Lots of variety |
January 23, 2015 |
Laura S. from Rockville, MD
This workout has a LOT of high-impact moves. She stresses over and over that you should do moves at your level. She will begin with a lower-impact move and then take it higher impact (and you have the option of staying with the first move).
She is so very motivating. I really like her as an instructor. She's real and her background exercisers are real.
The pace of the workout is good. It's ambitious, but I would not describe it as too fast. And, moves just flow from one to the next, so I just kept going because it all flowed so well.
Overall, this is a really good workout for me, except that it is long with no chaptering. But, I wonder how often I will do it. Most of the time, I do shorter workouts because of time constraints before work.
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