4.99 14.98 2.99
450-Z Street Heat Booty-Ful Buns & Thighs Lower Body Workout 4.99 14.98 2.99
493-A Fusion Pilates for Pregnancy - Jennifer Gianni 4.99 14.98 2.99
524-Z The New Method Baby & Mom Pre Natal Yoga DVD 4.99 14.98 2.99
541-i Lifeline USA Jungle Gym XT DVD 4.99 15.99 2.99
596-L **USED** Element Yoga For Beginners DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
643-H **USED** Dance off the Inches Hip Hop Body Blast DVD - Jennifer Galardi **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
659-K **USED** Bodywisdom Tai Chi for Beginners DVD **USED** 4.99 19.99 2.99
957-U **USED** The Biggest Loser The Workout Volume 2 **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
957-Y **USED** Denise Austin Shrink Your Female Fat Zones DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
990-o ** USED** Pilates During Pregnancy with Niece Pecenka **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
996-M **USED** Yoga Booty Ballet Live Go Go DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
1033-V **USED** Healing Stone Massage by Real Bodywork DVD **USED** 4.99 39.99 2.99
1054-Q **USED** Ashtanga Yoga Beginning Practice with Nicki Doane **USED** 4.99 19.99 2.99
1054-X **USED** Focus T25 Core Speed DVD **USED** 4.99 19.99 2.99
1077-A **USED** The Firm Body Sculpting System - Total Sculpt Plus Abs **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
1077-N **USED** Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program -Swing Sensation **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
1084-A **USED** The Kripalu School of Yoga Series: Gentle Yoga with Rudy Peirce CD **USED** 4.99 19.99 2.99
1089-M **USED** 5 Day Fit Trouble Zone Solutions DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
1089-P **USED** Summer Sanders' Prenatal Workout DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
1095-Z **USED** AM and PM Yoga for Beginners English & French Version - Patricia Walden & Rodney Yee **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
1137-H **USED** Crunch Yoga Mama Prenatal DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
1149-D **USED** Beginning Pilates Mat: Core Essentials DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
1149-N **USED** Denise Austin Quick Burn Cardio DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
1156-G **USED** Power Yoga the Complete Workout - Stamina, Strength, Flexibility with Rodney Yee **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
130-N Total Gym Start It Up DVD 4.99 15.99 2.99
176-P D's Hip Hop Aerobics Volume 2 4.99 14.98 2.99
192-U Ab Doer Twist DVD - English & French - 3 workouts 4.99 14.99 2.99
213-Q Pilates for Life 20 Minute Abs & Waist Workout with Amy Brown 4.99 14.98 2.99
2150-E **USED** Vinyasa Flow Yoga Uniting Movement & Breath Session 1 - Seane Corn **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
2156-A **USED** Gaiam Quick Start Pilates For Weight Loss DVD & CD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
2192-S **USED** Gaiam Fit Body Yoga DVD - Gwen Lawrence **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
2194-L **USED** Dancing with the Stars Cardio Dance For Weight Loss DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
2198-U **USED** Zumba Beginners DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
220-K Billy's Bootcamp Elite Mission Spot Training Upper Body - Billy Blanks 4.99 14.98 2.99
2200-G **USED** 10 Minute Solution Target Toning DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
2202-M **USED** AM & PM Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss With Suzanne Deason DVD **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
2275-H **USED** Trudie Styler's Warrior Yoga DVD With James D'silva **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
2288-L **USED** AM and PM Yoga - Patricia Walden & Rodney Yee **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
258-V Beachbody Slim Series Firm It Up 4.99 9.99 2.99
31-B Simply Ball & Web - Julia Filep 4.99 9.99 2.99
340-i Mommy Baby Body Builders Postpartum Workout with Baby DVD 4.99 14.98 2.99
366-E Mommy Shape Prenatal Complete - Sculpt, Yoga & Dance DVD 4.99 14.98 2.99
402-L Tae Bo Capture the Power Foundation & Energy DVD 4.99 14.98 2.99
421-K Pilates Force Et Minceur IN FRENCH ONLY 4.99 14.99 2.99
463-L Rhythm Rocker Dance Blast with Jennifer Galardi 4.99 19.99 2.99
464-D Four Keys to Long Course Triathlon Informational DVD 4.99 19.99 2.99
481-L Fit & Fab Moms to Be Full Body Workout 4.99 14.98 2.99
542-S Latin Salsa for Beginners by Fitness Essentials 4.99 14.99 2.99
543-F **USED** Richard Simmons Sweatin To The Oldies Volume 2 DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
590-T **USED** Jillian Michaels The Biggest Winner Shape Up Front & Backside 2 DVD Set **USED** 4.99 19.99 2.99
659-N **USED** Zumba Pro Skills DVD - Instructor Release **USED** 4.99 29.99 2.99
69-A Total Mind Body Pilates Intermediate Program with Allan Menezes 4.99 9.95 2.99
763-B Tae Bo Eight 1 Minute Power Rounds - Billy Blanks 4.99 14.98 2.99
884-E **USED** Jane Fonda Prime Time Walk Out DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
911-F **USED** Tony Little's Gazelle Freestyle Crosstrainer Lower Body Workout (low impact) Personal Trainer DVD **USED** 4.99 19.99 2.99
956-F **USED** Cize Hold Your Own DVD **USED** 4.99 19.99 2.99
957-J **USED** Yoga Journal: Yoga Basics DVD - Patricia Walden **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
958-C **USED** The Firm Body Sculpting System 2 Maximum Cardio Burn Plus Abs DVD **USED** 4.99 19.98 2.99
987-S **USED** Ryan Lochte Hard Core DVD **USED** 4.99 29.99 2.99
992-N Prenatal Yoga Complete with 20 routines by Bodywisdom 4.99 14.99 2.99
996-U **USED** Christi Taylor Totally Hot Cardio DVD **USED** 4.99 14.99 2.99
996-Z **USED** Total Body Yoga for Beginners Upper Body, Abs & Lower Body - Rodney Yee **USED** 4.99 14.98 2.99
9 Tae Bo Billy's Bootcamp SOS Sweat Off the Sizes DVD - Billy Blanks 9.95 14.95 3
1191 WWE Fit Series - Stephanie McMahon 9.95 14.95 3
175 The Firm Cardio Dance Club DVD 9.95 14.95 3
1190 WWE Power Series - Triple H 9.95 14.95 3
142 Tae Bo Billy's Bootcamp Cardio Inferno DVD 9.98 14.98 3
203 Dance Off The Inches 15 Minute Express DVD 9.99 14.98 3
201 Dance Off The Inches Fat Burning Jam DVD - Michelle Dozois 9.99 14.98 3
311 Shape 5 Day Jumpstart DVD 9.99 14.98 3
84 The Firm Burn And Shape DVD 9.99 14.98 3
237 Elle Beauty Sculpt starring Brooklyn Decker DVD 12.98 14.98 3
413 Elle Cardio Body starring Brooklyn Decker DVD 12.98 14.98 3
420 Elle Workout Yoga starring Brooklyn Decker DVD 12.98 14.98 3
157 Caribbean Workout - Pilates Plus DVD 5.95 14.95 3.99
110 Caribbean Workout - Pilates DVD - Shelly McDonald 5.95 14.95 3.99
258-o Kathy Smith Project You Core/Flex Yoga Flex 5.95 14.95 3.99
1105-i **USED** Denise Austin Power Zone - The Ultimate Metabolism Boosting Workout **USED** 5.95 14.95 3.99
197-M Weight Watchers PointsPlus Fitness Workout Sampler DVD with Jennifer Cohen 5.95 12.95 3.99
285-L Tony Horton Power 90 Fat Burning System - Fat Burning Express DVD 5.95 14.95 3.99
452-S Kathy Smith Pregnancy Prenatal Postnatal Workout 5.95 12.95 3.99
136-i Tony Horton Power Half Hour Ab Burner 5.95 14.95 3.99
1030-B **USED** Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer 5 Workouts DVD - Total Body, Lower Body, Abs, Cardio, Yoga **USED** 5.95 19.95 3.99
1089-L **USED** What to Expect When You're Expecting the Workout **USED** 5.95 14.95 3.99
128-C Pregnancy Fitness - Lindsay Brin 5.95 14.95 3.99
2294-F **USED** Mari Winsor Pink Ribbon Pilates **USED** 5.95 14.99 3.99
1009-W **USED** Hip Hop Health Learning Concepts Through Physical Activity DVD **USED** 5.95 19.95 3.99
2289-E **USED** Spark People The Spark Fit, Firm & Fired Up - Sparkpeople **USED** 5.95 16.95 3.99
2296-i **USED** Yoga for Kids Yoga Fun Collection **USED** 5.95 19.95 3.99
694-T **USED** Kathy Smith Timeless Collection Body Boomers **USED** 5.95 12.95 3.99
954-Z The Daniel Plan Video: 40 Days to a Healthier Life 5.95 14.95 3.99
996-X **USED** Joel Harper Firming After 50 DVD **USED** 5.95 14.95 3.99
87 The New Method 20/20 Target Toning Pilates Exercise DVD 5.99 19.98 3.99
160-Y Tae Bo Billy's Bootcamp Cardio Bootcamp Live DVD 5.99 14.95 3.99
279 Jillian Michaels The Biggest Winner Maximize Back In Action DVD 5.99 9.99 3.99
1070 Malibu Pilates Mari's Dynamic Sequencing Workout DVD 5.99 14.98 3.99
35-W Jillian Michaels The Biggest Winner Maximize Full Frontal DVD 5.99 9.99 3.99
2 Tae Bo Billy's Bootcamp Ultimate Bootcamp - Billy Blanks 5.99 14.95 3.99
234-N Tae Bo Billy's Bootcamp Basic Training - Billy Blanks 5.99 14.95 3.99
33-Q Simply Tai Chi DVD - Graham Bryant and Lorraine James 5.99 14.99 3.99
634 Turbo Jam Punch, Kick & Jam DVD 5.99 14.99 3.99
2294-M *USED** 10 Minute Solution Dance It Off And Tone It Up DVD **USED** 5.99 16.98 3.99
98-R Malibu Pilates 20 Minute Malibu Pilates Makeover DVD 5.99 14.98 3.99
286-F American Gladiators Ultimate Workout DVD 5.99 14.99 3.99
406-K Turbo Jam 3T Totally Tubular Turbo DVD 5.99 14.99 3.99
429-K Carmen Electra's Disc 4 The Lap Dance DVD 5.99 12.99 3.99
198-S Pilates Pro Chair Total Dream Body Workout - Jennifer Galardi 5.99 14.98 3.99
541-M Carmen Electra's Disc 5 Hip Hop DVD 5.99 12.99 3.99
941-M Zumba Beginners Instruction DVD 5.99 14.99 3.99
2175-K **USED** Tony & the Kids DVD - Tony Horton **USED** 5.99 14.95 3.99
2200-i **USED** Yoga Booty Ballet : Rehearsal & Guided Meditation, Total Toning Basics, Advanced Fat Burning **USED** 5.99 14.98 3.99
286-C Powerhouse Pilates Workout with Jillian Hessel DVD 5.99 9.98 3.99
1075-X **USED** Personal Training With Jackie Warner DVD - Power Circuit Training **USED** 5.99 14.99 3.99
183-U Firm It Up A Dance Workout - Suzanne Cox 5.99 14.98 3.99
2296-B **USED** Zumba Power Rapido DVD **USED** 5.99 14.99 3.99
2297-B **USED** Hip Hop Abs 4 Workout DVD Set (Fat Burning Cardio, Abs Sculpt, Total Body Burn, Secrets to Flat Abs) - Shaun T **USED** 5.99 19.98 3.99
875-i Addicted to Sweat - ATS Dance Volume 1 5.99 14.99 3.99
957-D **USED** Simply Ball 3 in 1 Complete Collection DVD **USED** 5.99 29.99 3.99
1030-o **USED** Dancing With The Stars Dance Body Tone DVD **USED** 5.99 16.98 3.99
2249-A **USED** Zumba Advanced DVD **USED** 5.99 14.99 3.99
740-o Fit Mom Prenatal Fitness DVD 5.99 14.99 3.99
1084-W **USED NO CASE** Beachbody 21 Day Fix Plyo Fix DVD **USED** 5.99 19.99 3.99
194-P Fit Mom Postnatal Workout DVD 5.99 14.99 3.99
268-A Reebok StayBall Core Workout DVD 5.99 14.99 3.99
514-H Zumba Greatest Hits 3 CDs 5.99 14.99 3.99
958-J **USED** A.M. (AM) Yoga For Your Week Rodney Yee DVD **USED** 5.99 19.99 3.99
977-L Hilary Burnett Pilates Basics 5.99 14.98 3.99
1037-F Massage Practice Reflexology DVD 5.99 14.99 3.99
1037-G Rocki's Prenatal Yoga Volume 2 - Labor Preparation 5.99 14.99 3.99
1086-G **USED** Yoga Class Flexibility Fitness Relaxation - Gary Bromley DVD **USED** 5.99 14.98 3.99
1105-H **USED** 10 Minute Solution Fat Blasting Dance Mix DVD **USED** 5.99 14.98 3.99
1105-W **USED** Trudie Styler's Weight Loss Yoga DVD **USED** 5.99 14.98 3.99
1149-H **USED** Hip Hop Abs Level 2 - 3 Workout DVD Set (Fat Burning Cardio, Abs Sculpt, Total Body Burn) - Shaun T **USED** 5.99 19.98 3.99
130-T Prenatal Yoga with Desi Bartlett 5.99 14.99 3.99
20-G Addicted to Sweat - ATS Dance Volume 4 - Jaw Breaker Chair 5.99 14.99 3.99
215-P Dance Fitness for Beginners Urban Street Heat - Madonna Grimes 5.99 14.98 3.99
2249-M **USED** Get Fit with Fit TV DVD **USED** 5.99 19.99 3.99
236-L Yoga A Journey Toward Health DVD 5.99 14.99 3.99
258-D Power Yoga for Flexibility DVD with Rodney Yee 5.99 14.98 3.99
353-P American Bellydancer DVD (Movie) 5.99 19.99 3.99
406-S Turbo Jam Fat Blaster DVD 5.99 14.99 3.99
542-Y Tai Chi Innerwave with Joey Bond DVD 5.99 14.99 3.99
543-H **USED** MTV Yoga - Kristin McGee **USED** 5.99 14.95 3.99
559-B Total Gym Start It Up DVD 5.99 15.99 3.99
694-S **USED** Gina Cool Iron Yoga DVD **USED** 5.99 14.98 3.99
734-E Fit Mom Prenatal Yoga Vibe DVD 5.99 14.99 3.99
734-K Mom and Tot Workout DVD 5.99 14.98 3.99
841-Q **USED** FiTOUR (Fitness Instructor Training) Primary and Advanced Pilates Certification 2 DVD Set **USED** 5.99 29.99 3.99
899-N The ABC's of Couple's Fitness Basic Moves 5.99 14.99 3.99
515 Pop Physique Ultimate Barre Workout (Also Released as Insta Pop) 9.95 14.95 4
1101 Pop Physique Cardio Butt School - Jennifer Williams 9.95 14.95 4
1136 Biggest Loser - Power Ab Blast 9.95 14.95 4
stretchrope Stretch Rope - 8ft 9.95 9.95 4
292 Bob Harper Inside Out Method Body Rev Cardio Conditioning DVD 9.98 14.98 4
48 The Firm Transfirmation DVD Cardio Overdrive DVD 9.99 14.98 4
44 The Firm Total Body Time Crunch DVD 9.99 14.98 4
294 Shape Magazine Long Lean And Strong Yoga DVD 9.99 19.98 4
296 Bob Harper Ultimate Cardio Body DVD 9.99 14.98 4
198-N Caribbean Workout - Core Pilates DVD 6.95 14.95 4.99
948-Y Bender Ball - Selective Core Training DVD 6.95 9.95 4.99
964-E Bender Ball - The Bender Method for a Strong Healthy Back DVD 6.95 9.95 4.99
24-A Barry's Bootcamp Hollywood Code Red 6 Day Rapid-Fire Weight Loss Workout 6.95 14.95 4.99
198-Y Tony Horton Power 90 Master Series Sweat Circuit 5-6 6.95 14.95 4.99
337-M Tony Horton Power 90 Master Series Cardio Intervals 6.95 14.95 4.99
331-F Tony Horton Power 90 Sweat Cardio 3-4 DVD 6.95 14.95 4.99
198-K Crunchless Abs 1, 2, & 3 - Linda LaRue & Tracey Mallett 6.95 9.95 4.99
805-X Crunchless Abs Progressive Core Training - Linda LaRue 6.95 9.95 4.99
168-M 20 Min Yoga Makeover Total Body Tone with Weights - Sara Ivanhoe 6.95 9.95 4.99
136-J Tony Horton Power Half Hour Thigh Trimmer 6.95 14.95 4.99
190-X Core Sculpting Collection Four in One Pack - Leisa hart 6.95 14.95 4.99
220-E Bender Ball - The Bender Method of Pilates Evolution DVD 6.95 9.95 4.99
2200-J **USED** Complete Pregnancy Fitness Program & Boot Camp 2 - Lindsay Brin 4 DVD Set **USED** 6.95 14.95 4.99
2289-F **USED** Urban Rebounding Power Compilation Pack 3 Workouts **USED** 6.95 19.95 4.99
424-J Tony Horton Power 90 Master Series UML - Upper Middle Lower 6.95 14.95 4.99
424-M Bender Ball - The Bender Method Better Booty Boot Camp 6.95 9.95 4.99
98-P Tony Horton Power Half Hour Bun Shaper 6.95 14.95 4.99
179 Romana's Pilates Optimum Weight Management DVD 6.99 14.98 4.99
64 Prenatal Yoga with Shiva Rea 6.99 14.99 4.99
297 Buff Moms Beyond Baby Body Workout Postpartum DVD 6.99 14.98 4.99
198-L Cardio Pilates DVD with Ana Caban 6.99 14.98 4.99
113 Simply Ball with Pilates Principles - Jennifer Pohlman & Rodney Searle 6.99 9.99 4.99
211-E Pilates Beginning Mat Workout DVD with Ana Caban 6.99 14.99 4.99
98-E Malibu Pilates Total Dream Body Sculpting Workout DVD 6.99 14.98 4.99
1067 Core Secrets Fun-Damentals / Give Me 20 6.99 14.99 4.99
337-S Pilates for AnyBODY - Theresa Borgren 6.99 14.95 4.99
81 Lower Body Pilates with Jillian Hessel 6.99 14.99 4.99
20-E Leisa Hart Fitmama Prenatal Workout DVD 6.99 14.99 4.99
164-P Pilates the Authentic Way - Dina Matty & Keft Burdell 6.99 14.98 4.99
635 Rockin' Body 3 Workouts Shaun T DVD 6.99 9.99 4.99
160-A Simply Pilates - Jennifer Pohlman 6.99 14.98 4.99
164-R Prenatal Fitness Pre/postnatal Yoga & Pilates Workouts Parents Magazine DVD 6.99 14.98 4.99
2222-A **USED** PiYo Hardcore on the Floor DVD **USED** 6.99 19.99 4.99
436-R Pilates Basics Version 2.0 DVD 6.99 14.98 4.99
215-R The Firm Transfirmer DVD Supercharged Sculpting 6.99 14.98 4.99
258-P Mama Wants Her Booty Back DVD 6.99 14.98 4.99
73-D Yoga Booty Ballet Live Hip Hop Abs DVD 6.99 14.98 4.99
436-T Leisa Hart Fitmama Postnatal DVD 6.99 14.99 4.99
1037-H Quickfix Cardio Hip Hop Exercise Workout DVD 6.99 9.99 4.99
128-U Yoga for Pregnancy Pre & Postnatal Workouts - Heather Seiniger 6.99 14.99 4.99
33-J Abs Pilates Workout Ana Caban 6.99 14.99 4.99
599-N Yoga Basics Version 2.0 DVD 6.99 14.98 4.99
128-W Bodyblade Blast - Burn & Sculpt DVD 6.99 29.99 4.99
183-Q Tru2Form Urban Heat Dance Workout DVD 6.99 14.99 4.99
33-Y Mom and Baby Fitness: Yoga, Pilates, and Baby Massage - Parents Magazine 6.99 14.98 4.99
335-Z Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program - Latin Synergy 6.99 14.99 4.99
128-X Bodyblade Super 6 & Power 10 DVD 6.99 29.99 4.99
213-A AeroPilates Magic Circle Workout DVD 6.99 9.95 4.99
2201-R **USED** Zumba Rapido DVD **USED** 6.99 14.99 4.99
2238-o **USED** Baron Baptiste Journey Into Power Vinyasa Yoga Level 1 DVD **USED** 6.99 14.99 4.99
24-Q Body Target Abs Rodney Yee & Ana Caban 6.99 14.99 4.99
406-G Yoga Journal Step By Step Session 2 DVD Bending Poses 6.99 14.98 4.99
455-P Tae Bo Capture the Power Strength & Power DVD 6.99 14.98 4.99
73-E Yoga Booty Ballet Live Cardio Cabaret DVD 6.99 14.98 4.99
1079-H Cardio Bellydance - Fitness Essentials 6.99 14.99 4.99
1084-V **USED DISC ONLY** PiYo Strength Workouts DVD **USED** 6.99 29.99 4.99
128-R Victoria Johnson Power Shaping II DVD 6.99 14.99 4.99
2201-V **USED** Complete Yoga & Pilates 4 DVD Set **USED** 6.99 24.98 4.99
314-U The New Method Post Natal Yoga DVD 6.99 14.98 4.99
337-U Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga - Jennifer Wolfe 6.99 14.99 4.99
38-X Billy's Bootcamp Elite Mission Two & Three - Maximum Power & Rock Solid Abs 6.99 14.98 4.99
406-A Tae Bo Capture the Power Contact 1 DVD 6.99 14.98 4.99
431-C Dance Fitness for Beginners African Beat Latin Heat - Madonna Grimes 6.99 14.98 4.99
543-W **USED** Element Ballet Conditioning DVD **USED** 6.99 14.98 4.99
556-K Yoga Journal Step By Step Session 1 DVD Foundation Poses for Strength & Stamina 6.99 14.98 4.99
734-P Mom and Baby Fitness 2 DVD Deluxe Set: Yoga & Pilates - Parents Magazine 6.99 14.98 4.99
885-Q 15 To Fit.com Prenatal Fitness Designed for the Total Body DVD 6.99 14.99 4.99
950-G Yoga Pre and Post Natal Workout - Sue Fuller 6.99 14.99 4.99
992-F The Bean - Belly Busting Super Abs & Calorie Crunching with Lower Body Bean Workout 6.99 14.98 4.99
992-G Jazz Dance Workout - Fitness Essentials 6.99 14.99 4.99
992-i Lindsey Jackson's Pilates in Pregnancy 6.99 14.98 4.99
6 Jillian Michaels The Biggest Winner Shape Up Front DVD 7.95 9.99 4.99
851 Jillian Michaels Hard Body 9.95 14.95 4.99
207 Masala Bhangra - Scarves (1 pair - 2 scarves) 9.95 9.95 4.99
1097 Custom 3 Fit Workout Series DVD - Angie Gorr 9.95 14.95 5
835 Tonique CardioMat Workout DVD Sylwia Wiesenberg - Cardio Mat 9.95 10.95 5
2088 Ultimate Sweat and Tone DVD - Angie Gorr 9.95 16.95 5
23 Masala Bhangra - Back 2 Bollywood with Sarina Jain 9.95 19.95 5
91 TLT Tracie Long Training Finding Your Core DVD 9.98 14.98 5
1018 Slim and Toned Prenatal Barre Workout - Suzanne Bowen 9.99 19.99 5
504 Christi Taylor Cardio Collectibles DVD 9.99 19.99 5
34 TLT Tracie Long Training Better Burn Better Buns DVD 11.98 14.98 5
135 TLT Tracie Long Training Endurance for Movement DVD 11.98 14.98 5
137 TLT Tracie Long Training Strength in Movement DVD 11.98 14.98 5
877 Petra Kolber Streamlined Strength DVD 12.95 14.95 5
328 Squeeze Lower Body Challenge Tracy Effinger DVD 12.95 14.95 5
307 Squeeze Complete Workout Tracy Effinger DVD 12.95 14.95 5
807 Jillian Michaels Box Set Hard Body with Extreme Shed & Shred 12.95 19.95 5
2048 Richard Simmons Project Hope Let's Dance DVD 12.95 14.95 5
2290 Fitness Favorites Fit Prime Live Weights & Cardio - FitPrime 12.99 14.99 5
2190 Fitness Favorites Weights First DVD - Tracie Long 13.99 14.99 5
876 Petra Kolber 321 (3-2-1) Dance DVD 14.95 16.95 5
2100 Extreme Burn Total Body Interval Training - Mike Donavanik 14.95 19.95 5
906 Suzanne Bowen Barre Amped Sleek and Toned Prenatal (Barreamped) 14.95 19.95 5
874 Petra Kolber Elegant Strength DVD 14.95 16.95 5
354 Barre3 Glow Prenatal with Jenni Johnson - Barre 3 14.95 14.95 5
1032 Everyday Warrior Yoga for the Warrior in all of Us - Michelle Barnard 14.98 19.98 5
1126 Yoga Cross Training with Travis Eliot 14.99 19.99 5
2205 Feeling Pretty Remarkable The Prenatal Program 14.99 19.99 5
2278 Yoga for Strength with Vytas Baskauskas 14.99 14.99 5
2183 Yoga For Balance with Caley Alyssa 14.99 19.99 5
2182 Yoga Foundations with Travis Eliot 14.99 19.99 5
2207 Power Yoga with Rudy Mettia 14.99 19.99 5
894 Bootcamp Boogie Petra Kolber DVD 15.95 19.95 5
897 The Last Step DVD - Petra Kolber 15.95 19.95 5
1217 Natalie Jill 7 Day Jumpstart Total Bodyweight Building Abs DVD 16.95 19.95 5
1216 Natalie Jill 7 Day Jumpstart Total Bodyweight Advanced DVD 16.95 19.95 5
849 Natalie Jill Rev4 Bodyweight Intermediate DVD 16.95 19.95 5
1215 Natalie Jill 7 Day Jumpstart Total Bodyweight Beginner DVD 16.95 19.95 5
2086 Power Yoga Mind Body Warrior DVD - Mark Laham 16.99 24.99 5
495 Tonique Addicted to Movement DVD - Sylwia Wiesenberg 17.95 19.95 5
826 Tonique Energy Mat - Sylwia Wiesenberg 17.95 19.95 5
837 Tonique Sculpt Dynamics DVD - Sylwia Wiesenburg 19.95 24.95 5
893 Tonique Royale - Sylwia Wiesenberg 19.95 23 5
880 Tonique Femme Fatale - Sylwia Wiesenberg 24.95 29.95 5
839 Tonique Born to Move - Sylwia Wiesenberg 24.95 34.95 5
136-H The Abs Diet Workout by Mens Health 7.95 14.95 5.99
2058 Rock Your Body with Jamie King 7.95 14.95 5.99
33-R Caribbean Workout - Abs, Buns & Thighs DVD 7.95 14.95 5.99
429-J Yoga for Weight Loss DVD - Colleen Saidman 7.95 14.95 5.99
35-o Jillian Michaels for Beginners - Frontside DVD 7.95 14.95 5.99
198-M Pregnancy Fitness - Lindsay Brin 4 DVD Set 7.95 14.95 5.99
941-Z Jillian Michaels for Beginners - Backside DVD 7.95 14.95 5.99
218-V Body & Soul Fitness Dynamite Legs DVD 7.95 12.95 5.99
885-Z Gold's Gym All Day Energy DVD 7.95 14.95 5.99
227-F Gaiam Family Yoga DVD - Rodney Yee 7.95 14.95 5.99
699-A Jillian Michaels for Beginners - Backside DVD 7.95 14.95 5.99
218-N Hoopnotica Hoopdance Beginning Level 1 DVD 7.95 19.95 5.99
2208-E **USED** Tracy Anderson Method - The Pregnancy Project **USED** 7.95 19.95 5.99
218-R Body & Soul Fitness Super Stomachs & Buns DVD 7.95 12.95 5.99
357-T Gaiam Family Yoga DVD - Rodney Yee 7.95 14.95 5.99
596-W **USED** The Essential 12 Minute Workouts - Robert Ferguson DVD **USED** 7.95 39.95 5.99
913-M Body & Soul Fitness Total Body Toning DVD 7.95 12.95 5.99
1102-i Pregnancy Fitness 1st, 2nd & 3rd Trimester with Postnatal Slimdown - Lindsay Brin 7.95 14.95 5.99
174-N Easy Yoga Learn Techniques through Video Instruction DVD 7.95 14.95 5.99
187-H Pregnancy Fitness - Lindsay Brin 4 DVD Set 7.95 14.95 5.99
2156-M **USED** PowerFit 5 DVD set (NO Band or meal plan) - Stephanie Huckabee **USED** 7.95 29.95 5.99
2296-o **USED** Tony Horton Power 90 DVD Set - Sculpt Circuit 1-2, Sweat Cardio 1-2 & Ab Ripper 100 **USED** 7.95 34.95 5.99
258-N The Perfect Pregnancy Workout Volume 1 Sculpting DVD - Karyne Steben 7.95 14.95 5.99
282-P Yoga Perfection 2 DVD Set - Beginner & Intermediate 7.95 14.95 5.99
38-V Body & Soul Fitness Strength & Endurance DVD 7.95 12.95 5.99
455-M Body & Soul Fitness Fat Burner DVD 7.95 12.95 5.99
699-o Total Athlete Series One: Becoming 2 DVD Set 7.95 19.95 5.99
811-J Gold's Gym Lose the Baby Weight Fast DVD 7.95 14.95 5.99
904-Y **USED** Anatomy for Yoga with Paul Grilley **USED** 7.95 24.98 5.99
15-T Rodney Yee Yoga Burn DVD 7.98 14.98 5.99
15-S Rodney Yee Strength Building Yoga 7.98 14.98 5.99
220-S Denise Austin Yoga Body Burn DVD 7.98 14.98 5.99
429-Z 10 Minute Solution Yoga DVD 7.98 14.98 5.99
991-U Rodney Yee Best of Yoga 7.98 14.98 5.99
213-W Dance Street Groove to the Moves - Madonna Grimes 7.98 14.98 5.99
33-V Meditation for Beginners DVD 7.98 14.98 5.99
1033-Q **USED** Yoga for Beginners - Sri Ramakrishna Math DVD **USED** 7.98 24.98 5.99
15-U Reebok's Pilate Body Tone Workout (Demonstrates 40 Pilates Moves) 7.98 14.98 5.99
2300-J **USED** Billy Blanks This is Tae Bo DVD **USED** 7.98 14.98 5.99
234-Y Sivananda Yoga DVD In Spanish 7.98 19.98 5.99
455-N Simple Steps to Looking 10 Years Younger DVD 7.98 14.98 5.99
541-S Intro to CorePower Yoga DVD - Trevor Tice 7.98 14.98 5.99
1211 Rejuvenation with Kathy Smith Stay Firm Lower Body DVD 7.99 9.99 5.99
1207 Rejuvenation with Kathy Smith Stretch and Flex DVD 7.99 9.99 5.99
1208 Rejuvenation with Kathy Smith Body Balance DVD 7.99 9.99 5.99
12 Crunch Bikini Body Workout DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
1212 Rejuvenation with Kathy Smith Total Firm and Fit DVD 7.99 9.99 5.99
208 Crunch Super Charged Kickbox Party DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
118 Crunch Fat Burning Dance Party DVD - Jennifer Galardi 7.99 14.98 5.99
1210 Rejuvenation with Kathy Smith Healthy Abs & Back DVD 7.99 9.99 5.99
156 Dancing with the Stars Cardio Dance DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
390 Power Yoga Total Body DVD - Rodney Yee 7.99 14.98 5.99
226 Taekwondo Advanced Instruction Martial Arts DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
699-X Dancing with the Stars Latin Cardio Dance DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
165-B Core Secrets 25 Minute Full Body Workout & Accelerated Core Training 2 DVD Set 7.99 14.99 5.99
75 Tae Bo Billy's Bootcamp Ab Bootcamp - Billy Blanks 7.99 14.95 5.99
219 Combat Executions For Real Life Learn Martial Arts DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
295 Shape Up Before You Ship Out Bridal Wedding Workout DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
119 Crunch Fat Burning Ab Attack DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
240-L Shiva Rea's Postnatal Yoga DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
432 Shape Magazine Your Butt Hips And Thighs Exercise DVD - Lisa Wheeler 7.99 19.98 5.99
206 Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease Disc 1 7.99 12.99 5.99
128-K Summer Sanders' Prenatal Workout DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
556-N AM and PM Yoga for Beginners - Patricia Walden & Rodney Yee 7.99 14.99 5.99
556-J Stott Pilates Sunrise Workout - Moira Merrithew 7.99 14.95 5.99
965 Jillian Michaels The Biggest Winner Shape Up Backside DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
241 Leisa Hart Sexy Buns DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
7-W Quick Start Yoga for Weight Loss With Suzanne Deason DVD & CD 7.99 14.98 5.99
7-F Gaiam Pilates Conditioning For Weight Loss DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
7-X 10 Minute Solution Pilates DVD - Lara Hudson 7.99 14.98 5.99
35-K Stott Pilates The Secret to Flat Abs - Moira Merrithew 7.99 14.95 5.99
1100-K Quick Start Yoga DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
286-B Stott Pilates Core Challenge - Moira Merrithew 7.99 14.95 5.99
556-V The Firm Transfirmer DVD Ultimate Calorie Blaster 7.99 14.98 5.99
805-i Pilates Complete For Weight Loss - Karen Garcia 7.99 12.95 5.99
197-W Carmen Electra's Advanced Aerobic Striptease Disc 1 7.99 12.99 5.99
24-E Cardio Burn Yoga with Patricia Moreno 7.99 14.98 5.99
268-E Intermediate Yoga DVD - Rodney Yee 7.99 14.98 5.99
268-H Yoga for Feeling Stronger Every Day DVD - Marlon Braccia 7.99 19.98 5.99
337-V Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease Fit to Strip Disc 2 7.99 12.99 5.99
1105-L **USED** Bosu 4 in 1 Workout DVD with Bonus Xplode Workout **USED** 7.99 19.99 5.99
136-Q Biggest Loser Cardio Max Weight Loss DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
2191-H **USED** MTV Pilates- Kristin McGee **USED** 7.99 14.95 5.99
429-T AM and PM Yoga for Beginners English & French Version - Patricia Walden & Rodney Yee 7.99 14.99 5.99
524-X Body Trends Pilates Matwork for Beginners DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
1013 Carmen Electra's Advanced Aerobic Striptease Disc 3 7.99 12.99 5.99
1035-B Mama Wants Her Body Back Small Steps...Big Success DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
165-R Bosu Balance Trainer Total Body Workout DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
183-M Train Right Time Trial with Chris Carmichael - Carmichael Training Systems 7.99 14.99 5.99
211-V Prevention Fitness Systems Belly Butt and Thighs DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
2210-A **USED** Real Moves Workout DVDs by Real Appeal - 6 DVD Set **USED** 7.99 39.99 5.99
234-C Pilates Core Challenge DVD with Ana Caban 7.99 14.98 5.99
464-P Pilates During Pregnancy with Niece Pecenka 7.99 14.98 5.99
605-Z The Firm Transfirmer Jiggle Free Abs DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
763-o Bosu Balance Trainer Integrated Balance Training DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
838-T Yoga for Absolute Beginners DVD - Marlon Braccia 7.99 14.95 5.99
941-W Stott Pilates Walk on Total Fitness DVD 7.99 14.95 5.99
160-M Prevention Fitness Systems 3-2-1 Workout DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
211-R Winsor Pilates Sculpting Circle Advanced Workout DVD 7.99 14.95 5.99
213-S Stott Pilates Firm & Fit - Moira Merrithew 7.99 14.95 5.99
258-H Yoga Journal Step By Step Session 3 DVD Balancing Poses 7.99 14.98 5.99
268-R Yoga Core Cross Train DVD with Rodney Yee 7.99 14.99 5.99
283-A Core Secrets Training Camp DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
331-W Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease Fit to Strip Disc 2 7.99 12.99 5.99
38-A Supreme Pilates - Mari Winsor's Dynamic Sequencing workout DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
39-F Leisa Hart Fit Mama Prenatal And Postnatal 2 DVD Set 7.99 19.99 5.99
424-P Anatomy of Fitness Core DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
532-N Core Rhythms Kick Start DVD 7.99 19.99 5.99
541-o The Firm Wave Rock Solid Buns - Alison Davis McLain 7.99 14.98 5.99
73-Y Gaiam Upper Body Yoga for Beginners DVD - Rodney Yee 7.99 14.99 5.99
164-o Gaiam Abs Yoga for Beginners DVD - Rodney Yee 7.99 14.99 5.99
236-J AM and PM Yoga for Beginners - Patricia Walden & Rodney Yee 7.99 14.99 5.99
24-W The Firm Transfirmer Aerobic Body Shaping 7.99 14.98 5.99
268-D Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss With Suzanne Deason 7.99 14.98 5.99
285-C Buns of Steel Pregnancy & Post Pregnancy Workouts DVD - Madeline Lewis 7.99 14.99 5.99
31-H Tae Bo Billy Blanks Celebrity Fit Sculpt DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
340-S Malibu Pilates High Intensity Series Cardio Fat Blaster DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
402-B Total Gym - Intermediate Program DVD 7.99 24.99 5.99
1058-C Yoga For Caregivers DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
215-L Easy Pilates DVD with Ana Caban 7.99 14.98 5.99
220-G Iron Yoga DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
220-o Beachbody Fitness Sampler Volume 1 7.99 9.99 5.99
31-U Zone Training Exercise Ball Workout DVD (Mid Core Zone) 7.99 14.95 5.99
35-L Stott Pilates Core Balance - Moira Merrithew - English & French Version 7.99 14.95 5.99
431-X Rael Pilates System 7 Beginner Level - Rael Isacowitz 7.99 14.95 5.99
481-G Tae Bo Billy Blanks Celebrity Fit Cardio DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
605-S Total Gym 6 to 8 Minute Workout DVD 7.99 24.99 5.99
650-X Tony Little's Gazelle Freestyle Crosstrainer Lower Body Workout (low impact) Personal Trainer DVD 7.99 19.99 5.99
7-Y Stott Pilates Firm & Fit English & French Version - Moira Merrithew 7.99 14.95 5.99
73-S Bosu Balance Trainer Core Synergy DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
913-Q Total Gym - Beginner Program DVD 7.99 24.99 5.99
926-U Gaiam Abs Yoga for Beginners English & French Version DVD - Rodney Yee 7.99 14.99 5.99
977-E Tony Little's Gazelle Freestyle Crosstrainer Awesome Abs DVD 7.99 19.99 5.99
1030-P **USED** Classical Pilates Technique The Complete Mat Workout Series DVD **USED** 7.99 19.95 5.99
1052-A Tae Bo T3 Total Transformational Training Target Tae Bo - Billy Blanks 7.99 14.95 5.99
1058-T Total Gym AbCrunch Workout DVD 7.99 24.99 5.99
1099-N **USED** Leslie Sansone You Can Do Abs DVD **USED** 7.99 14.98 5.99
197-K Tae Bo Billy's Bootcamp - Lower Body Bootcamp DVD 7.99 14.95 5.99
2269-Q **USED** Yoga Booty Ballet Live 2-Disc Set: Light & Easy / Latin Flavor **USED** 7.99 14.98 5.99
236-Q Be a Knockout with Kendra 7.99 14.99 5.99
258-X Stress Relief Yoga With Suzanne Deason DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
268-F Budokon Beginning Practice - Cameron Shayne 7.99 14.98 5.99
268-Y Prevention Fitness Systems Dance It Off DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
28-Q Power Music The Biggest Loser Workout Mix Volume 3 You Can Do it 3 CD Set 7.99 14.99 5.99
335-U Intermediate Pilates Mat: Whole Body Conditioning DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
337-E Rael Pilates System 27 Advanced Level - Rael Isacowitz 7.99 14.95 5.99
36-X Full Throttle Conditioning - Ross Enamait 7.99 14.99 5.99
39-D KFIT Health Volume 1 Jumpstart Your Health Exercise & Nutrition Program for Kids 7.99 14.99 5.99
464-E LeHIP Training with Sharon Mann - High Intensity Power DVD 7.99 24.99 5.99
552-o **USED** The Power of Tai Chi DVD & Book **USED** 7.99 19.99 5.99
556-o The Firm Wave Rock Solid Abs - Allie Del Rio 7.99 14.98 5.99
599-F Total Yoga The Flow Series Water DVD 7.99 14.98 5.99
648-M Sizzle Latin Dance Instruction with Joby Brava 7.99 14.99 5.99
651-C Twist Methods Sport Strength Chest & Back DVD 7.99 19.95 5.99
73-V Bosu Balance Trainer Long & Lean DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
734-i Pre & Post Natal Fitness 4 DVD Set 7.99 19.98 5.99
737-H Strength for Sports Performance - Allen Hedrick 7.99 19.99 5.99
742-i Partner Dancing 101 Salsa and Samba Instructional DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
742-J Nikkifitness Baby Bootie Camp - Nicole Glor 7.99 19.99 5.99
860-U Postnatal Boot Camp- Lindsay Brin 7.99 14.95 5.99
875-B Mayo Clinic Heart Health DVD - Rodney Yee 7.99 14.99 5.99
948-T Yoga Bellies for Pregnancy DVD 7.99 14.99 5.99
441 Barre3 Ballet Fit with Candace Ofcacek - Barre 3 14.95 19.95 5.99
360 Barre3 Standing Slim with Sadie Lincoln - Barre 3 14.95 19.95 5.99
380 Barre3 Ballet Boot Camp with Candace Ofcacek - Barre 3 14.95 19.95 5.99
234-G Denise Austin Fit & Firm Pregnancy DVD 8.95 14.95 6.99
285-H Bender Ball - Bender Method of Advanced Core Training DVD 8.95 19.95 6.99
605-N What to Expect When You're Expecting the Workout 8.95 14.95 6.99
596-H **USED** Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer 5 Workouts DVD Set with Guides **USED** 8.95 19.95 6.99
240-H Step Up Revolution Dance Workout 8.95 14.95 6.99
33-W You on a Diet Workout with Joel Harper 8.95 14.95 6.99
24-J PM Yoga 3 Practices on 1 DVD - Colleen Saidman & Patricia Walden 8.95 14.95 6.99
542-T You on a Diet Workout with Joel Harper 8.95 14.95 6.99
948-M You Having a Baby Workout with Joel Harper 8.95 14.95 6.99
1079-J Lindsay Brin Second Trimester DVD 8.95 14.95 6.99
13-D Sit and Be Fit Arthritis Workout DVD 8.95 19.95 6.99
192-Y Let's Dance I Can Do (P4:13) - Christian Instructional Dance Video 8.95 14.95 6.99
532-J Lindsay Brin Third Trimester DVD 8.95 14.95 6.99
694-U **USED** Jeanette Jenkins Power Yoga DVD **USED** 8.95 19.95 6.99
838-G Denise Austin Burn Fat Fast Cardio Blast 8.95 14.95 6.99
15-W Rodney Yee Energy Balance Yoga DVD 8.98 14.98 6.99
198-Q Elle Glam Fitness Complete Cardio DVD 8.98 14.98 6.99
78 The Method Dynamic Toning DVD 8.99 19.98 6.99
319 Fighting Fit, Fighting Fat Harvey Walden DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
959 The Biggest Loser The Workout Power Sculpt DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
1022 **USED** Hip Hop Abs Complete DVD Set & Guides - Shaun T **USED** 8.99 24.98 6.99
270 Bob Greene Total Body Makeover DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
36-E Pilates Complete For Everyone - Karen Garcia 8.99 12.95 6.99
605-U Prenatal Fitness Fix DVD - Erin O'Brien 8.99 14.98 6.99
173 Quickfix Total Mix Volume 3 Core Abs 8.99 14.98 6.99
429-U Brazilian Dance Workout for your Body and Soul DVD - Vanessa Isaac 8.99 14.99 6.99
860-K The Essential Yoga 2 DVD Set 8.99 14.99 6.99
285-U 10 Minute Solution Hot Body Boot Camp - Amy Bento 8.99 14.98 6.99
429-H Maintenance Pilates for Weight Loss DVD & CD 8.99 14.98 6.99
429-o Skinny Bitch Fitness Body DVD 8.99 14.99 6.99
149 Hip Hop Abs 4 Workout DVD Set (Fat Burning Cardio, Abs Sculpt, Total Body Burn, Secrets to Flat Abs) - Shaun T 8.99 19.98 6.99
15-B 10 Minute Solution Fat Blasting Latin Dance Mix - Stella Sandoval 8.99 14.98 6.99
165-D Pilates / Yoga for AnyBODY - Theresa Borgren 8.99 14.95 6.99
532-C Bodywisdom Yoga for Beginners DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
15-N Self Magazine Firm Flat Abs Fast DVD - Violet Zaki 8.99 14.98 6.99
165-K 10 Minute Solution Dance off Fat Fast DVD - Leah Sarago 8.99 14.98 6.99
198-i The Firm Body Sculpting System 2 Maximum Cardio Burn Plus Abs DVD 8.99 19.98 6.99
234-M The Method Pilates Target Specifics Abs Arms Hips Thighs - Jennifer Kries 8.99 14.98 6.99
258-L Bodywisdom Yoga for Beginners DVD - 8 Easy To Follow Routines for Beginners. Includes Gentle Yoga Workouts to Increase Strength & Flexibility 8.99 14.98 6.99
473-S Yoga Journal: Yoga Basics DVD - Patricia Walden 8.99 14.99 6.99
941-K Total Gym 5 Day Advanced Program DVD 8.99 24.99 6.99
130-o Gaiam Quick Start Pilates For Weight Loss DVD & CD 8.99 14.98 6.99
2213-A **USED** PiYo Beachbody Base Set - 3 DVD Set (DVDs Only) **USED** 8.99 59.99 6.99
240-X Poise Core Training Dr Teri Jory DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
324 Sandy Gimpel's Stuntblasters Workout DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
331-Y Denise Austin Mat Workout Based on the Work of J.H. Pilates 8.99 14.99 6.99
473-T Prenatal Collection Yoga & Pilates Workouts & Relaxation CD Parents Magazine DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
651-Z Core Performance Essentials Level 3 8.99 9.99 6.99
722-A Mom and Toddler Fitness Parents Magazine DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
941-V Pilates Lifestyle Healthy Body Program in English & French 8.99 14.99 6.99
948-A Yogilates Beginners Workout Level 1 8.99 14.99 6.99
1011-L The New Method 20/20 Integrated Yoga Exercise DVD 8.99 19.98 6.99
1080-P Get Your Groove on Mama DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
160-B Trudie Styler's Core Strength Pilates DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
190-Z Traveling Executive Workout - Cardio, Toning, Strength & Flexibility 8.99 14.98 6.99
20-W Bellydance for Beginners with Suhaila: Fitness Fusion Yoga DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
227-C Learn How to Belly Dance DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
24-M The Method Pilates All In One Workout - Jennifer Kries 8.99 14.98 6.99
240-T Hip Hop Abs Dance Party Series - Rockin' Abs & Hard Body 8.99 14.98 6.99
282-E Discover Bellydance Mystic Dance DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
335-N Mama Wants To Melt it off Cardio Party DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
36-G BASI (Body Arts and Science International) 2005 Exercise Spotlight of the Month - Rael Isacowitz 8.99 12.95 6.99
452-D Discover Bellydance Basic Dance DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
452-J Walk it off with George - Circuit Walk DVD 8.99 14.99 6.99
528-P My Personal Trainer Bellydance Fitness with Rania 8.99 19.99 6.99
594-R Beginning Pilates Mat Workouts DVD Ana Caban 8.99 14.98 6.99
599-P Bellydance Fitness for Beginners Basic Moves & Fat Burning 8.99 14.98 6.99
605-C Discover Bellydance Beyond Basic Dance DVD 8.99 14.98 6.99
651-S Zumba 101 Can't Dance? DVD 8.99 14.99 6.99
747-N Pilates Lifestyle Healthy Body Program Volume 2 in English & French 8.99 14.99 6.99
899-L Bellydance Fitness for Weight Loss Bellydance Boogie 8.99 14.99 6.99
957-C **USED** Denise Austin Personal Training System - Customize your own workout! **USED** 8.99 19.99 6.99
977-N Core Performance Essentials Dumbbell Total Core Program 8.99 9.99 6.99
2263-Z **USED** 22 Minute Hard Corps DVDs & Guides **USED** 9.9 39.9 6.99
949 The Biggest Loser 30 Day Jump Start Workout DVD 9.95 14.98 6.99
988 Pop Pilates Flat Abs Fast - Cassey Ho 9.95 14.95 6.99
601 Power Up Yoga - Rodney Yee 9.95 14.95 6.99
2080 Pilates for PMS Relief Workout - Restore your Body's Harmony 9.95 19.95 6.99
2102 Extreme Burn Ripped - Mike Donavanik 14.95 19.95 7
2059 Andrea Orbeck Hipster Resistance Band 9.95 9.95 7.95
707 Gin Miller Barbell Blast DVD 12.95 14.95 7.95
829 Power Yoga DVD - Kristin McGee 12.95 14.95 7.95
879 Petra Kolber Pk Doable Dance Grooves DVD 12.95 14.95 7.95
11 Masala Bhangra - Hollywood Bollywood Style with Sarina Jain 14.95 19.95 7.95
37 Masala Bhangra - The Bar Bhangra Workout with Sarina Jain 14.95 19.95 7.95
1004 Suzanne Bowen Barre Amped Boot Camp (BarreAmped) 16.95 19.95 7.95
100 Jari Love Get Ripped to the Core DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
93 Jari Love Get Extremely Ripped Body Rock DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
102 Jari Love Get Ripped Slim and Lean DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
99 Jari Love Get Extremely Ripped 1000 Hardcore DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
101 Jari Love Get Ripped 1000 DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
32 Jari Love Get Extremely Ripped 1000 Exercise DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
151 Jari Love Get Extremely Ripped Boot Camp DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
776 Tracey Mallett Bikini Body 2 - Absolution 12.98 14.98 7.98
809 Tracey Mallett Bikini Body Bootylicious 12.98 14.98 7.98
898 Your Body Breakthru Rockin' Body Cardio Jam - Michelle Dozois 12.98 14.98 7.98
94 Jari Love Get Extremely Ripped DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
318 Kari Anderson Reach Toning Flexibility Workout DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
169 Jari Love Lean Machine 12.98 14.98 7.98
305 Kari Anderson Angles Lines And Curves 2 DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
231 The Studio By Ellen Barrett Happy Baby, Fit Mama DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
1072 B Yoga B Detoxed Elizabeth Neuse Yoga DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
378 Element Yoga for Energy & Relaxation DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
115 Ballet Fitness with Nicky McGinty 12.98 12.98 7.98
1145 Denise Austin 3 Week Boot Camp DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
836 Killer Arms and Back DVD - Jillian Michaels 12.98 14.98 7.98
197-U Bob Harper Inside Out Method Pure Burn Super Strength DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
335-M Pussycat Dolls Workout DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
667-T Exhale Core Fusion Cardio Pure Intensity DVD 12.98 16.98 7.98
236-P Tai Chi Daily Practice with David Dorian Ross 12.98 14.98 7.98
556-Z Bob Harper Inside Out Method Kettlebell Sculpted Body DVD 12.98 14.98 7.98
88 10 Minute Solution Cardio Hip Hop DVD 12.99 14.99 7.98
2159 Kick Butt Strong Bear DVD with Keli Roberts - KickButt 12.99 14.99 7.98
376 Reebok Cardio Tone DVD - 7 Express Workouts - Sara Haley 12.99 14.98 7.98
818 Everybody Steps Beginner Step Aerobics DVD - Gin Miller 12.99 19.99 7.98
1150 Denise Austin Burn Fat Fast Latin Dance DVD 9.95 14.95 7.99
901 Jillian Michaels 10 Minute Body Transformation 9.95 14.95 7.99
357-L Jillian Michaels Yoga Inferno 9.95 14.99 7.99
821 Jillian Michaels Killer Abs DVD 9.95 14.95 7.99
52 Yoga for Belly Butt and Thighs with Chrissy Carter 9.95 14.95 7.99
183-J Barry's Bootcamp Hollywood Fat Blaster Workout Lower Body Emphasis 9.95 19.95 7.99
796 Jillian Michaels 10 Minute Body Transformation 2nd Edition 9.95 14.95 7.99
15-Z YogaKids Silly to Calm for ages 3-6 DVD (Yoga for Kids) 9.95 19.95 7.99
164-N Element Yoga for Strength and Flexibility - Ashley Turner 9.95 14.99 7.99
481-H Yoga for the Rest of Us - Peggy Cappy DVD 9.95 19.95 7.99
1100-L Yoga for Families 9.95 14.95 7.99
183-S Jillian Michaels Beginner Shred 9.95 14.95 7.99
283-H Karen Voight BLT on a Ball DVD 9.95 14.95 7.99
357-F Louise Solomon's Yoga & Pilates Total Body Toner DVD 9.95 14.95 7.99
357-O Yoga for the Rest of Us Easy Yoga for Arthritis - Peggy Cappy DVD 9.95 19.95 7.99
1011-J YogaKids ABC's for ages 3-6 DVD (Yoga for Kids) 9.95 19.95 7.99
198-V Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer 3 Workouts DVD - Total Body 2, Core Cardio & Upper Body 9.95 19.95 7.99
541-G More Yoga for the Rest of Us - Peggy Cappy DVD 9.95 14.95 7.99
481-F Calorie Killer Yoga - Colleen Saidman 9.95 14.95 7.99
198-F Barry's Bootcamp Hollywood Fat Blaster Workout Upper Body Emphasis 9.95 19.95 7.99
335-i Jillian Michaels Kickbox FastFix DVD (Fast Fix) 9.95 14.95 7.99
357-C Jillian Michaels for Beginners - Frontside Backside Combo DVD 9.95 14.95 7.99
402-J Jillian Michaels The Biggest Winner Cardio Kickbox DVD 9.95 14.95 7.99
1080-A Tracy Anderson Cardio Dance Express 9.95 14.99 7.99
268-Q Jane Fonda AM PM Yoga for Beginners 9.95 14.95 7.99
594-i Introduction to Dynamic Variable Resistance Training Sandbag Training DVD 9.95 19.95 7.99
7-H Element Targeted Toning Pilates for Beginners 9.95 14.95 7.99
136-S DanceX: Fun Dance & Exercise DVD For Kids 9.95 14.95 7.99
313-H Discover Tai Chi For Balance and Mobility - Exercise for Seniors & Older Adults - Scott Cole 9.95 14.95 7.99
493-X Yogare Institutode Yoga Educare Yoga Para Todos Yoga for Everyone IN SPANISH 9.95 19.95 7.99
500-K Outer Space Blastoff Yoga for Kids DVD 9.95 14.95 7.99
811-N Jillian Michaels Lift and Shred 9.95 14.95 7.99
1080-F Denise Austin Blast Away the Pounds Indoor Walk 9.95 14.99 7.99
1080-Q Fit Girl Routines for Teens Kardio Kick 9.95 19.95 7.99
1086-L **USED NO CASE - DISCS ONLY** Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer One on One 2 DVD Set - 6 Workouts **USED** 9.95 19.95 7.99
1090-F Fit Girl Routines for Teens Sports Drills 9.95 19.95 7.99
183-F Kathy Kaehler DVD 2 Pack - Total Fitness Workout & Workout Class 9.95 14.98 7.99
190-F Storytime Yoga - The Peddler's Dream DVD 9.95 14.95 7.99
2122-R **USED** Shiva Rea Yoga Shakti 2 DVD Set **USED** 9.95 29.95 7.99
215-o Urban Rebounding First Timers DVD - Instruction & Short Workout 9.95 19.95 7.99
234-i Dance off the Inches Red Hot Cardio Party DVD 9.95 14.95 7.99
28-M Yoga Kids The Original Program for ages 3-6 DVD (Yoga for Kids) 9.95 19.95 7.99
314-F The Biggest Loser 8 Minute Body Blasters DVD 9.95 14.95 7.99
338-R Get Inspired Yoga - Yoga for Midlife - Garry Alesio DVD 9.95 19.95 7.99
436-P Shanti Generation Yoga Skills for Youth Peacemakers DVD 9.95 16.95 7.99
463-M Yoga By the Dozen Kids Workout with JoAnna Ross 9.95 19.95 7.99
473-M The Men's Health 15 Minute Workout 9.95 19.95 7.99
476-E Radiant Child Yoga In Motion DVD 9.95 14.95 7.99
512-S Prenatal Yoga - Gentle Yoga For A Healthy Pregnancy DVD With Mimi Solaire 9.95 14.95 7.99
659-X **USED** Body Groove Delicious Dance Complete Collection 6 DVD Set - Misty Tripoli **USED** 9.95 29.95 7.99
69-N Little Yogis Fun & Healthy Yoga Vol. 1 Ages 3-8 - Wai Lana 9.95 19.95 7.99
811-U Get Fit Kids Hustle Bustle Move Your Muscles DVD 9.95 19.95 7.99
954-J Yoga for the Rest of Us Easy Yoga The Secret to Strength & Balance - Peggy Cappy DVD 9.95 19.95 7.99
98-C Itsy Bitsy Yoga's Play n' Flourish DVD: Yoga for Your Baby from Birth to 10 Months with Helen Garabedian 9.95 19.95 7.99
987-T **USED** Cathe Friedrich XTrain Ride DVD **USED** 9.97 22.97 7.99
299 Tracey Mallett Fitness Superbody Boot Camp Firm It DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
578 Tracey Mallett Quick Blast Method Rock Hard Abs & Buns DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
730 Tracey Mallett Fitness Pregnancy System 3 In 1 DVD 9.98 19.98 7.99
400 Beginning Yoga with Chrissy Carter 9.98 14.98 7.99
143 The Unleashed Body - Yoga Unleashed - Heidy Tejeda 9.98 14.98 7.99
8 The Unleashed Body - Pilates Interpreted - Heidy Tejeda 9.98 14.98 7.99
79 Total Body Workout 4 DVD Set 9.98 19.98 7.99
98-Q Dance with Julianne Cardio Ballroom DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
285-Q Tai Chi Beginning Practice with David Dorian Ross 9.98 14.98 7.99
77 Tracey Mallett The Method 20/20 Cardio Kick DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
539 The Unleashed Body - Abs Unleashed - Heidy Tejeda 9.98 14.98 7.99
15-E Valerie Bertinelli Losing It And Keeping Fit DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
301 Mari Winsor Pilates For Pink Core Challenge DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
402-X Bodywisdom Yoga for Stress Relief DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
481-Q Element Yoga For Weight Loss DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
194-U Bodywisdom Yoga for Athletes DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
402-Q Denise Austin Power Yoga Plus DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
244 Fat Burning Cardio 4 DVD Set 9.98 29.98 7.99
73-T Hot Body Healthy Mommy - Jillian Michaels 9.98 14.98 7.99
431-J Bodywisdom Beginners & Beyond Yoga for Weight Loss DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
174-A The Unleashed Body - Pilates Unleashed - Heidy Tejeda 9.98 14.98 7.99
24-Y Yoga Basics for Beginners - Yoga Zone 9.98 14.98 7.99
28-C Prenatal Yoga for Pregnancy DVD - Bec Conant 9.98 19.98 7.99
300 Tracey Mallett Fitness Superbody Boot Camp Burn It DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
648-V Denise Austin Hit the Spot 10 Five Minute Target Toners DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
1058-S Yoga for Pregnancy Labor & Birth DVD 9.98 19.98 7.99
128-V Mari Winsor Slimming Pilates: Pilates of the Fit & Famous 9.98 14.98 7.99
194-Z Tantric Yoga for Blissful Pregnancy DVD 9.98 19.98 7.99
331-v Synthesis Couple / Partner Stretch DVD 9.98 19.98 7.99
473-N Kama Linden - Body Friendly Yoga DVD 9.98 14.98 7.99
594-Y Total Body Conditioning for Beginners - Yoga Zone 9.98 14.98 7.99
811-P Rocki's Prenatal Yoga DVD 9.98 19.98 7.99
243 Jenny Ford 3 Workouts DVD - Spicy Step, Hi Lo Cardio, Step By Step 9.99 11.99 7.99
262 Trudie Styler's Cardio Dance Flow DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
810 Get Fit and Fab with Jillian Michaels DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
290 Shape Magazine Sculpt Your Abs Cardio And Toning DVD 9.99 19.98 7.99
277 Shape Get Lean In 4 Weeks DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
2023 Denise Austin Body Burn with Dance and Pilates DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
831 Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown DVD 9.99 14.95 7.99
395 Shape Ultimate Bikini Body Workout DVD Dominique Hall 9.99 14.98 7.99
61 The Firm Cardio Dance Express / Dance Fusion DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
689 Yoga Now 50 Minute Accelerated Workout Rodney Yee And Mariel Hemingway DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
857 Jillian Michaels 6 Week Six Pack DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
204 Dance Off The Inches Calorie Blasting Party DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
503 Christi Taylor Totally Hot Cardio DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
109 Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
828 Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
284 Shape Cardio Sculpt Pilates DVD - Lizbeth Garcia 9.99 14.98 7.99
357-D Jillian Michaels Shred It with Weights DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
953 Dancing With The Stars Dance Off The Pounds DVD 9.99 16.98 7.99
298 Trudie Styler's Sculpt And Tone Ballet DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
409-N Element Pilates Weight Loss For Beginners DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
92 The Biggest Loser The Workout Boot Camp DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
417-o Yoga Journal: Yoga For Beginners - Patricia Walden 9.99 14.99 7.99
424-i Carmen Electra's Disc 4 & 5 The Lap Dance & Hip Hop 2 DVD Set 9.99 12.99 7.99
605-o Dancing With The Stars Dance Body Tone DVD 9.99 16.98 7.99
286-L The Biggest Loser The Workout Cardio Max DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
930 The Biggest Loser The Workout Volume 2 9.99 14.98 7.99
2116 Wellness Workouts DVD - Karen Skoog 9.99 9.99 7.99
211-Y Beachbody Slim in 6 Keep It Up 9.99 19.99 7.99
7-E Jane Fonda Prime Time Fit and Strong DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
450-D A.M. (AM) Yoga For Your Week Rodney Yee DVD 9.99 19.99 7.99
68 10 Minute Solution Blast Off Belly Fat DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
346 The South Beach Diet Super Charged Workout DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
950-Y Element Yoga Basics DVD - Ashley Turner 9.99 14.98 7.99
13-N 10 Minute Solution Fat Blasting Dance Mix DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
286-A 10 Minute Solution Prenatal Pilates DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
684 Element Prenatal And Postnatal Yoga DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
977-C Killer Buns and Thighs DVD - Jillian Michaels 9.99 14.98 7.99
198-o Exhale Core Fusion Body Sculpt DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
36-L Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga & Short Forms - Jennifer Wolfe 9.99 19.99 7.99
1116-C **USED** Burst Fit 3 DVD Set (Burstfit) Dr. Josh Axe **USED** 9.99 49.99 7.99
35-V Yoga Journal: Yoga For Beginners II - Patricia Walden 9.99 14.99 7.99
556-H Trudie Styler's Warrior Yoga DVD With James D'silva 9.99 14.98 7.99
802 Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
198-Z Rockin' Body 2 Workouts (House Your Body & Hip Hop) Shaun T DVD 9.99 19.99 7.99
286-P Crunch Pick Your Spot Pilates DVD - Ellen Barrett 9.99 14.98 7.99
406-U 10 Minute Solution Hip Hop Dance Mix DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
218-U Complete Guide to Home Yoga Practice DVD - Yoga Journal 9.99 14.99 7.99
481-E Yoga for Inflexible People DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
481-Y Element Beginner Level Yoga 9.99 14.99 7.99
605-G Shiva Rea Flow Yoga For Beginners DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
69-L Daily Yoga DVD - Rodney Yee 9.99 14.98 7.99
15-A Dancing with the Stars Fat Burning Cardio Dance DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
667-F Dance Off The Inches Tummy Tone Party Zone DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
15-G Crunch Yoga Mama Prenatal DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
236-H Shiva Rea Creative Core Abs DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
457-L Fitness Made Simple Unlock Your Potential with John Basedow 9.99 19.99 7.99
605-A Vinyasa Flow Yoga Uniting Movement & Breath Session 1 - Seane Corn 9.99 14.98 7.99
160-i Dance Off The Inches Hip Hop Party DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
197-Z Women's Health The Wedding Workout DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
33-S Kettlenetics 2 DVD Set - Michelle Khai 9.99 14.98 7.99
335-Q Total Body Yoga for Beginners Upper Body, Abs & Lower Body - Rodney Yee 9.99 14.98 7.99
913-A Tae Bo Billy's Favorite Moves DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
213-o So You Think You Can Dance Get Fit Tone And Groove DVD 9.99 16.99 7.99
285-X 15 Minute Results Yoga DVD With Rodney Yee 9.99 14.98 7.99
31-V Street Heat 4 Workout Pack DVD - Buns & Thighs, Arms & Abs, Stretch, Body Jam 9.99 19.98 7.99
35-X Gaiam Yoga for Back Care - Rodney Yee 9.99 14.99 7.99
402-V 10 Minute Solution Kickbox Bootcamp DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
424-W Dance with Lisa Red Hot Salsa Made Simple DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
605-X Flirty Girl Fitness The Teaser Collection Chair Dance 9.99 19.99 7.99
811-B Dance Off The Inches Sizzling Salsa DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
1102-W Rockin' Body 4 Workouts Shaun T DVD 9.99 19.99 7.99
183-i Exhale Core Fusion Thighs And Glutes DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
210 Kundalini Yoga for Your Week - Tuesday - Core Strengthening, Detoxifying & Self Confidence 9.99 9.99 7.99
211-Z 10 Minute Solution Shape Up DVD - Michelle Dozois 9.99 14.98 7.99
234-A Element AM And PM Yoga For Beginners DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
337-L 5 Day Fit Trouble Zone Solutions DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
337-o Dance off the Inches Hip Hop Body Blast DVD - Jennifer Galardi 9.99 14.99 7.99
340-X Dance Off The Inches Country Line Dance DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
417-H Yoga Journal And Lamaze Yoga For Your Pregnancy DVD 9.99 19.98 7.99
556-R Rhythmica Dance Cardio Party DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
556-W Zumba Power Rapido DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
599-M Hemalayaa Bollywood Burn Workout DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
667-G Core Rhythms Quick Workout DVD 9.99 19.99 7.99
1035-J Hemalayaa Bollywood Booty DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
1058-B The Goddess Workout - Bellydance with Veils 9.99 14.99 7.99
1156-K **USED** Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program: Starter Package 3 DVD Set **USED** 9.99 49.99 7.99
220-A 10 Minute Solution Knockout Body DVD - Jessica Smith 9.99 14.98 7.99
2277-E **USED** Tai Cheng DVDs Only - Phase 1-4 & Master Scroll **USED** 9.99 49.99 7.99
24-V Crunch Candlelight Yoga - Sara Ivanhoe 9.99 14.98 7.99
268-Z Prevention Fitness Systems Dance Yourself Thin DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
331-J Stott Pilates Basic Pilates - Moira Merrithew DVD 9.99 14.95 7.99
331-R Total Gym 6 to 8 Minute Workout with Smart Training Workout DVD 9.99 24.99 7.99
335-G Gaiam 5 Day Fit Yoga With Suzanne Deason DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
340-U Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program -Swing Sensation 9.99 14.99 7.99
417-C Crunch Fat Burning Pilates Ellen Barrett DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
431-H Element Power Yoga DVD - Ashley Turner 9.99 14.99 7.99
450-Y Yoga Now 10 Minute AM Energizer & 10 Minute PM De-Stressor Rodney Yee And Mariel Hemingway DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
69-D Pilates For Weight Loss DVD - Karen Garcia 9.99 14.98 7.99
7-U Crunch Cardio Salsa Cardiosalsa Latin Dance Fitness DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
838-P Wai Lana Yoga Invigorating Workout 9.99 14.98 7.99
860-i Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program -Samba Fusion 9.99 14.99 7.99
875-P Gaiam Back Care Yoga for Beginners DVD - Rodney Yee 9.99 14.99 7.99
1011-S Duncan Wong Yogic Arts Awakening Level DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
1080-H Rodney Yee's Yoga For Beginners English & French Version DVD With Colleen Saidman 9.99 14.98 7.99
129-i Superdiet - the Fat Burning Bodyweight Exercise Video Database DVD 9.99 19.95 7.99
197-X Denise Austin Burn Fat Fast Cardio Dance & Sculpt DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
24-D Fitness Made Simple AM PM Workouts with John Basedow 9.99 19.99 7.99
258-Q Core Rhythms Merengue Mania & Latin Dance Made Easy DVD 9.99 19.99 7.99
286-E Women's Health Total Workout In Ten DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
331-B Total Gym - Pilates & Body Makeover DVD 9.99 24.99 7.99
335-S Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program: Lower Body Sculpt DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
402-Z Gaiam Back Care Yoga DVD - Rodney Yee 9.99 14.99 7.99
458-J Abs Conditioning Yoga Balanceball & Pilates DVD 9.99 19.99 7.99
605-Y Stott Pilates Secret to Weight Loss DVD 9.99 19.95 7.99
677 Fit Beginnings Mind And Body Fitness Pregnancy Yoga DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
73-R Biggest Loser Power Walk DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
811-S 6 Week Body Makeover Extreme Results Advanced Fat Burning Cardio DVD 9.99 19.99 7.99
860-L Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program -Salsa Blast 9.99 14.99 7.99
926-M Belly Dancing Total Workout with Amira Mor 9.99 19.99 7.99
941-N Global Journey Lifestyle Belly Dancing 9.99 19.99 7.99
98-D Malibu Pilates Total Body Make Over & Target Specific Training 2 DVD Set 9.99 14.98 7.99
981-L Supreme Pilates - 25 Minute Speed Sculpting & Accelerated Body Sculpting 9.99 19.99 7.99
1009-X **USED** Healthy Learning DVD - ACE'S Guide to Prenatal Fitness with Lenita Anthony **USED** 9.99 55 7.99
1023-U **USED** Bryan Kest Power Yoga Complete Collection DVD ** USED** 9.99 29.99 7.99
1035-P The Method Jab Kick And Burn Kickboxing Exercise DVD 9.99 19.98 7.99
1080-V Cardio Blast 3 CD Set 9.99 19.99 7.99
1102-B Hemalayaa Beautiful Belly Workout DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
1102-C Element Tai Chi For Beginners DVD Samuel Barnes 9.99 14.98 7.99
1102-G Livestrong at the YMCA a Home Exercise Program designed for Cancer Survivors 9.99 9.99 7.99
1132-W **USED** Burst Fit Fire 3 DVD Set (Burstfit) **USED** 9.99 39.99 7.99
1155-V **USED** Beachbody 21 Day Fix Plyo Fix DVD **USED** 9.99 19.99 7.99
13-H 10 Minute Solution Rapid Results Pilates DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
136-C Stott Pilates Basic Pilates - Moira Merrithew - English & French Version 9.99 14.95 7.99
164-U Weight Watchers Get Moving Mix 5 workouts DVD - Petra Kolber 9.99 14.98 7.99
165-C Element Yoga For Beginners DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
168-C Total Mind Body Pilates Principles with Allan Menezes 9.99 14.95 7.99
168-i Bamboo Fusion on the Table French Bamboo Massage Therapy DVD 9.99 29.99 7.99
168-J Belly Dance Television Volume 3 - Spotlight on Aradia 9.99 29.99 7.99
174-F Postnatal Rescue With Erin O'brien DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
197-B Denise Austin Boot Camp Total Body Blast DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
197-R Flow Yoga For Beginners DVD With Colleen Saidman & Rodney Yee 9.99 14.98 7.99
197-Y Denise Austin Pilates for Every Body DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
213-M Yoga For Your Week Rodney Yee DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
2148-M **USED** Introducing Yoga for Martial Arts DVD ** USED** 9.99 29.99 7.99
2158-E **USED** IDEA Training the Pregnant Athlete DVD **USED** 9.99 39.99 7.99
2198-T **USED** Zumba - Zumbatomic Review Choreography DVD & Music CD Instructor Release **USED** 9.99 29.99 7.99
2212-W **USED** Healthy Learning DVD - Pilates 50/50 with Linda Freeman from IDEA Fitness Fusion **USED** 9.99 49.99 7.99
227-V Nightclub Dance Series: Hip Hop Moves For The Club, For Men 9.99 14.99 7.99
234-T Denise Austin Shrink Your Female Fat Zones DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
24-F Women's Health Total Body Workout DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
258-G Element Yoga for Stress Relief & Flexibility DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
268-G Island Girl Dance Fitness Workout Hula Abs & Buns with Kili 9.99 19.99 7.99
285-Z Intelligent Health U Yoga Balanced Body & Mind DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
312-S Fitness Made Simple Better Body Basics with John Basedow 9.99 19.99 7.99
33-P The Firm Body Sculpting System 2 Complete Aerobics & Weight Training 9.99 19.98 7.99
338-B Amira Mor Behind the Veil DVD 9.99 19.99 7.99
338-N Wai Lana Yoga Ponte En Forma - IN SPANISH 9.99 14.98 7.99
357-B Keeping Fit in your 50s - Strength DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
450-H Paula Abdul Cardio Cheer Moves 9.99 14.98 7.99
457-o Bodywisdom Qi Gong for Beginners DVD 9.99 19.99 7.99
466-A Yoga Beginner's Experience - Rodney Yee 9.99 14.98 7.99
466-i The Pegan Diet and How to use Superfoods to Achieve Optimal Health Dr Mark Hyman 9.99 19.99 7.99
466-Q Tony Little Body Ignite the Circuit Body Sculpting System Abs DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
481-C Resistance Cord Workout DVD with Charles Shand 9.99 14.98 7.99
514-i iFit Solutions Treadmill Program Fat Burn Level 2 - Requires Compatible Treadmill 9.99 19.99 7.99
599-B Pilates & the City Level 1 Beginners Workout DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
599-J Hemalayaa Bollywood Dance Workout DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
699-L The Method Cardio Boot Camp DVD 9.99 19.98 7.99
710-E Weight Loss Cardio Kick With Violet Zaki DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
714-W Belly Dancing Fitness with Amira Mor 9.99 19.99 7.99
758-S **USED** Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program: Body Sculpting Collection 3 DVD Set **USED** 9.99 39.99 7.99
762-K **USED** 0-6 Pack Abs Phase 1 & 2 5 DVD Set - Dr. Created Exercises for a Flatter Belly **USED** 9.99 29.99 7.99
805-H Beginning Pilates Mat: Core Essentials DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
850-R **USED** Healthy Learning DVD -Bullies Amongst Our Staff - Watch Out! **USED** 9.99 49.99 7.99
884-Y **USED** The Fighter's Workout 30 Moves to Whip You Into Fighting Shape DVD - IDEA Fitness with Kevin Kearns **USED** 9.99 49.99 7.99
885-F Essential Pilates 2 DVD Set 9.99 14.99 7.99
913-U Zumba Abs, Buns and Thighs DVD 9.99 14.99 7.99
926-W Lisa Rinna Dance Body Beautiful Ballroom Body Blast DVD 9.99 14.95 7.99
941-S Get Strong 101 Strength & Conditioning Skills, Drills and Games for Every Body 9.99 19.99 7.99
954-B Going Low...The Golfer's Guide to Shedding Unwanted Fat with Don Saladino 9.99 14.99 7.99
954-H 15 To Fit Go Mom Fitness Patrea's Prenatal Workout DVD 9.99 14.98 7.99
977-B Fitness Made Simple Six Pack Abs with John Basedow 9.99 19.99 7.99
991-Y Real Time Flexibility with Don Saladino 9.99 14.99 7.99
992-J Essential Pilates English & French Version 9.99 14.99 7.99
250 Kathy Smith Timeless Collection Pregnancy Prenatal Postnatal Workout 10.95 12.95 7.99
1199 Fresh Shapes Art Dance and Innovation 11.95 12.95 7.99
794 Jillian Michaels Killer Cardio 11.95 14.95 7.99
573 All Cardio Latin Xplosion Cia 2802 Carlos Arias DVD 11.99 19.99 7.99
2031 Barlates Upper Body Burn - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 7.99
1154 Barlates Body Blitz Cycle Barre Fusion DVD - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 7.99
2018 Barlates Body Blitz Clever Yoga Fusion with Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 7.99
2044 Barlates Belly Burn Series - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 12.99 7.99
2041 Barlates The Lounge Room Series - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 7.99
2003 Ori Active Hula Barre Fusion - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 14.99 7.99
2014 Barlates Booty Burn Series - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 12.99 7.99
1189 Barlates Body Blitz 10 Minute Burnout Series - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 7.99
1181 Fusion Mat at the Wall - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 14.99 7.99
1202 Bounce Total Body Rebounder DVD - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 14.99 7.99
2040 Barlates Body Blitz Feel Good Series DVD - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 7.99
1148 Barlates Focused 10 Minute Series 12.99 14.99 7.99
1209 Barlates Mix and Match HIIT - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 7.99
1187 Focused 5 Mins Series- Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 14.99 7.99
1262 Barlates Body Blitz - Lockdown Madness - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 12.99 14.99 7.99
1225 Traditional Mat Series - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 14.99 7.99
1183 Tone Up Express - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 14.99 7.99
1260 Traditional Barre Series - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 14.99 7.99
2101 Barlates Body Blitz 100 Rep Challenge Total Body Blaster 1 with Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 7.99
813 Power Abs Medicine Ball Workout DVD - Gin Miller 12.99 14.99 7.99
2104 Barlates Body Blitz 100 Rep Challenge Total Body Blaster 2 with Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 7.99
697 Quick Callanetics Legs DVD 12.99 19.99 7.99
1218 Interval Barre Fusion Upper Body - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 14.99 7.99
1219 Interval Barre Fusion Lower Body - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 14.99 7.99
1220 Interval Barre Fusion Total Core - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 14.99 7.99
1221 Barlates Body Blitz - Barre Advanced - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 7.99
2077 Barlates Body Blitz - Barre Basics Series - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 7.99
1193 Barlates Fusion Mat Workout - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 7.99
695 Quick Callanetics Hips And Behind DVD 12.99 19.99 7.99
1200 Barre Bell HIIT - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 14.99 7.99
2092 Barlates Body Blitz - Barre Intermediate - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 7.99
1180 Barre Ball Blast Total Body Workout - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 14.99 7.99
2057 Xtreme Burn Hiit 30 - Mike Donavanik 14.95 16.99 7.99
2293 Fitness Favorites G Force Vol 2 Rebounding DVD 14.99 19.99 7.99
2215 Feeling Pretty Remarkable The Low Back Program Phases 3 & 4 14.99 19.99 7.99
2221 Feeling Pretty Remarkable The Knee Program Phases 3 & 4 14.99 19.99 7.99
2203 Feeling Pretty Remarkable The Knee Program Phases 1 & 2 14.99 19.99 7.99
2160 Feeling Pretty Remarkable The Low Back Program Phases 1 & 2 14.99 19.99 7.99
2157 Fit Prime Just Right DVD - Anna Benson - FitPrime 16.99 19.99 7.99
508 Christi Taylor Pure Spice Cinnamon DVD 17.99 19.99 7.99
692 Super Callanetics DVD 14.99 24.99 8
1167 Yoga Tune Up Double Loop Stretch Strap - Jill Miller 10.95 10.95 8.95
1106 Tracie Long Focus Series Power Up DVD 14.95 16.95 8.95
935 Liquid Grooves DVD - Petra Kolber 16.95 19.95 8.95
770 Tracey Mallett Lose the Belly Flab 12.98 14.98 8.98
95 Jari Love Get Ripped Exercise DVD 12.98 14.98 8.98
103 Jari Love Get Extremely Ripped Revved to the Max DVD 12.98 14.98 8.98
55 **USED** Cize Beachbody Base Set - Shaun T 3 DVD Set and Guides **USED** 12.99 59.99 8.99
662-S **USED** PiYo Beachbody Base Set - 3 DVD Set & Guides **USED** 12.99 59.99 8.99
1160 Xtreme Burn Bodyweight Blast - Mike Donavanik DVD 14.95 18 8.99
2099 Extreme Burn Metabolic Conditioning - Mike Donavanik 14.95 19.95 8.99
1168 Xtreme Burn Diesel - Mike Donavanik DVD 14.95 18 8.99
1268 Barlates Best of Bands Workout - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) Barlates Body Blitz 14.99 19.99 8.99
1246 Best of Lower Body 2 DVD Set - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) Barlates Body Blitz 14.99 19.99 8.99
1245 Best of Upper Body 2 DVD Set - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) Barlates Body Blitz 14.99 19.99 8.99
1140 Barlates Best of Ball - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) Barlates Body Blitz 14.99 19.99 8.99
1186 Best of Stretch Sculpt - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) Barlates Body Blitz 14.99 19.99 8.99
1222 Barlates Best of Mat Workout - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) Barlates Body Blitz 14.99 19.99 8.99
1252 Barlates Best of Beginners - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) Barlates Body Blitz 14.99 19.99 8.99
1223 Best of Express - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) Barlates Body Blitz 14.99 19.99 8.99
1267 Best of Body Sculpt - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) Barlates Body Blitz 14.99 19.99 8.99
1195 Barlates Best of Fat Burn - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) Barlates Body Blitz 14.99 19.99 8.99
40 Jenny Ford Checkout Workout 12.95 14.95 9.95
1198 Stronger Longer Volume 2 - Tracie Long 14.95 21.97 9.95
1197 Stronger Longer Volume 1 - Tracie Long 14.95 21.97 9.95
2033 Pilates for Men Ball Workout DVD 14.95 19.95 9.95
349 Tracie Long Longevity Series Defining Shape DVD 16.95 19.95 9.95
544 Suzanne Bowen Barre Amped Cardio Fat Burn (BarreAmped) 16.95 19.95 9.95
521 Zero to Sixty Adrenaline Rush - Sharon Money Twombly 16.95 19.95 9.95
889 Peak 10 More Cardio Strength DVD - Michelle Dozois 16.95 19.95 9.95
372 Trim Tighten & Tone - Pilates Fix - Andrea Speir & Kristen Matthews 18.95 18.95 9.95
739 Barre Body Tone and Shape DVD 19.95 24.95 9.95
757 Barre Body Lengthen and Tone DVD 19.95 24.95 9.95
348 Jari Love Get Ripped And Chiseled DVD 12.98 14.98 9.98
134 Extremely Ripped and Chiseled - Jari Love 12.98 14.95 9.98
748 Tracey Mallett Get Your Body Back DVD - 7 Short Cardio Fat Blasing Workouts 12.98 14.98 9.98
713 Tracey Staehle Cardio Kickbox Challenge DVD - Fit By Tracey 14.98 19.98 9.98
731 Tracey Staehle Walking Stronger Treadmill DVD 14.98 19.98 9.98
330 Core Movements 5 & 6 Tracie Long Fitness - The Studio Series 16.98 21.98 9.98
33-G Joel Harper Firming After 50 DVD 11.95 14.95 9.99
737-C Healthymotion - Pilates for Everyone DVD 11.95 19.95 9.99
409-B 10 Minute Solution Butt Lift DVD 11.95 14.95 9.99
941-A Prayfit 33 Day Total Body Challenge - Jimmy Pena 11.95 14.95 9.99
213-E Tracy Anderson: Dance Plus Cardio 11.95 14.95 9.99
406-Z The Essential 12 Minute Workouts - Cardio Funk Fusion DVD 11.95 39.95 9.99
436-B Exhale Core Fusion Barre Basics for Beginners DVD 11.95 16.95 9.99
452-N Beginner's Weight Loss Transformation DVD - Bob Harper 11.95 14.95 9.99
13-G Weight Training For Martial Arts with Barbells and Dumbbells - Basics 11.95 19.95 9.99
236-S Totally Ripped Core DVD - Bob Harper 11.95 14.95 9.99
28-U Get Fit America For Kids DVD - Scott Cole 11.95 19.95 9.99
282-G Yoga for Paddlers - Andria Baldovin 11.95 19.95 9.99
476-o Shiva Rea Power Flow Yoga DVD 11.95 14.95 9.99
763-U Caribbean Workout - Pilates & Pilates Plus 2 DVD Set - Shelly McDonald 11.95 19.95 9.99
1071 Livingroom Yoga Twist and Bend DVD with Eva Barash 11.98 14.98 9.99
217 Detox Yoga Heart Body Soul Mind with Amy Schneider 11.98 14.98 9.99
1064 Livingroom Yoga Hips and Backbending DVD with Eva Barash 11.98 14.98 9.99
1068 Livingroom Yoga Relax and Detox DVD Eva Barash 11.98 14.98 9.99
556-i Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition the Workout DVD 11.98 14.98 9.99
594-G Extreme Makeover Boot Camp DVD 11.98 14.98 9.99
1035-E Bob Harper Inside Out Method Bob's Workout DVD 11.98 14.98 9.99
556-M Bodywisdom Power Yoga for Every Body DVD 11.98 14.98 9.99
436-X Bodywisdom Yoga for Back Care DVD 11.98 14.98 9.99
481-R Stretching for Seniors with Ann Smith DVD 11.98 14.98 9.99
982-Q Brooke Burke Transform your Body Tone and Tighten DVD 11.98 14.98 9.99
574 Tap Less And Step More Cia 2803 Deirdre Morris DVD 11.99 19.99 9.99
571 Athletic Step Jam Cia 2804 Sharon Money Twombly DVD 11.99 19.99 9.99
572 All Cardio Step Gay Gasper Cia 2801 DVD 11.99 19.99 9.99
592 Tamilee Webb Tighter Assets Cardio Blast DVD 11.99 14.98 9.99
589 Tamilee Webb Tighter Assets Weight Loss DVD 11.99 14.98 9.99
166 Meditations for Beginners with James Philip 11.99 12.99 9.99
116 Chakra Meditations with James Philip 11.99 12.99 9.99
440 Leisa Hart Sexy Buns DVD 11.99 14.99 9.99
212 Flow Yoga Strength & Stability - Nadia Narain 11.99 14.99 9.99
450-U The Biggest Loser The Workout Weight Loss Yoga DVD 11.99 14.98 9.99
414 Element Ballet Conditioning DVD 11.99 14.98 9.99
450-o Yoga Booty Ballet : Rehearsal & Guided Meditation, Total Toning Basics, Advanced Fat Burning 11.99 14.98 9.99
286-o Gabrielle Reece Fit And Healthy Prenatal Workouts DVD 11.99 14.98 9.99
941-o Zumba Advanced DVD 11.99 14.99 9.99
198-W Yoga Booty Ballet Live - Hip Hop Abs & Cardio Cabaret 11.99 14.98 9.99
331-Q Get Fit with Fit TV DVD 11.99 19.99 9.99
1102-J Baron Baptiste My MS Yoga - Yoga For People with Multiple Sclerosis 11.99 14.99 9.99
36-A Pilates for AnyBODY Pilates/Yoga for AnyBODY - Theresa Borgren 11.99 14.95 9.99
402-Y Physique 57 Express 30 Minute Full Body Workout DVD 11.99 19.99 9.99
1035-i Shiva Rea Daily Energy Vinyasa Flow Yoga DVD 11.99 19.99 9.99
136-X Yogaworks Body Slim DVD 11.99 14.98 9.99
197-N The Firm Wave 3 DVD Set 11.99 14.98 9.99
466-J 22 Minute Hard Corps Battle Buddy DVD 11.99 19.9 9.99
1100-Z Yogaworks Beginners AM/PM DVD 11.99 14.98 9.99
211-X Gabrielle Reece Complete Fit & Healthy Pregnancy Workout 2 DVD Set 11.99 14.98 9.99
722-R Bosu Balance Trainer Absolutely Abs DVD - Gregg Cook 11.99 14.99 9.99
215-S Shiva Rea Creative Core and Upper Body DVD 11.99 14.99 9.99
2294-W **USED** Beachbody Slim in 6 3 DVD Set with Guides **USED** 11.99 19.99 9.99
313-V Kim Kardashian Fit In Your Jeans By Friday Amazing Abs Body Sculpt DVD 11.99 14.98 9.99
406-R Kettlenetics 4 DVD Set - Michelle Khai 11.99 14.98 9.99
500-V Mayo Clinic Insomnia DVD - Rodney Yee 11.99 14.99 9.99
556-T Yoga Booty Ballet Live 2-Disc Set: Light & Easy / Latin Flavor 11.99 14.98 9.99
805-C 10 Minute Solution Dance It Off And Tone It Up DVD 11.99 16.98 9.99
805-K Stott Pilates The Secret to Toned Arms, Buns and Thighs - Moira Merrithew 11.99 16.95 9.99
1079-E Weight Loss Cardio Sculpt With Violet Zaki DVD 11.99 14.98 9.99
1156-i **USED** Insight Yoga Heaven Balancing Yang Energy DVD - Sarah Powers **USED** 11.99 24.98 9.99
2158-X **USED** Insight Yoga DVD - Sarah Powers **USED** 11.99 24.98 9.99
282-S You Can Do It Yoga DVD - Osha Ray 11.99 14.98 9.99
312-T Stott Pilates Intense Body Blast Pilates Interval Training Level 2 11.99 16.95 9.99
313-Z Yoga For Beginners With Desi Bartlett DVD 11.99 14.98 9.99
38-N Ashtanga Yoga Introductory Poses with Nicki Doane 11.99 19.99 9.99
476-G Prenatal Bellydance with Naia 11.99 19.99 9.99
528-A Dell Maree Day 5 Minute Workout DVD 11.99 14.98 9.99
556-S Shiva Rea Core Yoga DVD 11.99 14.99 9.99
694-P **USED** Insight Yoga Earth Balancing Yin Energy DVD - Sarah Powers **USED** 11.99 24.98 9.99
734-V Gilad Kids In Motion Hooked On Fitness DVD 11.99 14.99 9.99
763-G Exhale Core Fusion Lean & Toned DVD 11.99 16.98 9.99
950-U Fit Kids Club with Shaun T DVD 11.99 19.99 9.99
z153 Shape Up Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 11.99 11.99 9.99
z159 Shape It Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 11.99 11.99 9.99
z233 Quick Fix Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 11.99 11.99 9.99
z235 Resistance Band Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 11.99 11.99 9.99
z56 Stretch Yoga Fusion 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 11.99 11.99 9.99
z58 Stretch Sculpt Series 3 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 11.99 11.99 9.99
z59 Stretch Flex Tone 3 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 11.99 11.99 9.99
902 Petra Kolber Pk Step DVD 12.95 14.95 9.99
41 Dancinerate Sassy Jazz and Hip Hop Fusion - Ilyse Baker 12.95 14.95 9.99
908 Toby Massenburg's Ignite DVD 12.95 14.95 9.99
1159 Mike Chang's Six Pack Shortcuts The Total Body Workout DVD 12.95 14.95 9.99
1241 South of France Virtual Walk Treadmill or Elliptical Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
1261 Alpine Mountain Passes Virtual Walk Treadmill or Elliptical Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
1284 Spanish Pyrenees Virtual Cycle Ride or Treadmill Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
2084 Virtual Cycle Rides Andorra - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
1134 Prayfit 33 Day Body Toning System - Jimmy Pena 12.95 14.95 9.99
76 Dance off the Inches Latin Cardio Party 12.95 14.95 9.99
803 Jillian Michaels Killer Body 12.95 14.95 9.99
1224 Italian Tyrol Virtual Cycle Ride or Treadmill Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
1231 Philippines Virtual Walk Treadmill or Elliptical Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
1270 Singapore Chinese and Japanese Gardens Virtual Walk Treadmill or Elliptical Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
145 Tracy Anderson Method - Dance Cardio Workout II 12.95 14.95 9.99
1285 Olive Grove Virtual Cycle Ride or Treadmill Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
815 Jillian Michaels One Week Shred 12.95 14.95 9.99
1274 Singapore's Heritage Virtual Walk Treadmill or Elliptical Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
595 Exhale Core Fusion Bootcamp DVD 12.95 16.95 9.99
963 Karen Voight Pilates Core Power Abdominals & Back DVD 12.95 14.95 9.99
1277 Vineyard in France Virtual Cycle Ride or Treadmill Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
955 Thailand Temples and Gardens Virtual Cycle Ride or Treadmill Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
1053 Atletica Volume 4 by Powerstrike DVD - Ilaria Montagnani 12.95 14.95 9.99
2081 Lavender Fields France Virtual Walk Treadmill or Elliptical Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
85 Pregnancy Yoga with Nadia Narain 12.95 15.95 9.99
133 Tracy Anderson Method - Dance Cardio Workout 12.95 14.95 9.99
2214 The Firm Cross Trainers Lower Body Split DVD 12.95 14.95 9.99
449 Train2Cheer (Train 2 Cheer) Strength and Conditioning DVD 12.95 19.95 9.99
602 Joy Bauer's Slimdown Workout DVD 12.95 16.95 9.99
1194 Element Belly Dance - Bellydance 12.95 14.95 9.99
438 Belly Beautiful Workout Pre and Postnatal Pilates Barre Fusion - Patricia Friberg 12.95 19.95 9.99
1025 Ballet Beautiful Cardio Fat Burn with Mary Helen Bowers 12.95 14.99 9.99
1233 Macau Virtual Walk Treadmill or Elliptical Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
1254 Thailand Beaches Virtual Walk Treadmill or Elliptical Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
972 Karen Voight Yoga Sculpt DVD - Yogasculpt 12.95 14.95 9.99
1282 Jaipur India Virtual Cycle Ride or Treadmill Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
966 Karen Voight Pure and Simple Stretch DVD 12.95 14.95 9.99
553 Poise Fit & Fierce Take Back Your Core - Dr. Teri Jory 12.95 14.95 9.99
1177 Everyday Yoga for Stress Release - Nadia Narain 12.95 12.95 9.99
1214 Joyful Movement Sculpt with Natalie Spadaccino 12.95 14.95 9.99
1250 Tropical Forest & Limestone Scenery Virtual Walk Treadmill or Elliptical Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
2097 New Delhi, India Virtual Cycle Ride or Treadmill Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
211-B Yoga for the Rest of Us Back Care Basics - Peggy Cappy DVD 12.95 19.95 9.99
1038 Ilaria Bodystrikes Volume 1 DVD - Ilaria Montagnani 12.95 14.95 9.99
1230 Australian Landscapes Virtual Walk Treadmill or Elliptical Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
1244 Virtual Cycle Rides Bangkok Thailand - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
245 Belly Beautiful Volume 2 Postnatal & Busy Mom Workout - Patricia Friberg 12.95 19.95 9.99
144 Billy Blanks Tae Bo Live Express 12.95 14.99 9.99
750 30 Minutes to Fitness Abs & Core - Kelly Coffey Meyer 12.95 14.95 9.99
2025 Cycle Through Nature A Day At the Beach Virtual Cycle Ride or Treadmill Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
326 Element Daily Yoga 12.95 14.95 9.99
1045 Bodystrikes Volume 3 12.95 14.95 9.99
1238 Balinese Rice Fields Virtual Walk Treadmill or Elliptical Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
232 Element Intro to Yoga DVD 12.95 14.95 9.99
2071 Resistance Loops - Set of 5 Resistance Levels with storage bag 12.95 14.95 9.99
2199-R **USED** Tony Horton Power 90 DVD Set - Sculpt Circuit 1-4, Sweat Cardio 1-4 & Ab Ripper 100 & 200 **USED** 12.95 34.95 9.99
408 Element 5 Day Yoga 12.95 14.95 9.99
455-C Yoga for Runners Intermediate Program - Christine Felstead 12.95 19.95 9.99
57 Kimberly Fowler The No Om Zone Yoga Workouts DVD 12.95 14.95 9.99
338-V Scott Cole Discover Tai Chi For Beginners 12.95 14.95 9.99
455-T Yoga for the Rest of Us Heart Healthy Yoga - Peggy Cappy DVD 12.95 19.95 9.99
1024 Ballet Beautiful Sculpt & Burn Cardio Blast - Mary Helen Bowers 12.95 14.95 9.99
15-V The All Day Yoga Workout - A.M., Stress Relief, and P.M. Yoga for Beginners 12.95 19.95 9.99
283-S Weight Watchers Time Crunch Training DVD - Stephanie Huckabee 12.95 14.95 9.99
424-T Mountain Fall Scenery Virtual Walk Treadmill or Elliptical Workout - The Ambient Collection 12.95 14.95 9.99
1011ZZ Kelly Coffey-Meyer Cardio Kick Step Boxing 2 DVD 12.95 19.98 9.99
30 Yoga Transformation Weight Loss & Balance - Tara Stiles & Deepak Chopra 12.95 14.98 9.99
33-i Denise Austin Power Zone - The Ultimate Metabolic Workout Volume 1 - 3 12.95 14.95 9.99
505 Gilad Bodies in Motion Makapu'u Cliff 12.99 14.95 9.99
865 The Biggest Loser The Workout DVD 12.99 14.98 9.99
451 Patrick Goudeau M.A.D. Mad Moves Plus DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
866 Patrick Goudeau Dance Moves DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
239 Patrick Goudeau Dance Remix DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
947 The Biggest Loser At Home Challenge DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
760 Calorie Burner Workout With Kettlebells DVD - Gin Miller 12.99 14.99 9.99
513 Gilad Sandy Beach 12.99 14.99 9.99
785 Shiva Rea Yoga Trance Dance DVD 12.99 19.99 9.99
266 Element Targeted Toning Yoga 12.99 14.99 9.99
483 Gilad Bodies In Motion Abs Workout DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
167 Solar Energize and Inspire with Tara Lee 12.99 14.98 9.99
255 Gilad's Xcelerate-4 Volume 2: Tone Every Inch 12.99 14.99 9.99
306 Sweat Express II Cardio and Dance Celebration DVD - Kari Anderson 12.99 14.99 9.99
315 Kari Anderson Curl Ab Workout DVD 12.99 14.98 9.99
389 Reebok Boot Camp DVD - 7 Express Workouts - Tanja Djelevic 12.99 14.98 9.99
814 Shiva Rea Radiant Heart Yoga DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
1143 Couples Workouts for Health and Happiness Cardio Sweat 12.99 14.99 9.99
2074 Couples Workouts for Health and Happiness Strength & Tone Together 12.99 14.99 9.99
477 Gilad Step And Tone Workout DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
1029 Fantasy Bellydance DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
484 Gilad Beginners Weight Loss And Toning Program DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
496 Absolute Beginners Kettlebell 3 In 1 With Amy Bento DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
867 Lisa Rinna Dance Body Beautiful Ballroom Learn And Burn DVD 12.99 14.95 9.99
2073 Couples Workouts for Health and Happiness Core & Flexibility 12.99 14.99 9.99
273 Gilad's Xcelerate-4 Volume 4: Strength in Motion 12.99 14.99 9.99
537 Gilad Bodies In Motion Volume 4 Primates In Motion DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
591 Gilad Bodies In Motion Volume 2 Waikiki Pier DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
1062 Belly Dancing with Jacqueline Chapman DVD 12.99 19.99 9.99
136-Y Body By Bethenny with Bethenny Frankel DVD 12.99 16.99 9.99
265 Element Cardio and Conditioning Yoga 12.99 14.99 9.99
20-o Bosu 4 in 1 Workout DVD with Bonus Xplode Workout 12.99 19.99 9.99
254 Gilad's Xcelerate-4 Volume 1: Burn It Off 12.99 14.99 9.99
447 Balanced Assets DVD - Gin Miller 12.99 14.99 9.99
444 Patrick Goudeau Aerobic Dance Workout DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
472 Gilad Getting Fit In Jerusalem DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
563 Gilad Bodies In Motion 30th Anniversary Shows Volume 3 12.99 14.99 9.99
741 Go Mom Fitness It's Your Body Recharge It DVD 12.99 14.98 9.99
269 Gilad's Xcelerate-4 Volume 3: Best Butt & Abs 12.99 14.99 9.99
276 Gilad Bodies In Motion Volume 11 Waikiki Shore DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
340-Q Exhale Core Fusion Pilates Plus DVD 12.99 14.98 9.99
454 Give the People What They Want: Go Off - A Motivational Dance DVD 12.99 14.98 9.99
743 Dance And Be Fit Lower Body Burn DVD 12.99 14.98 9.99
213-Z The Practical Power Of Yoga Rodney Yee And Colleen Saidman DVD 12.99 19.98 9.99
450-W Bodywisdom Tai Chi for Beginners DVD 12.99 19.99 9.99
685 Fit in 5 Total Body Tone DVD 12.99 16.98 9.99
1042 Tarot Fantasy Bellydance DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
234-Q Simply Ball 3 in 1 Complete Collection DVD 12.99 29.99 9.99
24-Z Denise Austin Personal Training System - Customize your own workout! 12.99 19.99 9.99
565 Gilad Anniversary Shows Volume 2 12.99 14.99 9.99
2267-V **USED** Zumba - Basic Steps Level 1 Review 3 DVDs & Music CD Instructor Release **USED** 12.99 29.99 9.99
340-K Stott Pilates Fitness Strong & Streamlined Level 4 - Moira Merrithew 12.99 19.95 9.99
499 Gilad Pupukea Beach 12.99 14.95 9.99
512-L Wai Lana Yoga Goodbye Inertia 12.99 14.98 9.99
98-Y Dirty Dancing Official Dance Workout DVD 12.99 14.98 9.99
1058-o Core Rhythms Latin Dance Made Easy DVD 12.99 19.99 9.99
2208-Q **USED** Zumba - Basic Steps Level 1 Review Choreography DVDs & Music CD Instructor Release **USED** 12.99 29.99 9.99
421-Y HeavyWeight Yoga 2: Change the Image of Yoga 12.99 19.99 9.99
429-B Moms Into Fitness Lindsay Brin's Dance Jam DVD 12.99 19.99 9.99
450-E The Firm Ultimate Fat Burning Workout DVD 12.99 14.98 9.99
458-S Wai Lana Yoga Relaxation Workout 12.99 14.98 9.99
524-T Yoga To The Rescue For Back Pain DVD 12.99 14.98 9.99
160-Q Core Rhythms Latin Dance Made Easy DVD 12.99 19.99 9.99
164-F Shiva Rea Sun Salutations Awakening the Flow DVD 12.99 19.99 9.99
176-Q HeavyWeight Yoga: Yoga for the Body You Have Today 12.99 19.99 9.99
197-C Richard Simmons Sweatin To The Oldies Volume 4 DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
234-P MTV Power Yoga - Kristin McGee 12.99 14.95 9.99
236-K Kabbalah Yoga Ambitious Beginners DVD 12.99 19.99 9.99
314-H The Fete Fix - A Caribbean Dance Workout 12.99 19.99 9.99
340-Y Jennifer Kries The Pilates Method Master Trainer Series Barrel DVD 12.99 19.98 9.99
464-G Tibetan Energy Yoga for Health and Inner Balance 12.99 19.95 9.99
476-J Gilad Waikiki Beach 12.99 14.99 9.99
476-K Gilad Bodies In Motion Volume 6 Cruise Ship DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
476-S Gilad Bodies In Motion Interval Training DVD 12.99 14.99 9.99
512-P The Power of Tai Chi DVD 12.99 19.99 9.99
594-U Wai Lana Yoga Toning Workout 12.99 14.98 9.99
599-Z Zumba - Basic Steps Level 2 Review Choreography DVDs & Music CD Instructor Release 12.99 29.99 9.99
667-H The Firm Bootcamp Maximum Calorie Burn Exercise DVD 12.99 14.98 9.99
667-J Georges St. Pierre Rushfit The Fight Conditioning Workout 12.99 19.99 9.99
722-o Leslie Sansone Walk At Home 1 Mile Booster Advanced 12.99 19.99 9.99
745-H Stott Pilates Fitness Strong & Streamlined English and French - Moira Merrithew 12.99 19.95 9.99
762-X **USED** Zumba Gold Review Choreography DVD & Music CD Instructor Release **USED** 12.99 39.99 9.99
964-A Pilates Express - Lynne Robinson & Pat Cash 12.99 14.98 9.99
982-U Vets Yoga - Introductory Series for Veterans and Military Personnel 12.99 19.99 9.99
z1000 Burn It Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1010 Cardio Sculpt Fusion Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1044 Endurance 90 Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z105 Standing and Mat Abs 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z107 Standing Barre Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1091 Calm Barre Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1112 Booty and Thighs Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1114 Seated Chair Workout Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1141 Apartment Fever 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1151 No Excuses Series 6 Workout Set - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1152 Low High Series 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1157 Feel Good Walk Series 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1161 Barre Sculpt Pyramid 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1169 Weighted Barre Series 3 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1174 Total 20 Series 8 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1176 Resistance Stretching 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1184 Quiet Quarantine 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1205 Mobility Series - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 9.99
z1206 Resista-Barre Total Body Workout - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz DVD-R 12.99 14.99 9.99
z1213 Cardio Barre Series 4 Workouts on 2 DVDs - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1227 Ankle Weight Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1228 Yoga Barre Fusion 3 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1229 Hip Mobility Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1232 Comprehensive Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1237 Sickness Recovery 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1240 Total Body Cardio Barre 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1248 Ankle Weight Total Body 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1253 Walk and Sculpt Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1257 Walk off Fat Series 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal - Music Only Workout DVD (no cuing) 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1258 Total Mat Series - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1259 Lazy Days Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1264 Glute Activation - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Wooldridge 12.99 14.99 9.99
z1265 All About the Abs - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Wooldridge (Stejskal) 12.99 14.99 9.99
z1272 Ankle Weight 30 Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1273 You've Got 10 Series - 10 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1275 Foot Injury Series 4 Workouts DVD - Barlates Body Blitz (Linda Stejskal) 12.99 14.99 9.99
z1276 Endurance 40 Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1278 Endurance 50 Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1279 Heavy Ankle Weights Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1280 Beginner Intervals 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z1290 All About the Arms - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Wooldridge (Stejskal) 12.99 14.99 9.99
z1305 Firm 15 Series 8 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z146 Slider Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z152 Slide and Burn 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z161 Sculpt It Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z171 Mix and Match Lower 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z178 Mix and Match Upper 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z185 Old School Series 4 Workouts- Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z188 Overload Training Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z19 Tone It Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z195 Pilates Abs Fusion 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z196 Pilates Ball Mat 5 workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z200 Pilates Beginners Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2000 Bounce Intervals Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2008 Bounce Express Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2013 Wall Pilates Total Body Series 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2015 Body Burner Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z202 Pilates Mat Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2021 Bounce 20 Plus - 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2027 Walk Off Belly Fat 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2028 Beginners Mat Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2030 Body Blast Series 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2032 Strength Express Series 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2035 Body Sculpt Series 3 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2036 Body Weight Basics 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2037 Bosu Total Body Fusion 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2043 Precision Angles Series 4 Workouts DVD - Barlates Body Blitz (Linda Stejskal) 12.99 14.99 9.99
z2052 On Point Series 5 Workouts DVD - Barlates Body Blitz (Linda Stejskal) 12.99 14.99 9.99
z2054 Barre Kettlebell Hiit 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2069 Zone 2 Cardio Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2072 Ball and Loop Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2087 Wall Pilates Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2095 Beginners Loop Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz -DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2096 Bounce Sweat Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2106 Endurance 30 Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2108 All About the Legs - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Wooldridge (Stejskal) 12.99 14.99 9.99
z2146 Total Core Fusion 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2162 Upper Body Light and Heavy 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2185 5 Day Fitmas Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z22 Torch and Tone Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z223 Pilates Ring Series 3 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2235 Functional Training Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z224 Postnatal Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2240 Fat Burning Walk Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2248 Warm and Stretch 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z225 Precision Training 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2260 Yoga Wheel Pilates 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2276 Barre Bootcamp 3 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z2283 Upper Body Barre 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z251 Energy Flow Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z259 Express Mat Series 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z263 Gentle Home Workout 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z267 Fit Ball Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z272 Fit in 5 Band Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z29 Tighten it Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z317 Fit in 5 Glide Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z344 Fit in 5 Mat Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z365 Full Body Hiit Series 3 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z392 Fusion Flow Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z401 Garden Series 1 - 4 Workouts- Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z403 Garden Series 2 - 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z426 Grace and Strength 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z439 HIIT Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z443 Hotel Room Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z456 Loop Chisel Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z459 Loop Extreme Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z461 Lower Body Mat Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z468 Mat Barre Series 3 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z47 Target 10 Series - 10 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z490 Mat Intervals Series 7 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z492 Mat Workout Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z522 Metabolic Training Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z525 Mix and Match Abs 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z53 Sweat Series - 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z533 Speed Walking 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 12.99 9.99
z569 20 Minute Blitz 7 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 12.99 9.99
z575 Music Only Cardio Sculpt Series 6 Workout DVD - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 12.99 9.99
z586 Bounce Step Series 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz 12.99 12.99 9.99
z593 MetCon Series 5 Workouts (Metabolic Conditioning) - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 12.99 9.99
z725 Strong Body Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 12.99 12.99 9.99
z773 Knee Friendly Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 12.99 12.99 9.99
z782 Cardio Dance Series 7 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 12.99 9.99
z790 Cardio Strength Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 12.99 12.99 9.99
z827 Endurance 80 Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z847 Endurance 70 Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z859 Endurance 120 Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z86 Strength Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z89 Step Barre Fusion 3 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z914 Endurance 110 Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z938 Endurance 100 Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z946 Double Loop Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z974 Boosted Walk Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 12.99 13.99 9.99
z978 Dynamic Flow Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
z997 Bounce Series 4 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 12.99 12.99 9.99
823 Dr. Lisa Yoga Blast DVD 13.95 16.95 9.99
2155 Fit Prime Strong Bear DVD - Tracie Long - FitPrime 13.99 19.99 9.99
422 The Iso Towel Weight Loss Workout - Lisa Avellino 13.99 19.99 9.99
215-B Shiva Rea More Daily Energy Vinyasa Flow Yoga DVD 13.99 19.99 9.99
340-L Prevention Fitness Systems 3 Workout Set - Dance It Off, Better Belly Yoga & Drop in it 30 Days 13.99 19.98 9.99
926-K Moving into Bliss with Yoga - Vitality, Clarity, Peace DVD 13.99 19.99 9.99
z1236 10 Minute Tone Series 15 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 13.99 13.99 9.99
z1251 Lower Body Extreme 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 13.99 13.99 9.99
z2049 15 Minute Tone Series 10 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 13.99 13.99 9.99
z2091 Walk and Talk Volume 1 - 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 13.99 13.99 9.99
z680 Arms and Abs Extreme 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz 13.99 13.99 9.99
z683 Total Chair Workout Series 7 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz 13.99 13.99 9.99
z691 Beginner Walk Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 13.99 13.99 9.99
z696 Train and Talk Volume 1 - 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 13.99 13.99 9.99
z729 Seated Chair Workout Series 6 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz 13.99 13.99 9.99
z817 Step, Sweat, Sculpt Series 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal 13.99 13.99 9.99
13-L Spinning Crank It Up - Interval Energy Zone DVD Josh Taylor 14.5 24 9.99
2105 The Original Buns of Steel DVD - Greg Smithey 14.95 19.95 9.99
199 Chair Dancing Sit Down and Tone it Up Encore DVD 14.95 14.95 9.99
293 Tracie Long Longevity Series Step Forward DVD 14.99 19.95 9.99
789 Booty Barre Beginners and Beyond 14.99 16.99 9.99
2174 Vitality Training Series Go Volume 1 - 3 DVD Set 14.99 19.99 9.99
289 Ballet Physique Signature Sculpt DVD 14.99 19.99 9.99
123 Elements of Yoga: Fire Dynamic with Tara Lee 14.99 19.98 9.99
806 Simply Step Classic Moves Cardio Endurance DVD - Gin Miller 14.99 19.99 9.99
291 Ballet Physique Amped Up DVD 14.99 19.99 9.99
560 Amy Bento Hi Lo Dome Challenge Bosu DVD 14.99 19.99 9.99
488 **USED** Focus T25 Alpha & Beta - Shaun T 9 DVD Set (DVDs Only) **USED** 14.99 59.99 9.99
482 Gilad 60 And 30 Minute Low Impact Workouts DVD 14.99 19.99 9.99
177 Flow Yoga Energize and Renew & Detox Yoga Heart Body Soul Mind 2 DVD Set - Amy Schneider 14.99 14.99 9.99
49 Weight Loss Workouts with Frankie Essex & Lisa Nash 14.99 14.99 9.99
786 Bollywood Boogie Workout with Hemalayaa DVD 14.99 16.99 9.99
391 Bethenny's Skinnygirl Workout DVD (Skinny Girl) 14.99 16.99 9.99
125 Elements of Yoga: Earth Foundation with Tara Lee 14.99 19.98 9.99
126 Elements of Yoga: Air and Water Flow with Tara Lee 14.99 19.98 9.99
62 Total Cardio Burn with Caroline Pearce 14.99 19.98 9.99
2156-R **USED** Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program: Starter Pack 4 DVD Set **USED** 14.99 49.99 9.99
117 The Bootylicious Workout with Feyi Jegede 14.99 14.99 9.99
1102-L PiYo Hardcore on the Floor DVD 14.99 19.99 9.99
1127 Hi Lo Recharge - Kristin Dowell 14.99 19.99 9.99
431-B Classical Pilates Technique The Complete Mat Workout Series DVD 14.99 19.95 9.99
1079-F Kabbalah Yoga Creating Your Own Fountain of Youth DVD - Yvonne Dayan 14.99 19.99 9.99
220-J Weight Watchers Punch DVD Only - Stephanie Huckabee 14.99 19.99 9.99
450-R Rodney Yee Power Yoga Collection - 3 workout set 14.99 19.98 9.99
524-U Fit and Sleek Prenatal Physique - Leah Sarago 14.99 19.99 9.99
698 Beginning Callanetics DVD 14.99 24.99 9.99
699-G Flirty Girl Fitness The Flirty Fit Collection Ultimate Upper Body 14.99 19.99 9.99
1079-A Tai Chi for Seniors - Master Jason Chan DVD 14.99 19.99 9.99
1137-AA **USED** Insanity Pro Team Round 10 **USED** 14.99 29.99 9.99
1149-AA **USED** Insanity Pro Team Round 11 **USED** 14.99 29.99 9.99
1155-AA **USED** Insanity Live Round 12 **USED** 14.99 29.99 9.99
33-K Flirty Girl Fitness The Flirty Fit Collection Video Vixen 14.99 19.99 9.99
366-J Cycle Challenge Cia 2411 Robert Sherman DVD 14.99 19.99 9.99
409-G Shiva Rea Fluid Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga DVD 14.99 19.99 9.99
463-N Tai Chi Energy Training for Mind & Body 14.99 19.99 9.99
466-Z Richard Simmons Sweatin To The Oldies Volume 5 DVD 14.99 14.99 9.99
476-A Gilad the New Best of Bodies in Motion 14.99 14.99 9.99
498-F Pilates Allegro Introductory & Level 1 Workouts 14.99 19.95 9.99
514-W Chi Kung Basics for Energy, Joy and Creativity - Marie Favorito 14.99 19.99 9.99
541-P Flirty Girl Fitness The Flirty Fit Collection Chair Dance Tone and Tease 14.99 19.99 9.99
559--o Leslie Sansone Walk At Home 4 Mile Super Walk DVD Only 14.99 19.99 9.99
594-Q Physique 57 Classic 57 Minute Full Body Workout DVD 14.99 19.99 9.99
599-o Mike Boyle Functional Training Series - Fat Loss Secrets 14.99 39.99 9.99
655-T The Firm Transfirmer Aerobic Body Shaping & Supercharged Sculpting 14.99 19.98 9.99
710-N Mindy Mylrea All About Arms DVD 14.99 19.99 9.99
714-P Older & Much Wiser Workout for Active Older Adults DVD 14.99 19.99 9.99
954-F Gilad Lord of the Abs Core Challenge DVD 14.99 19.98 9.99
977-W Body Bar Master Your Body Body Bar Flex Basics DVD 14.99 19.99 9.99
1123 Operation Tonergy Assets and Abs DVD - Nikki Dastrup 15.95 15.95 9.99
2208-Y **USED** Brazil Butt Lift DVDs Only **USED** 15.99 59.99 9.99
1182 Upper and Lower Drop Sets 2 DVD Set- Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 17.99 19.99 9.99
494 Simply Endurance DVD - Gin Miller 17.99 19.99 9.99
507 Gin Miller Simply Circuit 17.99 19.99 9.99
934 Seriously Strong DVD - Gin Miller 17.99 19.99 9.99
1172 Stamina 50 Reps Series 2 DVD Set- Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 19.99 19.99 9.99
1204 Barlates Body Blitz Triple Burn Series 2 DVD Set - Linda Wooldridge 19.99 19.99 9.99
1263 Barlates Body Blitz Double Burn Series 8 Workouts 2 DVD Set 19.99 19.99 9.99
2286 In Light of Change 2 Week Fitness Program - Julie Rammal 19.99 19.99 9.99
1118 Ryan Lochte Hard Core DVD 19.99 29.99 9.99
2101-2104 Barlates Body Blitz 100 Rep Challenge 2 DVD Set with Linda Wooldridge 19.99 21.99 9.99
2279 Virtual Active Tierra Del Fuego Bike DVD 17.95 19.95 10
2180 Virtual Active Panama Bike DVD 17.95 19.95 10
2195 Virtual Active Argentine Patagonia Bike DVD 17.95 19.95 10
2204 Virtual Active Costa Rica Bike DVD 17.95 19.95 10
2171 Virtual Active Chilean Patagonia Bike DVD 17.95 19.95 10
2243 Virtual Active Sydney Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2256 Virtual Active British Columbia Rockies Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2244 Virtual Active Auckland and Wellington Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2209 Virtual Active Vancouver Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2253 Virtual Active British Columbia Coast Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2254 Virtual Active Alberta Rockies Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2255 Virtual Active Trinity Mountains Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2301 Virtual Active North Island New Zealand Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2302 Virtual Active South Island New Zealand Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2131 Virtual Active American Southwest Run 2 DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2134 Virtual Active Chicago Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2135 Virtual Active Swiss Alps Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2136 Virtual Active Los Angeles Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2133 Virtual Active Northern Italy Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2153 Virtual Active Alberta Rockies Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2234 Virtual Active Sierra Nevada Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2123 Virtual Active Lake Tahoe Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2237 Virtual Active California Central Coast Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2117 Virtual Active Wild California Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2152 Virtual Active British Columbia Coast Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2125 Virtual Active Swiss Alps Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2252 Virtual Active Germany Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
2236 Virtual Active Trinity Mountains Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
1164 Virtual Active Northern Italy Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
1235 Virtual Active German Forests Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 10
676 Quick Callanetics Stomach, Legs, Hips And Behind DVD 17.99 24.99 10
693 Callanetics Evolution Body By Design Toning Program DVD 17.99 24.99 10
2142 Virtual Active Alberta Bike DVD 19.95 24.95 10
2161 Virtual Active American Northeast Bike DVD 19.95 24.95 10
2170 Virtual Active New Zealand Bike DVD 19.95 24.95 10
2163 Virtual Active British Columbia Bike DVD 19.95 24.95 10
1049 Peak Fit Challenge System Resistance Bands 19.95 19.95 10
1153 Socacize Exhilarating Caribbean Workout DVD 19.99 19.99 10
1207-1208-1210-1211-1212 5 Rejuvenation with Kathy Smith DVDs 19.99 49.99 10
2220 Feeling Pretty Remarkable Injury Free Golf Program 24.99 29.99 10
1247 Dance It Out 5 DVD Set - Billy Blanks Jr. 29.99 39.99 10
1107 Tracie Long Focus Series Reach Further DVD 14.95 16.95 11.95
1196 Platinum Fitness for Seniors - Tracie Long 14.95 21.97 11.95
1104 Tracie Long Focus Series Lift Higher DVD 14.95 16.95 11.95
1108 Tracie Long Reboot Real Evolution Vol 1 DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
886 Peak 10 More Cardio Interval Burn DVD - Michelle Dozois 16.95 19.95 11.95
517 Zero to Sixty Low Impact with Weights Sharon Twombly DVD (Zero to 60) 16.95 19.95 11.95
343 Tracie Long Longevity Series Back Up DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
983 Better Than Best of Boot Camp - Mindy Mylrea 16.95 19.95 11.95
122 Chair Dancing Simply Stretch DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
1115 Everybody Fitness Total Body Conditioning DVD - Dana Pieper 16.95 19.95 11.95
339 Tracie Long Longevity Series Staying Power DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
2168 Everybody Fitness Kickbox Challenge DVD - Dana Pieper 16.95 19.95 11.95
1056 Burn at the Barre The Advanced Workout DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
705 Suzanne Bowen Barre Amped (BarreAmped) 16.95 19.95 11.95
1046 Bedroom Body - Angie Miller 16.95 19.95 11.95
398 Quickies - Mindy Mylrea 16.95 19.95 11.95
998 30 Minutes to Fitness Athletic Conditioning - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 16.95 19.95 11.95
399 Bootcamp 4X4X2 - Paul Katami 16.95 19.95 11.95
808 Suzanne Bowen Barre Amped Bounce (BarreAmped) 16.95 19.95 11.95
921 Michelle Dozois Body Fit 360 DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
bars Masala Bhangra - Bhangra Bars (1 pair - 2 bars) 16.95 19.95 11.95
1034 The Jump Board Workout II With Props DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
940 Michelle Dozois Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn Remix 16.95 19.95 11.95
1028 Yo Fi Wellness Twisting DVD with Mitchel Bleier 16.95 19.95 11.95
363 Tim Culwell Creative Stepps Club Cardio Jam DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
937 Breathless Body the Ultimate Calorie Burn DVD - Amy Dixon 16.95 19.95 11.95
1014 Yo Fi Wellness Yoga for Healthy Shoulders with Mitchel Bleier 16.95 19.95 11.95
917 Aimee Nicotera's 2 X 2 Conditioning Volume 3 DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
1179 Kettlebell Ampd - Amy Moreland 16.95 19.95 11.95
1066 Yo Fi Wellness Leg Conditioning DVD with Mitchel Bleier 16.95 19.95 11.95
467 Kelly Coffey-Meyer 30 Minutes To Fitness Kickboxing DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
1017 Yo Fi Wellness Backbends DVD with Mitchel Bleier 16.95 19.95 11.95
423 Aimee Nicotera's Take 20 DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
410 Urban Rebounding System Compilation #5 DVD - 2 Workouts 16.95 19.95 11.95
427 Aimee Nicotera's 2 X 2 Conditioning DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
527 30 Minutes to Fitness Home Gym Intervals DVD - Kelly Coffey Meyer 16.95 19.95 11.95
905 Amy Dixon Give Me 10 (Ten) DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
915 Aimee Nicotera's Take 20 Volume 3 DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
943 Breathless Body 2 The Edge DVD - Amy Dixon 16.95 19.95 11.95
1008 Dr. Levi The Art of Fitness Cardio Core Workout DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
1069 Yo Fi Wellness Abs & Arms with Mitchel Bleier 16.95 19.95 11.95
558 30 Minutes to Fitness Trim Down 16.95 19.95 11.95
419 Urban Rebounding System Compilation #2 DVD - 4 Workouts 16.95 19.95 11.95
892 Mindy Mylrea All Out Cardio DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
1113 ASAP Perfect 10 The Basics - Paul Katami A.S.A.P. DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
470 Kelly Coffey-Meyer 30 Minutes To Fitness Bootcamp DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
1057 PHIIT: Pilates High Intensity Interval Training - Josh Smith 16.95 19.95 11.95
1065 Sweat More - Jen Edwards 16.95 19.95 11.95
846 Core Connection DVD - Mindy Mylrea 16.95 19.95 11.95
1059 Chair Dancing More Sit Down and Tone It Up - Jodi Stolove 16.95 19.95 11.95
362 Tim Culwell Creative Stepps Volume 3 DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
567 30 Minutes to Fitness Strong and Lean - Kelly Coffey Meyer 16.95 19.95 11.95
999 Just B Live Ab Blast Workout DVD Bernadette Giorgi 16.95 19.95 11.95
845 Mindy Mylrea Cycle Circuit DVD 16.95 19.99 11.95
873 Mindy Mylrea Best Of Boot Camp DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
465 Kelly Coffey-Meyer 30 Minutes To Fitness Cardio Blast DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
534 30 Minutes to Fitness Shape Up 16.95 19.95 11.95
581 30 Minutes To Fitness Athletic Conditioning Volume 2 - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 16.95 19.95 11.95
582 30 Minutes To Fitness Strength and Stamina - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 16.95 19.95 11.95
888 Aimee Nicotera's Take 20 Volume 2 DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
2251 Joel Harper Fit Pack No Equipment Needed DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
1083 30 Minutes to Fitness Slim Sculpting 16.95 19.95 11.95
147 Skip Jennings Maximum Strength Overload 16.95 19.95 11.95
501 Kelly Coffey-Meyer 30 Minutes To Fitness Lift DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
535 30 Minutes To Fitness Live Amped Up Cardio - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 16.95 19.95 11.95
611 30 Minutes to Fitness Super Sculpt DVD - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 16.95 19.95 11.95
971 Amy Dixon Super Fit Bod DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
551 Kelly Coffey-Meyer 30 Minutes To Fitness Body Training DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
516 30 Minutes to Fitness Cardio Quick Fix DVD - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 16.95 19.95 11.95
555 30 Minutes to Fitness One on One Cardio Sculpt Overload - Kelly Coffey Meyer 16.95 19.95 11.95
562 30 Minutes to Fitness Boxfit DVD - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 16.95 19.95 11.95
968 30 Minutes to Fitness Sculpting RX - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 16.95 19.95 11.95
580 Double Down - Amy Dixon & Paul Katami 16.95 19.95 11.95
830 Aimee Nicotera's 2 X 2 Conditioning Volume 2 DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
2056 Z Box Fitness The Workout 16.95 19.95 11.95
883 Mindy Mylrea Workout - Welcome To The Ultimate Sweatfest DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
568 30 Minutes To Fitness Cardio Pump - Kelly Coffey Meyer 16.95 19.95 11.95
404 Skip Jennings Yoga Zen Elevation 16.95 19.95 11.95
907 Breathless Body 3 HIIT It Big DVD - Amy Dixon 16.95 19.95 11.95
531 Susan Tuttle Chair Pilates DVD 16.95 19.99 11.95
566 30 Minutes to Fitness Total Body Kickbox DVD - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 16.95 19.95 11.95
973 Jennifer Galardi Sweating Sexy DVD 16.95 18.95 11.95
436-o Body Groove Dance Your Heart Out 2 DVD Set - Misty Tripoli 16.95 19.95 11.95
882 Mindy Mylrea Gliding Extreme DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
1020 Powerstrike Kickboxing Volume 7 DVD - Ilaria Montagnani 16.95 19.95 11.95
458-o Tabata Bootcamp with Toys DVD - Mindy Mylrea 16.95 19.95 11.95
473-Y Yamuna Body Rolling Total Body Workout DVD 16.95 19.95 11.95
655-W URX-MT Urban Rebounding Extreme Cardio Metabolic Circuit DVD - Greg Sims 16.95 19.95 11.95
667-o Tony Horton Power 90 DVD Set - Sculpt Circuit 1-4, Sweat Cardio 1-4 & Ab Ripper 100 & 200 16.95 34.95 11.95
73-G Tony Horton Power 90 DVD Set - Sculpt Circuit 1-4, Sweat Cardio 1-4 & Ab Ripper 100 & 200 16.95 34.95 11.95
1005 Short and Sweet DVD - Mindy Mylrea 16.98 19.98 11.95
927 Tabata Trek DVD - Mindy Mylrea 16.98 19.98 11.95
1142 Raq Fit with Samira Shuruk DVD - Belly and Bollywood Dance Fitness Fusion 16.99 19.99 11.95
798 Tonique Premier Fitness DVD Sylwia Wiesenberg 16.99 18.95 11.95
844 Svelte U Workout Two - Tracey Mallett 16.99 19.99 11.95
486 Suzanne Bowen BarreAmped Fire Extreme Sculpt (Barre Amped) 16.99 19.99 11.95
448 Body Physica Intense DVD - Lisa Johnson 16.99 19.99 11.95
1078 Healing Through Movement - Zayna Gold 16.99 19.95 11.95
509 Gilad Power and Grace 16.99 19.99 11.95
462 Body Physica Modern Pilates Mat Workout DVD - Lisa Johnson 16.99 19.99 11.95
374 Quick Fit with Andrea Metcalf DVD 16.99 19.99 11.95
453 Amy Bento Cardio Pump Hi Lo DVD 16.99 19.99 11.95
479 Gilad Ultimate Body Sculpt Series Elite Forces DVD 16.99 19.99 11.95
768 Gilad Total Body Sculpt Plus Functional Fitness DVD 16.99 19.99 11.95
538 30 Minutes to Fitness Body Design - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 16.99 19.99 11.95
871 Gliding Games DVD with Mindy Mylrea 16.99 19.99 11.95
920 Give me 10 More DVD - Amy Dixon 16.99 19.95 11.95
506 Gilad Lord of the Abs - Abs on Fire DVD 16.99 19.98 11.95
536 30 Minutes to Fitness Meltdown - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 16.99 19.99 11.95
478 Gilad 45/45 Split Routine Workout DVD 16.99 19.99 11.95
951 Give Me 10 Core Cuts DVD - Amy Dixon 16.99 19.95 11.95
1096 Belly Beautiful Workout Prenatal Fitness DVD - Patricia Friberg 16.99 19.99 11.95
1076 By Dancers for Dancers Volume 6 DVD Live Bellydance Performances 16.99 19.99 11.95
945 Gilad Total Body Sculpt Volume 3 DVD 16.99 19.99 11.95
1073 By Dancers for Dancers Volume 3 DVD Live Bellydance Performances 16.99 19.99 11.95
31-G Stott Pilates Intense Body Blast Pilates Interval Training 3 DVD Set 16.99 29.95 11.95
922 Gilad Total Body Sculpt Volume 2 DVD 16.99 19.99 11.95
890 Gilad Total Body Sculpt Volume 1 DVD 16.99 19.99 11.95
2213-C **USED** PiYo Strength Workouts DVD **USED** 16.99 29.99 11.95
431-L The Iron Strength Workout for Runners 2 DVD Set 16.99 24.99 11.95
39-E Gilad Total Body Sculpt Plus Peak Performance DVD 16.99 19.99 11.95
466-U The New Iron Strength Workout for Runners 2 DVD Set 16.99 24.99 11.95
476-H Gilad Total Body Sculpt Plus Cutting Edge DVD 16.99 19.99 11.95
476-i Gilad Total Body Sculpt Volume 4 DVD 16.99 19.99 11.95
476-R Gilad Total Body Sculpt Volume 6 DVD 16.99 19.99 11.95
651-L Spinning Spin And Slim Express DVD Mike Michels 16.99 24 11.95
694-J **USED** Zumba Step Review Choreography DVD & Music CD Instructor Release **USED** 16.99 29.99 11.95
875-G The Spartacus Workout 20 Minute Body Fat Torchers 16.99 19.99 11.95
138 Shazzy Fitness - A Time To Dance Christian Dance Workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
2120 Virtual Active American Southwest 2 Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
2107 Virtual Active British Columbia Rockies Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
2112 Virtual Active American Southwest 3 Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
1256 Virtual Active British Sierra Nevada 2 Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
2233 Virtual Active New Zealand Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
2119 Virtual Active American Southwest Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
1255 Virtual Active British Columbia Sea to Sky Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
2128 Virtual Active Pacific Northwest Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
1163 Virtual Active American Northeast Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
2129 Virtual Active Wild California Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
2132 Virtual Active American Northeast Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
1051 Burn Pilates Weights and Cardio with Lisa Corsello 17.95 19.95 11.95
209 Obegone Fitness Getting Back Into Life Beginner DVD 17.95 29.95 11.95
2118 Virtual Active Pacific Northwest Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
2109 Now Body Fitness DVD - Drew O'Connell 17.95 19.95 11.95
2137 Virtual Active Northern Rockies Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
2130 Virtual Active American Southwest Run DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
735 Susan Chung RapidFire Results DVD (Rapid Fire) 17.95 19.95 11.95
900 Cardio Barre Ultimate Advanced DVD With Bonus Workouts 17.95 19.95 11.95
384 Boston Body Barre Sculpt Express - Zayna Gold 17.95 19.95 11.95
708 Stephanie Levinson's High Intensity Cardio Intervals: The Flab-U-Less Workout DVD 17.95 19.95 11.95
512-H Pure Barre 16th Street Vol 2 DVD 17.95 19.95 11.95
409-C Pure Barre 16th Street Vol 1 DVD 17.95 19.95 11.95
2246 Virtual Active Compass - The Pinnacles Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
1122 Animal Yoga with Nicole Newman 17.95 19.95 11.95
165-P Pure Barre Lowry Lofts Vol 1 DVD 17.95 19.95 11.95
2245 Virtual Active Compass - Lundy Canyon Hike DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 17.95 19.95 11.95
160-J Pure Barre Pershing Square Vol 2 DVD 17.95 19.95 11.95
424-u Pure Barre Pershing Square Vol 1 DVD 17.95 19.95 11.95
473-F Intensity Overload No Equipment Required - Mindy Mylrea 17.95 19.95 11.95
819 Gin Miller Simply Interval Short & Sweet DVD 17.99 19.99 11.95
186 Chair Pilates 2 DVD Set Caroline Sandry 17.99 20 11.95
491 **USED** Insanity 10 DVD Base Kit DVDs Only (No Guides) - Shaun T **USED** 17.99 119.99 11.95
967 Tamilee Webb Platinum Series Buns of Steel 2000 - 3 DVD Set 17.99 19.98 11.95
2075 Soli Beat 8 High Energy Dance Routines DVD (Solibeat) 19.95 26.95 11.95
322 The Signature Series Volume 2 Tracie Long Fitness 16.98 21.98 11.98
321 The Signature Series Volume 1 Tracie Long Fitness 16.98 21.98 11.98
962 Karen Voight Ultimate Step Circuit 13.95 14.95 11.99
180 Jenny Ford Coast to Coast Volume 1 14.95 14.95 11.99
191 Dressed Up Drills DVD - Kristin Dowell 14.95 19.95 11.99
371 Tracie Long Focus Series - Break Through DVD 14.95 16.95 11.99
51 Masala Bhangra Bhangra Blast DVD 14.95 19.95 11.99
370 Core And Stretch It Out The Hollywood Trainer DVD With Jeanette Jenkins 14.95 14.95 11.99
50 Masala Bhangra Bollywood Blast 14.95 19.95 11.99
719 Bendigirl Yoga - Yoga for Kids with Kristin McGee 14.95 16.95 11.99
775 Yoga Slim DVD - Kristin McGee 14.95 16.95 11.99
834 Yoga Tone DVD - Kristin McGee 14.95 14.95 11.99
261 Soul Sweat Hot Moves, World Grooves - Chantal Pierrat 14.95 19.95 11.99
1036 Ilaria Powerstrike Volume 4 DVD - Ilaria Montagnani 14.95 19.95 11.99
74 Shazzy Fitness - Gospilates Hip Hop Dance Workout 14.95 16.95 11.99
163 Piloxing DVD Viveca Jensen 14.95 19.95 11.99
2020 Pilates for Men Band Workout DVD 14.95 19.95 11.99
928 Toby Massenburg's Afterburn DVD - After Burn 14.95 19.95 11.99
780 S3 - Strong, Sexy, Svelte DVD - Kristin McGee 14.95 16.95 11.99
1110 Tracie Long Figure 30 Butt DVD 14.95 16.95 11.99
1119 Spark People Total Body Sculpting - Sparkpeople 14.95 16.95 11.99
1120 Canyon Ranch Yoga for Strength and Energy 14.95 16.95 11.99
1 Chair Dancing Original Program - Jodi Stolove 14.95 14.95 11.99
1178 Birthlight: Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond - Francoise Freedman & Krystal Nash 14.95 19.95 11.99
1012 Escape Your Shape 21 Day Body Makeover DVD 14.95 16.95 11.99
238 Chair Dancing Sit or Stand Express Toning - Jodi Stolove 14.95 14.95 11.99
799 Canyon Ranch Strong and Sculpted DVD 14.95 16.95 11.99
184 Dancinerate Burn with the Beat DVD - Ilyse Baker 14.95 19.95 11.99
382 Barre3 Burner with Sadie Lincoln - Barre 3 14.95 19.95 11.99
193 Chair Dancing Sit Down and Tone It Up - Jodi Stolove 14.95 14.95 11.99
367 21 Day Total Body Circuit Workout The Hollywood Trainer DVD With Jeanette Jenkins 14.95 14.95 11.99
736 Callanetics Tone Zone 14.95 14.95 11.99
236-M Body Groove Delicious Dance 2 DVD Set - Misty Tripoli 14.95 19.95 11.99
335-A The Essential 12 Minute Workouts - Robert Ferguson DVD 14.95 39.95 11.99
383 Barre3 Studio Shape with Sadie Lincoln - Barre 3 14.95 19.95 11.99
820 Ballet Beautiful Prima Series DVD - Mary Helen Bowers 14.95 19.95 11.99
221 Ilyse Baker Your Sexy Everything 14.95 14.95 11.99
583 Kelly Coffey-Meyer Step Boxing DVD 14.95 19.98 11.99
870 30 Minutes to Fitness Power Splits DVD - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 14.95 19.95 11.99
751 Best Games For Fun And Fitness Fit Flix DVD 14.95 19.95 11.99
549 30 Minutes to Fitness TLC Train Like A Contender DVD - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 14.95 19.95 11.99
485 Karen Voight Total Body Training Pilates DVD 14.95 14.95 11.99
1074 30 Minutes to Fitness Your Best Body DVD - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 14.95 19.95 11.99
424-N Total Body Fat Burning Workouts 2 DVD Set - Danette May 14.95 24.95 11.99
648-H Tracy Anderson Method - The Pregnancy Project 14.95 19.95 11.99
1131 Masala Bhangra - Bollywood Diva Style with Sarina Jain 14.95 19.95 11.99
648ZZ Kelly Coffey-Meyer Complete Cardio Sculpting DVD 14.95 19.98 11.99
944 30 Minutes To Fitness Body Shop 14.95 19.95 11.99
977-Y Manga Yoga 'Cherry Blossom' Yoga for children 14.95 19.95 11.99
1052-B Chiaradina Your Spirit Matters Titibhasana Flow DVD 14.95 19.95 11.99
176-C Spinervals Competition Series 32.0 Extreme Threshold Training 14.95 19.95 11.99
481-U Flexible Warrior 1.0 Athletic Yoga for Triathletes - Athletic Yoga for Sports Series by Spinervals 14.95 29.95 11.99
512-X Keep on Rebounding workout 14.95 19.95 11.99
594-V Mosha Fitness - Mo Better Me Workout Vol. 1 DVD & Music CD 14.95 19.95 11.99
604 Anni Mairs Force Fitness Jump Force DVD 14.95 19.95 11.99
650-S Tracy Anderson Method - Beginner Dance Cardio Workout 14.95 19.95 11.99
752 Kids Fitness Parachute Games And Ball Games DVD 14.95 19.95 11.99
981ZZ 30 Minutes to Fitness Step Boxing 2 DVD - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 14.95 19.95 11.99
982-F Spark People The Spark Fit, Firm & Fired Up - Sparkpeople 14.95 16.95 11.99
90 Prenatal Pilates with Carrie Koziol 14.98 16.98 11.99
732 Tracey Staehle Fit and Strong Pre and Post Natal Workout DVD 14.98 19.98 11.99
718 Tracey Staehle Walking Strong Treadmill DVD 14.98 19.98 11.99
717 Tracey Staehle Circuit Zone (Circuitzone) DVD 14.98 19.98 11.99
252 Spark People 28 Day Bootcamp DVD 14.98 16.98 11.99
357-N Yoga Burn 4 DVD Set - Zoe Bray-Cotton 14.98 49.98 11.99
1090-Z Yoga Burn Monthly Month One: Restorative Yoga 4 DVD Set - Zoe Bray-Cotton 14.98 19.98 11.99
402-o Yoga Burn Monthly Ultimate Yoga Kick Start Kit 4 DVD Set - Zoe Bray-Cotton 14.98 19.98 11.99
1035-K Yoga Burn Monthly Month Two: Hatha Yoga 4 DVD Set - Zoe Bray-Cotton 14.98 19.98 11.99
194-A Tai Chi 6 Forms 6 Easy Lessons for Beginners - Dr Paul Lam 14.98 19.98 11.99
714-i Tai Chi 6 Forms 6 Easy Lessons for Beginners - Dr Paul Lam 14.98 19.98 11.99
z2186 5 Best Exercises Circuits 11 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 14.99 14.99 11.99
z2219 The Challenge Series 10 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 14.99 14.99 11.99
z46 Target 15 Series - 10 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 15.99 15.99 11.99
778 Tracey Mallett FIT DVD - Functional Intensity Training 16.99 16.99 11.99
842 Svelte U Workout One - Tracey Mallett 16.99 19.99 11.99
229 Meditations for Life DVD - Koya Webb 19.99 19.99 11.99
230 Complete Yoga for Beginners DVD - Koya Webb 19.99 19.99 11.99
72 Welcome to BollyFit DVD Anuja Rajendra 24.99 24.99 11.99
788 The Booty Barre plus Abs & Arms DVD - Tracey Mallett 17.95 19.95 12.95
792 Tracey Mallett Booty Barre Total New Body 17.95 19.95 12.95
766 Fuse Dance Cardio Lean DVD - Tracey Mallett 17.95 19.95 12.95
759 Fuse Dance Cardio Melt DVD - Tracey Mallett 17.95 19.95 12.95
755 Booty Barre Ballet - Tracey Mallett 17.95 19.95 12.95
2079 Supermodel Series Abs and Arms - Andrea Orbeck 19.95 19.95 12.95
347 Patrick Goudeau presents Kickbox Burn 19.95 19.95 12.95
861 Bodyfit 360 Energize Volume 4 - Michelle Dozois 19.95 19.95 12.95
2082 Xen Strength Yoga with Danielle Diamond 19.95 24.95 12.95
302 Release Yoga DVD - Patrick Goudeau and Erin Kirk 19.95 19.95 12.95
310 Grand Total Body Volume 2 Rarin' to Go Tracie Long Fitness - The Studio Series 19.98 21.98 12.98
304 Grand Total Body Volume 1 Tracie Long Fitness - The Studio Series 19.98 21.98 12.98
325 Metabolic Strength 5 & 6 Tracie Long Fitness - The Studio Series 19.98 21.98 12.98
323 Metabolic Strength 1 & 2 Tracie Long Fitness - The Studio Series 19.98 21.98 12.98
z822 You Build 18 Workout Challenge (2 DVD Set) - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 16.99 16.99 12.99
373 Grand Total Body Volume 3 Geared Up Tracie Long Fitness - The Studio Series 19.98 21.98 12.99
1173 Barlates Body Blitz Functional Barre Sculpt 3 DVD Set - Linda Wooldridge - 12 Workouts 22.99 24.99 12.99
2010 Mat Sculpt and Burn 3 DVD Set - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 22.99 24.99 12.99
2045 Barlates Body Blitz Endurance 100, 110, & 120 Interval Training 3 DVD Set - Linda Wooldridge - 12 Workouts 22.99 24.99 12.99
1170 Tone, Chisel & Sculpt 3 DVD Set - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 22.99 24.99 12.99
1175 Ankle Weights and Loop Sclupt 3 DVD Set - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 22.99 24.99 12.99
1192 Barlates Mix and Match Series 3 DVD Set - Linda Wooldridge 22.99 24.99 12.99
1166 Barlates Body Blitz Barre Sculpt and Burn 3 DVD Set - 9 Workouts with Linda Wooldridge 22.99 24.99 12.99
1171 Pilates Barre Fusion 3 DVD Set - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 22.99 24.99 12.99
1201 Barlates Body Blitz Cardio Sculpt Fusion 11 Workouts 3 DVD Set with Linda Wooldridge 22.99 24.99 12.99
1203 Barre Fusion 3 Ways 3 DVD Set - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 22.99 24.99 12.99
2077-2092 Barlates Body Blitz 2 DVD Set - Barre Basics and Intermediate - Linda Wooldridge 22.99 24.99 12.99
2092-1221 Barlates Body Blitz 2 DVD Set - Barre Intermediate and Advanced - Linda Wooldridge 22.99 24.99 12.99
z1234 1000 Rep Challenge Mat Workout 8 Workouts - 2 DVD Set - Barlates Body Blitz 17.99 17.99 13.99
z2264 Festive Fit DVD Series - 2 DVDs 5 Workouts - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 17.99 17.99 13.99
z43 Target 20 Series - 10 Workouts on 2 DVDs - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 18.99 18.99 13.99
1160-1168 Xtreme Burn Diesel and Bodyweight Blast - Mike Donavanik 2 DVD set 28 35 14
2167 The Firm Abs Hips & Thighs DVD - LaReine Chabut (Classic Firm Volume 5) 16.95 19.95 14.95
2172 The Firm Aerobic Workout with Weights DVD - Sandahl Bergman (Classic Firm Volume 3) 16.95 19.95 14.95
2173 The Firm Boomers DVD - Jayne Poteet (Classic Firm Volume 6) 16.95 19.95 14.95
2169 The Firm Time Crunch DVD - Susan Harris and Kai Soremekun (Classic Firm Volume 4) 16.95 19.95 14.95
793 Prenatal Yoga & Pilates - Kristin McGee 22.95 24.95 14.95
342 Suzanne Bowen Essential Prenatal Fitness 3 DVD Set 24.95 39.99 14.95
361 Sexy Abs DVD - Jeanette Jenkins & Kelly Rowland 19.98 19.98 14.98
271 Metabolic Strength 3 & 4 Tracie Long Fitness - The Studio Series 19.98 21.98 14.98
275 Core Movements 3 & 4 Tracie Long Fitness - The Studio Series 19.98 21.98 14.98
833 Extreme Exercise Makeover - Mindy Mylrea 19.98 19.98 14.98
903 Fluid Strength - Mindy Mylrea 19.98 19.98 14.98
314-L Creative Yoga DVD - Claire E Diab 19.98 19.98 14.98
335-N. The Biggest Loser The Last Chance Workout DVD - Jillian Michaels 19.98 19.98 14.98
409-R Yoga for Surfers Volume 2 Fluid Power Yoga- Peggy Hall 19.98 29.98 14.98
745-Y Yoga for Surfers Volume 3 Unleashed - Peggy Hall 19.98 29.98 14.98
wwdance Weight Watchers The Ultimate Dance Party Kit - Ilyse Baker 19.99 24.99 14.98
97 Jari Love Get Ripped in 6 Minutes 2 DVD Set 24.98 24.98 14.98
939 Tamilee Webb Classic Buns of Steel Collection Volume 2 - 3 DVD Set 17.99 19.98 14.99
682 Callanetics Collection - 8 workouts on 2 DVDs 17.99 24.99 14.99
746 Xtreme Strength Circuit on the Ball DVD - Gin Miller 17.99 19.99 14.99
645 Cathe Friedrich High Step Training DVD 17.99 19.99 14.99
625 Cathe Friedrich Ab Hits DVD 17.99 19.99 14.99
646 Cathe Friedrich Pure Strength Series 3 Workouts DVD 17.99 19.99 14.99
781 Simply Strong DVD - Gin Miller 17.99 19.99 14.99
1090-J Real Moves Workout DVDs by Real Appeal - 6 DVD Set 17.99 39.99 14.99
2198-C **USED** Focus T25 Alpha & Beta - Shaun T 9 DVD Set & Guides **USED** 18.99 59.99 14.99
763-M Hip Hop Abs Complete DVD Set & Guides - Shaun T 18.99 24.98 14.99
984 Cathe Friedrich Sts Ab Circuits DVD 19 22 14.99
1035-Q 22 Minute Hard Corps DVDs & Guides 19.9 39.9 14.99
862 On the Go Workouts DVD - Michelle Dozois 19.95 19.95 14.99
1111 Everybody Fitness Exercise Your Options DVD - Dana Pieper 19.95 24.95 14.99
2103 Formula 55 Feel the Burn DVD 19.95 24.95 14.99
368 Sexy Arms, Abs And Legs The Hollywood Trainer DVD With Jeanette Jenkins 19.95 19.95 14.99
369 Bikini Boot Camp The Hollywood Trainer DVD With Jeanette Jenkins 19.95 19.95 14.99
418 Patrick Goudeau Turn Up and Slim Down 19.95 19.95 14.99
460 Red Hot Dance Fitness - Christine Gallagher DeFilippis 19.95 19.95 14.99
96 Chair Dancing Life's a Celebration DVD 19.95 19.95 14.99
394 Jeanette Jenkins Sexy Abs Cardio Sculpt 19.95 24.95 14.99
2126 Virtual Active Indoor Cycling Group World Tour Northern Italy DVD 19.95 24.95 14.99
350 Jeanette Jenkins Power Yoga DVD 19.95 19.95 14.99
2149 Horizontal Conditioning Volume 4 DVD - Sandra Koulourides 19.95 19.95 14.99
469 Tangoflex For Mommies Low Impact Prenatal Workout 3 DVD Set - Victoria Sarquisse 19.95 47.95 14.99
1026 Core Transformer Fat Burn Fusion DVD Only - Linda LaRue 19.95 19.95 14.99
2184 Virtual Active Indoor Cycling Group World Tour Wild California DVD 19.95 24.95 14.99
933 Be Moved Total Mind Body Dance Workout - Bollywood DVD - BeMoved 19.95 24.95 14.99
1031 Core Transformer 3D 1,000 Calorie Burn DVD Only - Linda LaRue 19.95 19.95 14.99
428 Bikini Bootcamp Volume 2 - Jeanette Jenkins 19.95 19.95 14.99
2285 Spinervals Competition Series 49.0 - Serious Intervals 19.95 24.95 14.99
2113 Strong Stride Cardio Strength DVD - Lisa Watson 19.95 19.95 14.99
364 Blast the Belly Fat DVD With Jeanette Jenkins 19.95 19.95 14.99
723 Chair Dancing Around the World - Jodi Stolove 19.95 19.95 14.99
749 Chair Dancing Favorites Greatest Hits - Jodi Stolove 19.95 19.95 14.99
825 Aero Barre Michael Olajide Aerospace NYC DVD Aerobarre 19.95 19.95 14.99
2127 Virtual Active Indoor Cycling Group World Tour Pacific Northwest DVD 19.95 24.95 14.99
1103 Chair Dancing Sit or Stand Latin, Soul and Rock N Roll - Jodi Stolove 19.95 19.95 14.99
529 Chair Dancing Chair Yoga - Jodi Stolove 19.95 19.95 14.99
663 Ballet Beautiful Classic 60 Minute Workout - Mary Helen Bowers 19.95 19.95 14.99
801 Ballet Beautiful Swan Arms Cardio DVD - Mary Helen Bowers 19.95 19.95 14.99
671 Ballet Beautiful Supermodel Workout - Mary Helen Bowers 19.95 19.95 14.99
2083 Grey, Medium Stability Ball with Pump 19.95 19.95 14.99
2287 Joel Harper Fit Pack 9 Short Workouts DVD 19.95 24.95 14.99
960 Patrick Goudeau Playball in 4 (Play Ball) DVD 19.95 19.95 14.99
1129 Prenatal Dance with Menina DVD 19.95 24.95 14.99
869 30 Minutes to Fitness Cardio Fit DVD - Kelly Coffey-Meyer 19.95 19.95 14.99
205 Karen Voight Ballet Bodysculpt DVD 19.95 19.95 14.99
2115 Virtual Active Indoor Cycling Group World Tour American Southwest DVD 19.95 24.95 14.99
899-X Shiva Rea Yoga Shakti DVD 19.95 29.95 14.99
767 Ballet Beautiful Backstage Workout DVD - Mary Helen Bowers 19.95 19.95 14.99
282-N Zuzka Power Cardio Series Z-CUT Disc 3 19.95 24.95 14.99
512-W Bodywisdom Prenatal Fitness 3 DVD Set 19.95 29.95 14.99
514-S Don't Exercise - Cellercise DVD - David Hall 19.95 29.95 14.99
954-X Ultimate Perfect Workout Rob Riches 4 DVD Set & 1 Audio CD 19.95 29.95 14.99
992-M Zuzka Power Cardio Series Z-CUT Disc 2 19.95 24.95 14.99
643-V **USED** Tony Horton P90X Extreme Home Fitness 12 DVD Set (DVDs Only) **USED** 19.99 119.95 14.99
2110 Groovy Sweat Series DVD with Maria Solon Scally 19.99 29.99 14.99
211-K Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program: Body Sculpting Collection 3 DVD Set 19.99 39.99 14.99
1019-K **USED** Brazil Butt Lift DVD Set & Guides **USED** 19.99 59.99 14.99
183-P Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program: Starter Package 3 DVD Set 19.99 49.99 14.99
936 Resist-A-Ball Peak Athletic Conditioning DVD Resistaball 19.99 24 14.99
1098-Q **USED** Zumba Complete Total Body Transformation System 3 DVD Set **USED** 19.99 49.99 14.99
1080-J Flirty Girl Fitness The Teaser Collection Booty Beat & Just Teasing 2 DVD Set 19.99 29.99 14.99
466-Y Simplified Tai Chi for Beginners Learn the 24 Form - Helen Liang 19.99 29.99 14.99
500-L Zumba - Basic Steps Level 1 Review Choreography DVDs & Music CD Instructor Release 19.99 29.99 14.99
559-S Svaroopa Yoga for Pregnancy with Rama Berch 19.99 29.98 14.99
644-Q **USED** Yoga Zone Ultimate Collection 6 DVD Set **USED** 19.99 79.99 14.99
710-C Tai Cheng DVDs Only - Phase 1-4 & Master Scroll 19.99 49.99 14.99
745-o Gravity Pilates Reformat Evolved Series - Elizabeth Leeds 19.99 34.99 14.99
860-S Qi Gong Flow For Beginners DVD - Lee Holden 19.99 19.99 14.99
z852 Tighter Assets Series Level 1 and 2 DVD (2 DVD Set) - Barlates Body Blitz 19.99 19.99 14.99
z853 Tighter Assets Series Level 3 and 4 DVD (2 DVD Set) - Barlates Body Blitz 19.99 19.99 14.99
526 Fit Evolution Steel Strong with Reaghan Hayden 21.95 24.95 14.99
588 Spark People 2 DVD Set - 28 Day Bootcamp & Total Body Sculpting DVD 21.98 24.98 14.99
2085 Supermodel Series Butt & Thighs DVD - Andrea Orbeck 21.99 21.99 14.99
2067 Pregnancy Sculpt - Andrea Orbeck 21.99 21.99 14.99
812 Aero Jump Sculpt Michael Olajide Aerospace Nyc DVD 21.99 24.99 14.99
z1239 Barlates Beginners Series 12 Workouts 3 DVD Set - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 21.99 21.99 14.99
z1242 New Year Meltdown 12 Workout Challenge (3 DVD Set) - Barlates Body Blitz - Linda Stejskal (Wooldridge) 21.99 21.99 14.99
z150 Slide & Glide Series (Sliders Series) 12 Workouts 3 DVD Set - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 21.99 21.99 14.99
z158 Barlates Shape, Tighten, Burn Series 13 Workouts 3 DVD Set - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 21.99 21.99 14.99
z2051 Barlates Bounce Series 13 Workouts 3 DVD Set - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 21.99 21.99 14.99
z2145 Torch and Sculpt Series 12 Workouts 3 DVD Set - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 21.99 21.99 14.99
z246 Endurance 70, 80, and 90 Series 12 Workouts 3 DVD Set - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 21.99 21.99 14.99
z396 Fusion Flow Series 12 Workouts 3 DVD Set - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 21.99 21.99 14.99
z445 Barlates Interval Series 13 Workouts 3 DVD Set - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 21.99 21.99 14.99
z471 Barlates Mat Series 12 Workouts 3 DVD Set - Barlates Body Blitz - DVD-R 21.99 21.99 14.99
1007 Baby On Board Prenatal DVD - Peggy Hall (Yoga for Surfers) 22.95 29.95 14.99
2299 Spinervals Virtual Reality Series On the Road Las Vegas Nevada Training Ride 22.95 24.95 14.99
16 30 Day Transformation 2 DVD Set - Crosby Tailor 22.95 24.95 14.99
530 Sweat Unlimited - Sara Haley 22.95 24.95 14.99
1037-i Nadoona Extreme Cutting Edge Workout Series for Women 2 DVD Set 22.99 29.99 14.99
barbhangrawbars Masala Bhangra - The Bar Bhangra Workout including 1 set of Bars with Sarina Jain 24.95 39.95 14.99
127 Get Super Shredded by Evolution 20 - Christine Bullock 24.95 24.95 14.99
2224 Spinervals Competition Series 13.0 Tough Love 24.95 34.95 14.99
2272 Spinervals Ultra Conditioning Series 3.0 Ultra Full Body with Iron Girl DVD 24.95 29.95 14.99
2274 Spinervals Ultra Conditioning Series 5.0 Ultra Total Body DVD 24.95 29.95 14.99
425 6 Weeks To Sculpted with Ashley Borden 24.95 24.95 14.99
2265 Spinervals Virtual Reality Series On the Road Tucson Training Ride 24.95 34.95 14.99
2261 Spinervals Fitness Series 5.0 Fitness Amplifier with Iron Girl DVD 24.95 29.95 14.99
2226 Spinervals Competition Series 21.0 Aero Base Builder IV 24.95 29.95 14.99
2223 Spinervals Competition Series 10.0 Ride and Stride 24.95 29.95 14.99
2225 Spinervals Competition Series 15.0 Have Mercy the Sequel 24.95 29.95 14.99
2259 Spinervals Fitness Series 3.0 Enter the Red Zone DVD 24.95 29.95 14.99
2227 Spinervals Competition Series 25.0 Aero Base Builder V - The Compilation 24.95 29.95 14.99
2217 Spinervals Competition Series 45.0 Showdown at the Coyote Corral 24.95 34.95 14.99
1146 EKG - Evolution Kettlebell Groundwork 24.95 29.95 14.99
2232 Spinervals Competition Series 44.0 On The Limit 24.95 29.95 14.99
2271 Spinervals Ultra Conditioning Series 2.0 Ultra Core Strength Builder DVD 24.95 29.95 14.99
3 Masala Bhangra Set - Hollywood Bollywood Style, Back 2 Bollywood, Scarves & CD 24.95 39.95 14.99
2266 Spinervals Virtual Reality Series On the Road Madison Wisconsin Training Ride 24.95 34.95 14.99
2216 Spinervals Competition Series 43.0 Aerobic Engine Builder 24.95 29.95 14.99
2228 Spinervals Competition Series 28.0 Aero Base Builder VI 24.95 29.95 14.99
2262 Spinervals Fitness Series 6.0 Riding with Iron Girl DVD 24.95 29.95 14.99
2273 Spinervals Ultra Conditioning Series 4.0 Ultra Upper Body DVD 24.95 29.95 14.99
2238-K **USED** The Masters Hammer and Chisel DVDs & Guides**USED** 24.95 59.85 14.99
511-M Tai Chi for Beginners 8 Lessons with Dr Paul Lam 24.95 29.95 14.99
910 Yoga for Board Sports - Peggy Hall 24.98 29.98 14.99
1090-R Bodywisdom Yoga for Beginners & Beyond 3 DVD Set 24.98 16.98 14.99
2203-2221 Feeling Pretty Remarkable The Knee Program Phases 1-4 24.99 29.99 14.99
141 Jari Love Get Ripped 1000 #3 - Calorie Crusher Workout DVD 24.99 24.99 14.99
2160-2215 Feeling Pretty Remarkable The Low Back Program Phases 1-4 24.99 29.99 14.99
104 Jari Love Get Ripped and Jacked DVD 24.99 24.99 14.99
800 Aeropower Round One Upper Body DVD - Michael Olajide Jr 24.99 24.99 14.99
2077-2092-1221 Barlates Body Blitz 3 DVD Set - Barre Basics, Intermediate & Advanced - Linda Wooldridge 24.99 29.99 14.99
83 Jari Love Get Ripped Express DVD 24.99 24.99 14.99
887 PLYOGA Express USB Drive (NOT DVD) - Stephanie Lauren - 3 Workouts 24.99 29.99 14.99
194-L Core Rhythms Dance Exercise Program: Starter Pack 4 DVD Set 24.99 49.99 14.99
187-B Metabolic Aftershock 15 Minutes of Sweat, 48 Hours of Burn DVD Set - Jade Teta 24.99 39.99 14.99
1116-D **USED** Insanity Max 30 Base DVDs Only **USED** 24.99 79.99 14.99
260-i Flirty Girl Fitness The Teaser Collection Chair Dance & Chair Fit 2 DVD Set 24.99 49.99 14.99
338-C Runner Core DVD & CD Set with Al Lyman 24.99 49.99 14.99
135-137-34-91 Set of 4 TLT Tracie Long Training DVDs 25 59.96 15
658 Cathe Friedrich Shock Cardio Athletic Step DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
624 Cathe Friedrich Hardcore Series Imax 3 Step DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
622 Cathe Friedrich Hardcore Series High Step Challenge DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
668 Cathe Friedrich Shock Cardio Circuit Blast DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
613 Cathe Friedrich Butts And Guts DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
615 Cathe Friedrich Body Max 2 DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
548 Cathe Friedrich XTrain Cardio Leg Blast DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
619 Cathe Friedrich Hardcore Series Gym Style Legs DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
638 Cathe Friedrich Imax 2 Plus Cardio And Weights DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
631 Cathe Friedrich Kick Punch And Crunch And Legs And Glutes DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
724 Cathe Friedrich Ripped with HiiT - HiiT Circuit Lower Body 19.97 22.97 16.97
606 Cathe Friedrich XTrain Bi's and Tri's DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
610 Cathe Friedrich XTrain Chest Back & Shoulders DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
621 Cathe Friedrich Hardcore Style Gym Style Back Shoulders Biceps DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
702 Cathe Friedrich Rockout Knockout DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
674 Cathe Friedrich Shock Cardio Cardio Core Circuit DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
617 Cathe Friedrich Drill Max DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
679 Cathe Friedrich Low Impact Series Yoga Max DVD 19.97 21.98 16.97
795 Cathe Friedrich Step Boss Step Sync DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
630 Cathe Friedrich Hardcore Series Low Max Step DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
673 Cathe Friedrich Low Impact Series Cycle Max DVD 19.97 21.98 16.97
579 Cathe Friedrich Low Impact Series Athletic Training DVD 19.97 21.98 16.97
666 Cathe Friedrich Shock Cardio Hiit DVD - High Intensity Interval Training 19.97 22.99 16.97
618 Cathe Friedrich Cardio Hits DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
628 Cathe Friedrich Hardcore Series Core Max DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
686 Cathe Friedrich Shock Cardio Mma Boxing DVD - Mixed Martial Arts 19.97 22.99 16.97
709 Cathe Friedrich Pedal Power DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
761 Cathe Friedrich Ripped with HiiT - Lift it Hit it Chest, Triceps and Shoulders 19.97 22.97 16.97
633 Cathe Friedrich Step Jump And Pump And Step Blast DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
657 Cathe Friedrich Ripped with HiiT - Lift it Hit it Legs 19.97 22.97 16.97
687 Cathe Friedrich Shock Cardio Mma Kickbox DVD - Mixed Martial Arts 19.97 22.99 16.97
629 Cathe Friedrich Hardcore Series Muscle Max DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
640 Cathe Friedrich Intensity Series Boot Camp And Muscle Endurance DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
661 Cathe Friedrich Intensity DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
670 Cathe Friedrich To The Max DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
701 ICE Series Rock'm Sock'm Kickbox - Cathe Friedrich 19.97 22.97 16.97
727 Cathe Friedrich LITE Series (Low Impact Training Extreme) Body Stacked Sets: Lower 19.97 22.97 16.97
774 Strong and Sweaty Boot Camp Cathe Friedrich 19.97 22.97 16.97
550 Cathe Friedrich XTrain Super Cuts DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
620 Cathe Friedrich Hardcore Series Gym Style Chest And Triceps DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
652 Cathe Friedrich Shock Cardio Step Moves DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
660 Cathe Friedrich XTrain Legs and Rear Delts DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
690 ICE Series Boot Camp Circuit - Cathe Friedrich 19.97 22.97 16.97
720 ICE Series Chiseled Lower Body Blast - Cathe Friedrich 19.97 22.97 16.97
895 Tendu Toning #3 Unbarred - Rachel Speck 19.97 24.99 16.97
564 Cathe Friedrich XTrain All Out Low Impact HIIT DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
616 Cathe Friedrich Cardio Fusion DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
653 Cathe Friedrich Lower Body Blast DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
678 Cathe Friedrich Ripped with HiiT - Lift it Hit it Back, Biceps and Shoulders 19.97 22.97 16.97
681 Cathe Friedrich X10 DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
715 Cathe Friedrich Ripped with HiiT - HiiT Circuit Upper Body 19.97 22.97 16.97
744 Cathe Friedrich Low Impact Series Slide & Glide DVD 19.97 21.98 16.97
783 Cathe Friedrich Ripped with HiiT Plyo HiiT One & Two 19.97 22.97 16.97
672 Cathe Friedrich Low Impact Series Yoga Relax DVD 19.97 21.98 16.97
721 Strong and Sweaty Cardio Slam Cathe Friedrich 19.97 22.97 16.97
771 Cathe Friedrich Fit Tower Total Body DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
637 Cathe Friedrich Intensity Series The Terminator DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
654 Cathe Friedrich STS Total Body DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
632 Cathe Friedrich Body Blast Series Supersets And Push Pull DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
664 Strong and Sweaty PHA Training Cathe Friedrich 19.97 22.97 16.97
669 Cathe Friedrich CrossFire Workout DVD (Cross Fire) 19.97 22.97 16.97
688 Cathe Friedrich Shock Cardio Mma Fusion DVD - Mixed Martial Arts 19.97 22.99 16.97
706 Cathe Friedrich Greatest Hits Volume 1 - Step DVD 19.97 19.97 16.97
797 Cathe Friedrich LITE Series (Low Impact Training Extreme) Pyramid Pump 19.97 22.97 16.97
587 Cathe Friedrich XTrain Ride DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
598 Cathe Friedrich XTrain Tabatacise DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
623 Cathe Friedrich Hardcore Series Hardcore Extreme DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
641 Cathe Friedrich Rhythmic Step Interval Max And Maximum Cardio DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
656 Cathe Friedrich XTrain Burn Sets DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
609 Cathe Friedrich Flex Train DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
626 Cathe Friedrich Hardcore Series Kick Max DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
636 Cathe Friedrich Low Impact Step And Total Body Sculpting DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
777 Strong and Sweaty Ramped Up Upper Body - Cathe Friedrich 19.97 22.97 16.97
642 Cathe Friedrich Power Hour Maximum Intensity Strength And Body Max DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
738 Cathe Friedrich Fit Tower Boot Camp DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
608 Cathe Friedrich Step Boss PHA 3 DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
700 Cathe Friedrich XTrain Hard Strikes DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
711 Cathe Friedrich Step Boss Imax 4 DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
614 Cathe Friedrich Low Impact Circuit DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
647 Cathe Friedrich Classics Vol 1 Step Jam, Step Heat, Step Max DVD 19.97 22.99 16.97
779 Cathe Friedrich Fit Tower Legs, Glutes and Core DVD 19.97 22.97 16.97
772 Cathe Friedrich LITE Series (Low Impact Training Extreme) Cardio Party 19.97 22.97 16.97
764 Cathe Friedrich LITE Series (Low Impact Training Extreme) PHA 2 19.97 22.97 16.97
497-T Cathe Friedrich Low Impact Series After Burn DVD 19.97 21.98 16.97
756 Strong and Sweaty Total Body Giant Sets Cathe Friedrich 19.97 22.97 16.97
1218-1219-1220 Interval Barre Fusion 3 DVD Package - Linda Wooldridge - Barlates Body Blitz 29.99 34.99 17.99
1043 Peak Fit Challenge 10 DVD Set (NO BANDS) - Michelle Dozois 34.95 69.95 19.95
313-M Yoga Burn Total Body Challenge 4 DVD Set - Zoe Bray-Cotton 29.98 49.98 19.98
1144 Coreiculum 1st Semester 2 DVD Set & Band 29.95 29.95 19.99
182 Tai Chi for Beginners 3 DVD Set with Gary Wragg 29.99 32 19.99
249 XTFMax 12 Workouts on 4 DVDs - Stephanie Oram 29.99 29.99 19.99
976-P **USED** Beachbody 3 Week Yoga Retreat - 4 DVD Set & Guides **USED** 29.99 59.99 19.99
insanity13 **USED** Insanity 13 DVD Base & Deluxe Kit & Guides - Shaun T **USED** 29.99 149.99 19.99
314-E Insanity 10 DVD Base Kit DVDs Only (No Guides) - Shaun T 29.99 119.99 19.99
742-Z Stott Pilates Essential Matwork 3rd Edition - Moira Merrithew 29.99 49.95 19.99
z728 Holiday Fit 14 Workout Challenge DVDs (5 DVD Set) - Barlates Body Blitz 29.99 29.99 19.99
132 30 Days Ultimate Box Set with Caroline Sandry 30 30 19.99
1188 Sleek Technique Ballet Body 3 DVD Set 27.95 39.95 20
1215-1216-1217-849 Natalie Jill 7 Day Jumpstart Complete Set (4 DVDs) 39.95 79.8 20
397 Intense Intervals Volume 1 Instructor Training Kit - DVD, CD, & Booklet 34.95 39.95 24.95
242 Cardio Bounce Volume 1 Instructor Training Kit - DVD, CD, & Booklet 34.95 39.95 24.95
2239 Virtual Active Connect 18 Learn and Burn Wine Tour of California DVD - Treadmill or Elliptical workout 34.95 39.95 24.95
1084-o **USED NO CASE** JNL Fusion Exclusive Collection DVDs Plus Extras- 15 DVDs **USED** 34.95 59.95 24.95
181 Qigong For Health and Wellness 3 DVD Set - Mimi Kuo-Deemer 34.99 39.98 24.95
2200-AA **USED** Mossa Body Training Systems Group Kick Bonus Release Instructor Kit (CD, DVD, & Notes) **USED** 34.99 49.99 24.95
2201-AA **USED** Mossa Body Training Systems Group Kick Winter 06 Release Instructor Kit (CD, DVD, & Notes) **USED** 34.99 49.99 24.95
464-Y Zumba Sentao Review Choreography DVD & Music CD Instructor Release 34.99 49.99 24.95
986-Y **USED** Mossa Body Training Systems Group Kick Fall 05 Instructor Kit (CD, DVD, & Notes) **USED** 34.99 49.99 24.95
942 Kettlebell Revelation - Lauren Brooks 39.95 39.95 24.95
1092 Kettle Jitsu Revolution DVD - Joey Alvarado 39.95 59.95 24.95
733 Lauren Brooks Kettlebell Body 39.95 39.95 24.95
z852-z853 Tighter Assets Series Level 1-4 DVD (4 DVD Set) - Barlates Body Blitz 34.99 39.99 24.99
881 PLYOGA 3 DVD Set - Stephanie Lauren - 5 Workouts 39.99 49.99 24.99
916 PLYOGA Express Volume 2 USB Drive (NOT DVD) - Stephanie Lauren - 5 Workouts 39.99 49.99 24.99
1300 Buti Primal Flow 2 DVD Set with Anton Mackey 39.99 49.99 24.99
769 Lauren Brooks Body Sculpt & Conditioning With Kettlebells Volume 3 DVD 39.99 39.99 24.99
54 Wimberlean DVD & Bands - Jason Wimberly 39.99 49.99 24.99
1299 Buti Yoga Dynamic Flow - Bizzie Gold 39.99 49.99 24.99
1304 Buti Evolve 3 DVD Set with Primal Movement Alchemist Ben White 39.99 49.99 24.99
1281 Buti Yoga Soul Sweat - Bizzie Gold 39.99 49.99 24.99
2007 Buti Yoga Shakti Sweat 3 DVD Set - Bizzie Gold 39.99 59.99 24.99
1271 Buti Yoga Hot Core 2 DVD Set - Bizzie Gold 39.99 49.99 24.99
2011 Buti Foundations 2 DVD Set - Bizzie Gold 39.99 49.99 24.99
1266 Buti Rise 3 DVD Set - Bizzie Gold 39.99 49.99 24.99
989 One on One 3 DVD Set - Michelle Dozois 44.95 49.95 29.95
peakfitsystem Peak Fit Challenge 10 DVD System Collection - Michelle Dozois 49.95 89.95 29.95
1162 Operation Tonergy 6 DVD Set - Nikki Dastrup 49.95 59.95 29.95
11-50-51-4-5-17-207-23-37-bars Masala Bhangra Set -5 DVDs, 3 CDs, 1 set of Bars, & Scarves 49.95 99.95 29.95
1088 Bellyfit Elements 5 DVD Set - Alice Bracegirdle 59.95 89.95 29.95
753 Kettlebell Incinerator 2 DVD Set- Lauren Brooks 49.98 49.98 29.98
969 Qigong Tutorials 2 DVD Set - Mimi Kuo-Deemer 36.99 39.99 29.99
929 Qigong Seasons - Mimi Kuo-Deemer 36.99 39.99 29.99
994 Karen Voight Sleek Essentials 3 DVD Set 39.95 44.95 29.99
1084-P **USED NO CASE** JNL Fusion Exclusive Collection DVDs Plus Extras- 15 DVDs Plus Guides**USED** 39.95 59.95 29.99
1084-Y **USED NO CASE** RIPT90 14 DVDs Plus Guides**USED** 39.95 59.95 29.99
765 Lauren Brooks The Ultimate Body Sculpt And Conditioning With Kettlebells DVD 39.99 39.99 29.99
791 Lauren Brooks Body Sculpt & Conditioning With Kettlebells Volume 2 DVD 39.99 39.99 29.99
545 Yoga Journal Anusara Yoga Grand Gathering John Friend DVD 39.99 49.99 29.99
868 The Case Method HIIT workout USB Drive (NOT DVD) - Stephanie Lauren - 5 Workouts 44.99 49.99 29.99
894-877-897-876-874 Petra Kolber - 5 DVDs 40 99.75 30
692-698-676-693 4 Original Callanetics DVDs 45 79.96 30
63 Evolution 20 DVD & Nutrition Guide - Christine Bullock 49.95 49.95 34.95
355 Edge Booty Extreme Volume 1 DVD - Ingrid Romero 47 57 35
359 Edge Booty Extreme Volume 2 DVD Set & Bands - Ingrid Romero 59 89 39
139 Yoga for Everyone 5 DVD set - Nadia Narain 49.95 49.95 39.95
2066 Paul Katami 4X4 - 10 DVDs & Guides Only 79.95 79.95 39.95
649 Cathe Friedrich Cross Train Xpress 6 Workouts On 2 DVDs 49.99 59.99 39.99
2270-P **USED** Turbo Fire - 15 DVD Base & Deluxe Set **USED** 59.99 79.99 39.99
975 Dream Body Sweat Lab Series - Darby Brender - Fusion Fitness 69.99 84.99 39.99
meso1 Cathe Friedrich Sts Mesocycle #1 Muscle Endurance 12 DVD Set 69.99 99 39.99
meso2 Cathe Friedrich Sts Mesocycle #2 Hypertrophy 12 DVD Set 69.99 99 39.99
880-495-837-826-839-893-835-79 Set of 8 Tonique Workouts - Sylwia Wiesenberg 75 160 45
121 Walk Across America Program 50 Workouts / 50 States with Jenny Ford - 10 DVD Set 59.95 70 49.95
388 The Addiction Workout 6 DVD Set - Merle Silver Heavy Bag workout 79.95 89.95 49.95
fefit Fe Fit 90 Day Fitness Experience 8 DVD Set 99.95 139.95 49.95
1061 Dream Body Cardio Series 5 DVD Set - Darby Brender 89.99 129.99 49.99
878 Tonique Sunrise Hawaii Total Collection DVD - Sylwia Wiesenberg 75 85 55
228 Step Across America Program 50 Workouts / 50 States with Jenny Ford - 10 DVD Set 67 67 57
1138 Yoga Elementals with Tony G - COMES ON A USB STICK (NOT A DVD) 98 108 79
1117 Deepen Your Practice with Vytas 109 134.99 79
824 Cathe Friedrich Ripped with HiiT Discount Bundle set 99.95 99.95 89.95
675 Cathe Friedrich XTrain 9 DVD Set Plus User Guide 99.97 119.97 89.97

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